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Posts posted by Balcro

  1. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='369799' date='Jan 4 2009, 11:37 AM']Hmm. They have a full-page advert in this month's Bass Player mag which doesn't really give much away.
    [url="http://www.wharfedale.com/"]There's something on their website[/url], but it gives nothing away either.
    I wonder what they're going to come up with...?[/quote]

    It does indeed look like Prosebass is right. Just another expansion into a new area.

    Oh God, it's so sad. All those great British Companies now reduced to just a brand within a conglomerate and all with interchageable parts. See also Harman International and Harvard Electronics. Just holders of Brand names. I must go and cry into my beer.


  2. [quote name='ped' post='368489' date='Jan 2 2009, 02:23 PM']Hi guys

    I will set up a thread where people can register interest in buying a T shirt (complete with a poll for choosing a size) based on the orange design for now. I will then see if I can get the same quality T shirts in other colours and adjust the design accordingly.
    Thanks everyone and keep the thoughts on designs etc coming - also any other products you would like to see (key rings, badges, USB drives, jackets, bags etc)

    Long sleeves please in medium. Ta.

  3. [quote name='beerdragon' post='367698' date='Jan 1 2009, 01:21 PM']That was Kelly Jones from the Stereophonics.[/quote]

    Thanks Beerdragon.

    I should re-emphasize my Kelly Jones comment. Not "some" as in a little bit. He has SOME talent.


  4. +1 for Jools' band. The drummer looks even older than me, but who cares about his age.

    Didn't see it all, went to bed about midnight.15, but 2 standouts for me.
    Annie Lennox. Superb performance. Songs delivered with real conviction and confidence. Class.

    Secondly, Dave Edmunds. Yeah, Ace. Just toe-tappin'.

    Martha Reeves & the Vandellas. Had the absolute top song for just after midnight on NYE. Dancing in the Street. God, didn't she make a mess of it. So disappointing and I think the Vandellas knew it too. Shame, the previous 2 songs were good.

    Young guy singer: ? ?? Kelly. Never seen or heard him before, but has some talent.

    Duffy - very average this time.

    Never thought anything of Lily Allen until last night. I only saw/heard one song, an old standard. Wow. Not spot on, she seemed to be nervous, but what was great was the way she sang with the freedom to make a mistake and not worry about it. Delivered. The confidence of youth I guess. I've almost been converted.


  5. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='356301' date='Dec 16 2008, 07:32 PM']I think this must be me.
    I've been playing for about a year now, teaching myself and trying do it properly with scales and a warm up routine.
    How is it that recently I seem to be getting worse?
    Is this normal?[/quote]

    Yea, normal.
    I've been doing this for 8 months, initially taking it very easy because I had a touch of RSI. Now OK.

    I'm in that classic position between 2 & 3, just like Skankdelvar says.

    So much good advice in all the posts.

    I like wateroftyne's idea. Just go and chat people up. I've got one mate who's a really rusty guitarist, but I have to take my bass round to him, and there's a supermarket manager with a Gibson & a Fender hanging on the wall as ornaments. There are hundreds and thousands like them out there. Go for it.

  6. Hi There,

    More background than experience.
    First came across Volt about 25 years ago, when they were seen to be supplying real hi-fi manufacturers. Cheap drive units they're not. A look on their web-site shows that they're supplying REL as well as Glockenklang. So I would guess they are into the high end commercial audio and professional studio monitors market. The emphasis appears to be on longevity, with high quality low distortion drive units.

    Seems reasonable to expect a high quality, clean hi-fi sound.

    Some of their units are shown on the wilmslowaudio.co.uk site, which is mainly biased toward DIY hi-fi.


  7. [quote name='Golchen' post='362104' date='Dec 23 2008, 04:09 PM']Any bass designs that really turn you off?

