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Posts posted by Bluepigbass

  1. I have the Fishman Platinum Pro which I use on acoustic gigs with my WAV EUB and Kala U Bass. The Fishman features a graphic eq, compressor and a phase setting which eliminates feedback (very useful). Great quality and I really like the sound I get, it is very flexible so most people should be able to get the tone they want. It is also a DI box and sends a nice balanced signal to the desk. I did try my sans amp which I use occasionally with my bass guitars, which this excellent piece of equipment is great for guitars I could not get a sound I was happy with from my EUB.

    Hope this helps


  2. Having a custom cover made for my Promethean Combo, a simple slip over padded cover with access hole to the handle on the top. My combo is being used exclusively at all my gigs at the moment so got to get the little guy a bit of protection. If the cover turns out okay I will post some photos and details of supplier.

    Nothing but praise for this little amp so far


  3. Bought a Promethean Combo last week, used it this weekend, one gig was a 600 capacity club, got a great sound with my MM Stingray, the DI signal to the desk was strong and generated a great tone through the PA. Nice tight focussed sound, plenty of depth. Used it at home with my EUB NXT upright it sounded great.

    No hiss that I have read about from my example.

    It looks ace and has a solid quality feel to it.

    On stage it keeps up, easily, with two guitar players, one using a mesa boogie combo and the other a fender combo as well as a sprightly drummer, the 10 inch speaker really cuts through. I will probably use it without PA support at small gigs, it has such a tight sound and good projection.

    Promethean P5110 gets a big thumbs up from me!

    Out with it 3 times this week ( I do a fair number of gigs) when time allows I will write some updates.


  4. I currently gig with a MM Stingray (elixir strings) and Fender P (with TI Flats), using a Markbass LMK and Accugroove 110L, a great little set up

    I recently bought an NXT EUB upright and want to use this for a few tunes at gigs and have been asked to do some recording. Have people any recommendations on cabs and amps that really suit the EUB?

    My current set sounds ok but I think I could get a better sound from the EUB. I play a lot of gigs 50 to 100 a year plus rehearsals, recording etc, so could do with a spare. Must be small, well made and light too.

    How does the new Ibanez Promethean work with EUB anyone tried this, and the TC electronics Classic and ts 2 x10 cab?

    Any views , experiences?

    Kind Regards


  5. Basschat Members,

    I am considering selling my Aguilar GS112 cabs £250 each

    There are in great condition and sound excellent, light and really well made.

    Gigging with different cabs at the moment and these are not being used, which is a great shame.

    Blackpool area.

    PM me if you are interested



    These are SOLD now thanks for all the enquiries

  6. [quote name='yorick' post='418235' date='Feb 24 2009, 12:37 PM']Anyone for Marc Mendoza? except me, that is!!!![/quote]

    Yeah I have met Marco, he has been a big influence on me, he plays so many different styles with real sincerity and panache, a great musician, and you will not meet a nicer human being. Stu

  7. [quote name='david_l_perry' post='580431' date='Aug 25 2009, 04:58 PM']Stu's band plays fairly low backline levels, pretty sure that was the main reason for using the single cab.

    I bought Shauns (4000's) 2 GS112's off him, great sounding cabs, but didn't for second suit his Rick tone at all. We go for massively different tones. I like a very modern twang, I like having the horn.

    At a gig where the backline was our pal, Stuarts 2 GS112's and Mark bass head, the first bass player had a tone to me that was superb (active warwick dolphin from memory...great player as well), shaun's passive Rick through the same rig just didn't do his playing any justice at all.

    I have been gigging recently with just the one cab, mainly as it is plenty loud enough for the small gigs I have been doing. but have to say the two cabs paired together are superb.

    As always, one mans tone is another mans bag of washing..... :)


    Hi Guys,

    Yes Dave, the main reasons for the single cab, is to get the backline level down so that my bass tone does not compromise the on stage monitoring, the three part harmonies etc on the Fleetwood Mac and Eagles tunes are quite tough on the singists and to give full authority to the sound engineer, front of house to get the best sound out of the performance i.e. no bleed over.

    That said, I have used my LMK and single GS112 as a backline without pa support, in smaller venues with my regular band and as a dep for a local blues band in both cases a simple vocal PA was in use. I had taken two cabs but ended up using one!!

    I see a lot bass players who perhaps do not appreciate how much cabs can throw their sound, they stand in front of a couple of 4 x 10s struggle to hear themselves whilst people in the middle of the room get too much volume. A bit of distance between bass player and cab can make a lot of difference. In many circumstances a smaller set up can give you more control.

    I play quite a lot, up to three gigs a week with my main band, a jazz band jamming session most weeks, and a rehearsal, convenience is important. I have my LMK in the markbass rucksack type case, so bass, cab, and amp can be carried from car into venue in one trip. I have used this set up since 2005 with no real signs of wear or breakdowns (after lots of gigs), I get a great tone using my MM stingray, feedback from other bass players has been positive and I may have inspired one or two purchases of LMKs and Aguilars!

    I also use a 1977 fender precision with tru bass strings and a Gary Willis Ibanez fretless, through the same set up and I think I get good results. I possibly agree with Shaun and Dave regarding the Ricks, I used a Rick for a while and whilst I got a good tone using my LMK and Aguilars my trace elliot rig really let the sound out better.

    One cab is plenty for most applications, especially if you have pa support. The master volume on the LMK seldom gets above 2! I cannot recommend the Mark Bass and Aguilar combination more highly.


  8. [quote name='4000' post='403472' date='Feb 8 2009, 04:01 PM']You all right Stu?

    I've played this, and whilst I don't really get on with Statii that well, it's a very nice bass.[/quote]

    Hi there matey,

    Yeah its a great bass, with such a busy gig schedule, I am struggling to get some good piccies done to show its conditon hopeful I wil get chance on Sunday. Thanks for the post.


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