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Bass Pedal Geek

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Posts posted by Bass Pedal Geek

  1. With the risk of increasing GAS, I'd like to share a recent P bass shootout I did. My very first Precision was #4 - a nice '79 Maple neck, heavy as hell...

    If you want, you can hear it here: [url="http://bass-pedals.com/fender-precision-bass/index.html"]http://bass-pedals.c...bass/index.html[/url]

  2. [quote name='AttitudeCastle' timestamp='1429954740' post='2756614']
    Definitely a neat little shootout!

    Listening over and over, the main things I've reaffirmed.

    Listening with ears, not my mind, and I really love P-basses :lol:

    Yep gotta love them. But luckily basses are not about monogamy - I love J basses too. (and Stingrays and... ;-) )

  3. I got the chance to play with an Eden CaiforniWAH a few weeks ago. And had a great time with it :-) If you're want to hear it and/or check out the review, please go here...


  4. Sweepable mids (semi-parametric design) are quite nice as they offer more flexibility than the ones with fixed frequencies. One way to approach this is to always bear in mind that whenever you increase any given frequency area, you actually turn down all others - and vice versa.

    It can also work well to work out your tone "backwards". Give the mid boost/cut knob a healthy boost. Then sweep through the mid frequency area and identify if there is a particularly problematic frequency in the room. Then cut inatead of boost that frequency. Just remember that often if you find a "nice" sound this way on your own, it may well be a completely different story once you're in a dense band mix.

  5. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1429264671' post='2749768']
    Easy to knock could be a bonus though if you decide mid-song that your pedal needs a slight tweak!

    I like a good looking pedal, but also think that looks are secondary. If there are some usability isseus that can be helped by choosing the less visually appealing knob/case/LED, etc. I am all for that. That said, I have always found it tough to adjust knobs mid-song with my feet. Maybe I just have chunky feet and/or poor body control in general! ;-)

  6. I tried one at Musikmesse earlier this week. It did't seem like it was entirely finished... The tracking was quite poor especially when you played chords (I treid it with guitar only unfortuately). However, it may have been tampered with by some random users getting into every menu dialing in weird settings - I didn't have much time so never really got into the menus to lurk around.

    Hope that price comes down though! ;-)

  7. Yeah, I have to agree that there are no set rules - no right or wrong. What you describe sounds to me like a very heavy tube emulation (blend at 100%). I like to use it at more sensible blend settings, BUT that is very subjective what you like the most. I have also never been a hugs tube amp fan, which probably explains why I like the BDDI at quite low blend settings. But I DO like it a lot. :-)

    [url="http://bass-pedals.com/tech-21-sansamp-bass-driver-di-review.html"]You can hear some of my favourite settings here...[/url]

  8. Ah crap... I had a 6 string MTD with 24 bands years back. Great bass and amazing tone, but I never could get used to the 6th string and also prefer 21-22 bands for slapping. So, I actually looked for a bass exactly like this one for some time, but never found it... I have moved on since then and are very happy with the basses I have today. But I di feel a slight build-up of GAS... :-/

  9. Just posted a new review. This time of the Wampler EGO Compressor. Nice pedal!

    I liked the sound, it's versatile, solid and not overly expensive (though not exactly cheap either).

    [url="http://bass-pedals.com/wampler-ego-compressor-review.html"]Wampler EGO Compressor Review[/url]

  10. I have the V1 and just did a review with some sound examples if you want to hear some of the settings. Overall, I think it quickly gets over the top if you crank the blend, drive and presence knobs too much. In fact I often use it completely neutral (but unched in), which adds somethig nice to the sound in certain cases. A bit hard to explain in words, but it is demoed in sound example 5 here:

    I have not yet tried the VT version, but will actually get one very soon and want to do some A/B comparison sound clips between v1 and v2.

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