    I love the Status classic shape, but I REALLY don't like either the Kingbass shape or the newer Streamline. I know that they are great basses, but if I won either they would be straight on eBay with barely a pluck in anger. I find both unpleasant to look at!
    Another one for me is the GB rumour. It's supposed to have a womans curves, but I prefer my women with a little less ass! It makes me think of one of those chubby assed women in a renaissance painting rather than a curvaceous babe.
    If I had a GB I'd go 100% for the Spitfire.
    In no way am I knocking these superb instruments, many people have them and many love and admire them. This is just a totally personal opinion on aesthetics and not intended to offend.
    Any designs that you lot don't like???[/quote]

    Until I joined here some months ago. I'd never given it a thought, but now. Oh groan.

    First off, I play a black 'n white Precision copy. It's not saleable/tradeable and beyond critiscism - the missus bought it for me. Anyway the basic answer is probaly 95% of all basses. So it's easier to say what I like; sound, playability & or quality immaterial.

    The Status Stremline and Stealth. They look like works of art and were probably designed in the 21st century. If only they had heads and a mahogany body.

    A few Ibanezes. That's it.

    The dislikes: -

    RANT 1. Gibsons. Dreadful bodies and colours. The headstocks OK ,but the rest is in serious need of an industrial design consultant.

    RANT 2. Fenders and every clone or near clone, custom designed, hand-made whatever and anything with a Fender-like headstock. Include all those fancy names - GB, Shuker, Fodora, Sadowsky etc, etc., and on & on. So many I don't know all the names. BORING.

    RANT 3. Music Men. Can't stand the tear drop in the middle.

    RANT 4. Anything with an overlong thin pointy top-horn. Oh, and any bass or guitar which looks like it's made of petrified wood and been reclaimed from the sea-shore.

    C'mon out there. It's 2008.

  8. [quote name='Jarhead' post='362162' date='Dec 23 2008, 05:11 PM']A bit OT, but I was wondering, what do people recommend as a very bright string that holds its tone for a while, in 50-110 gauge. If possible without silk wrappings as well, but doesn't need to be. Any help greatly appreciated.

    Try ELITE Stadiums 50-70-90-110. Purple silks: brightish and with the slight added sound of flanger pedal. The thicker the string, the stronger the flanger sound. Still running mine in.


  9. [quote name='steve-soar' post='358266' date='Dec 18 2008, 08:49 PM']Body, bass, sound, oh yes.

    [u]TAKE 2.[/u]

    I've re-run it, this time a lot louder and watched lots of the Weather Report stuff, Joni M and Jaco. I'm beginning to get this, having put them all together. Not that I'll ever be a major fan, but it's not just the notes is it? It's about bringing the bass guitar out of the shadows like no one had ever done before and showing it to be a stand-alone instrument. It wouldn't have worked in rock, but Jazz Fusion. that'll do.

    He probably couldn't have done it without the swagger and eccentricity.

    Thanks for the prod. Balcro

  10. [quote name='steve-soar' post='358419' date='Dec 18 2008, 11:31 PM']Agreed, he was the Dali of bass guitarists, all the the time, all of the time.[/quote]

    Sorry Steve, I'm with Monz and Tombboy. It doesn't look that difficult, well it would be for me, but for hundreds of other B/C'rs it's not ground breaking.

    I've tried, honest I have, I've tried, even stood in Zavvi demanding to use the headphones and ploughed through 2 albums. Gave up disapointed. I've downloaded stuff as well but all to no avail. If you play bass you're supposed to like & admire Jaco, aren't you. He may have had prodigious technique, but that clip didn't reveal too much.


  11. [quote name='Stingray5' post='355229' date='Dec 15 2008, 06:01 PM']I'm wondering how many BCers used to frequent the various music stores around Shaftesbury Avenue, Charing Cross Road and Denmark Street, etc.
    For myself, I used to get the bus or tube and go 'up West' to check out as many music and guitar stores as I could in one day.
    Shaftesbury Avenue had the two-floor [i]Rose-Morris[/i] 'superstore'; [i]Guitar Village[/i] was opposite; down the street was [i]Take Five[/i] plus the dynamic duo of [i]Music City[/i] and [i]Sound City[/i] - not to mention their little brother [i]Drum City[/i] on Charing Cross Road where [i]Maccari's[/i] also still are today. Right around the corner on New Compton[/quote]

    Ah. happy days.

