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Posts posted by buff

  1. Read somewhere that the volume nob was a bit of a sod to get right (sounds dumb i know) person reconned it could do with 2 volume control's. Using 2 1x15 peavey BW cabs so should be up to it no problem.

  2. I need to sort myself out with a new amp, so i would be open to some sort of cheap jazz type bass and cash for my ltd bass. Natural finish with emg active MM HB pick ups a real joy to play. :)


  3. Does the hissyness show up when playing or when the amp is switched on without the bass going through it ? Also have thought about maybe a peavey tour 450

  4. My old peavey head has started playing up, so i was thinking of getting a lh500. I know they've been out a while now so now the dust has settled, do the people who are using them rate them over amp twice the price ???

  5. thinking of parting with my 63 re issue, bought in 91 has the odd mark on the body and the odd mark on the fretboard. Great tone etc fitted with emg active pick ups (no routing) Not sure of the market value to be honest, but its twice the bass my yank 62 re issue was.[attachment=20159:bass_018.jpg][attachment=20248:bass_019.jpg]

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