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  1. Unfortunately I didn't get the time to make any significant progress on my entry this month, but I'm seriously loving the diversity in work this month!
  2. I like this. I'm getting some Mad Max vibes from this. Looking forward to giving this a shot. I might see if I can't shred some guitar for this!
  3. Congratulations to Mornats! A well deserved win and an excellent crop this month. Looking forward to the next challenge !
  4. Here I come skidding with my entry for the month..If I had to defuse bombs for a living i guarantee it would not be done in a timely fashion, (if at all !) [url="https://soundcloud.com/jaedry/static-dystopia-2"]https://soundcloud.c...atic-dystopia-2[/url] I've been thoroughly enjoying everyone's entries this month. I might even have been listening to some on repeat! Looking forward to the voting tomorrow! (and perhaps, a few more pieces done by souls tardier than me ? )
  5. Hell to the yeah; I love this month's picture! I'm a huge fan of the sci-fi genre in all it's forms, (films, games, literature, etc). I hope I can do it justice this month!
  6. It's been a while since I tried my hand at the monthly competition ! Here's my entry, done in the absolute nick of time, which unfortunately, may show . https://soundcloud.com/jaedry/snow-race Love the other entries so far, Its going to be an interesting month ..
  7. Nice picture! I particularly enjoy surrealist, "dreamscape" themes, so I'm seriously looking forward to what everyone composes this month. (To be honest, a small part of me was worried that the elephant picture might show up, in which case I'd need to ransack a music shop of all its heavy brass)
  8. Congratulations Skol! It was a relatively tight race, however, all votes for well-deserved. Looking forward to seeing your retaliation, Bilbo!
  9. A nice collections of songs! Was a bit absent this month, I hope to put a bit more time in next month. Good luck to all who entered!
  10. I was a bit out of my depth this month. I came up with something two weeks ago, was unsure if I wanted it to be my submission or not, but still liked it enough to post. Fast forward 2 weeks, after many (failed, vain, put-adjective-of-your-choice-here) tries, I have to fall back on my first work. That being said, I'm still happy with it. [url="https://soundcloud.com/jaedry/thrash"]Family Discourse[/url] I like what the rest of you guys are doing though, some really creative entries considering the narrow scope of the subject.
  11. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1433764456' post='2793688'] I just wanted to comment on the fact that my piece has been listened to 49 times since I posted it last week. I have friends who are professional tv/film composers whose sound cloud pieces have 7 or 8 listens. Most of my stuff gets listened to a couple of hundred times! Power to the Basschat Composition Challenge!! [/quote] I think some views are the result of individuals putting the song on repeat, you'd be amazed how quickly it goes up. (personal experience haha) We really shouldn't be looking at numbers, the end of the month votes are what really count the most, at least as far as this competition goes. (but i'll be the first to admit that i enjoy seeing a nice, buffed up, view count anyway.)
  12. Good grief paul, give us a chance!! Really like what you have though, I'm a real fan of heavy guitar.
  13. Well this is certainly interesting! I can't help but think that some shredded guitar will be...useful in this endeavor.
  14. Congratulations to The Boy! It was a very hearty piece, one of my favorites. It was a close run this month, I wondered if we weren't going to have a dead heat. Looking forward to what next month brings!
  15. Congrats on Skol Jr.! Nice entries this month, looking forward to listening to all of them in detail!
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