    I still remember the most beautiful stack I ever saw. Does anybody remember Gibson Amplification. This is circa 1970. I think it was in the Rose-Morris shop, Going north up Shaftesbury Avenue & about 250 yards before Centre Point, on the right. A thick pillared building where the bottom of the showroom window was about 4' above the pavement. There it was, in spangly metallic green (like a Ford Capri), including the grille. £2000 worth of guitar amplification. Gulp! Gasp! Pure showbiz. A HUGE cabinet with a valve amp on top. The green was not unlike the shiny cross on the bottle of "Day Nurse" in front of me now. Never seen one anywhere else or since.

    Keep walking straight on up Tottenham Court Road. Yes, I rememer Lasky's and many other "hi-fi" shops. but what you could also buy along there were chassis speaker units. I bought a Celestion G18C from one of them. Carried it home on the Tube. These days they'd charge me an extra ticket for it, it was (is) so big.


  12. [quote name='fretlessguy' post='314512' date='Oct 25 2008, 01:20 PM']I have a Fender 54 P-Bass Reissue with body thru stringing. It has a set of TIs on it. No problems.
    My Carvin ABG has body thru stringing with a set of GHS Precision Flats on it. No Problems thus far.

    Well, I think Beedster's picture paints a thousand words, doesn't it.

    In the end I chickened out. I have little cash to spend on what could be a potential disaster. I went back to heavy roundwounds.
    The consensus appears to be that TI Jazz Flats are the most accommodating brand for thru-body stringing (although not infallible) and maybe GHS Precision Flats are a possibility, although they don't seem very common over this side of the pond.

    Never did get a reply from La Bella.

    Thank you all fro your contributions.

  13. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='354334' date='Dec 14 2008, 04:36 PM']f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ckf*ck f*ck

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=110323038483"]I really hoped to be outbid[/url] BUT DAMN!!! I've got a figured necked musicman stingray5!!!!

    F*CKIN AYE!!! :huh: :)
    It's a crimbo pressie to phil, that's all!
    Please help, wtf will i tell her? How can I hide it?!
    GAHH!! I'm so happy, yet, terrified of the wrath of Katie! Help!!!![/quote]

    Cor! Look what I found in the Woolworths closing down sale! ..... or,
    With the collapse of the Pound against the dollar..... this was an absolute steal....or,
    I know you find these so sexy, I thought it was about time you played alongside me. So how about it.


  14. [quote name='Kenny_K75' post='343331' date='Dec 2 2008, 06:23 PM']Hi All,
    Just took up bass two months ago. Starting with an encore bass. Bought a Fender Rumble 100.
    I need to know what should the gain and volume be set at on the bass and what is the best neutral
    setting for the amp. Compressor or not? general EQ settings etc. At present the E String has a habit
    of clicking when played open. Didn't get that with the 10 watt practise amp? Any ideas ?[/quote]

    Hello fellow Encore player. Just so happens I asked a very similar question about gain & volume 4 or 5 months ago. A different amplifier, but I think the principle is the same.

    Bass Volume control set to a maximum of about 70-75% of it's rotation. Beyond that it tends to "boooom" out a little.

    Bass tone controls: turn them up or down as you wish.

    Amplifier gain control: set to about 2/3 of the maximium rotation.

    If you have the offset twin pick-ups, try screwing them down a little away from the strings. Just try half a turn all-round to start with, to see if it makes any difference to the clicking. I think you need about 3 - 4mm between the pick-up and the underside of the "E".

  15. [quote name='Absolute-beginner' post='347593' date='Dec 6 2008, 11:21 PM']Cheers Hamster.
    I realize that the unit probably isnt going to cut it for playing a gig. But it does sound better than the drive 10w practice amp that i bought although it must be said that it aint so bad for what it is. I just thought that i might be damaging it by using it in its current set up.
    A 'proper' amp/speaker/combo is something that I have been mulling over for a while. I know bugger all about them! Going into a shopo full of them dont help, 'cos I am, a bit embarressd about not being able to play anything worthwhiile yet to get a proper idea about what the amp 'shoul' sound like.
    thanks for your help !

    FWIW I agree with Hamster.

    PS. learn 2 or 3 lines or parts of songs. Play 'em to death. Then walk in the shop. Just like me. Base camp 1.

    Cheers, Balcro

  16. [quote name='Sarah5string' post='345075' date='Dec 4 2008, 08:55 AM']I'm looking to buy another 5 string. Currently I'm leaning towards the Ibanez BTB 305fm but have yet to go properly guitar shopping and play a few, so just looking for a few recommendations. :)
    What I'm after,
    5 string, Fretted
    Preferably Active or at least active preamp
    I pick, never slap or pop. Occasional fingerstyle.
    I play rock/metal.
    I like a warm, soft and mellow tone and have a dislike of treble. lol
    Something that looks cool and original but not OTT
    I don't like P-basses or Jazz basses. Budget £300-£350 max.

    Fanks :huh:[/quote]

    Just speaking for the Ibanez's 'cos I've drooling over them myself.
    The BTB 305 looks like it ticks all the boxes: Mahogany body, 35" scale and good "eq" that gives a positive bass lift, not a bass-middle hump. Squarish section body contours. Fairdealmusic in Birmingham appear to be selling them for £269!
    The SR505 looks gorgeous, but perhaps with a little less edge (visually) than you'd like. I think the eq system is the same as the BTB 305. 34" scale. Rounded body contours.

    Check out the info on the Ibanez web-site for facts, figurtes and sizes, but select US for language. The UK language site doesn't show you the "eq" graphs.
    Try them in your hands before you buy. Enjoy the search.

  17. [quote name='Golchen' post='343832' date='Dec 3 2008, 09:39 AM']I get problems with this as well. At my worst point my fretting fingers get cracked and bleeding and it just won't heal unless I lay off playing for a couple of weeks - have to swap to keyboards for my musical fix!. When I really want to play I end up using a combination of plasters, nu-skin and superglue!
    I also have a problem with onycholysis, which is the fingernail separating from the nail bed - excruciatingly painful, especially when bending strings (mostly with the old geetar)
    The bane of my life!!!!![/quote]

    It is your life!
    I don't know how to start this reply, it's either type in capitals, say AArrgggghh!, or scream. How about "for God's sake look after your skin". There, I feel better now.

    Nickel allergy with contact -> localised irritation & skin cracking -> fungus enters via cracks in skin -> onycholysis!! Seem reasonable. What else could fall off?

    Switch to stainless strings and frets. Also try coated strings or those plastic/rubber strings.

    PS. Golchen, do you use lots of string & fret board polishes or treatments? If you do, cut those out as well, at least until you've got your hands back to as normal as they ever will be. Now that you've got nickel allergy, your skin is probably also ultra-sensitive to a host of other compounds including mineral oil.

    Best of luck with your problem.

  18. [quote name='Murph_Orpheus' post='338678' date='Nov 27 2008, 05:26 PM']Hey guys, I'm looking for suggestions to try out new strings. Mainly I've used Warwick Black Label over the last 2 years and before that it was Roto Sound and D'Addario. So, any suggestions? :)[/quote]

    I'm just running in a new set of "Elites" Stadium Heavies 50 - 110. £13.95 post free from Stringsdirect. I think that's good value. It's early days, but at the moment I have zing and depth. Long scale is good enough for a 35" scale via bridge or like mine, 34" through-body.

    Good luck with the search.

  19. [quote name='leschirons' post='337906' date='Nov 26 2008, 11:56 PM']Hi,
    Anyone got any experience with Nickle allergy problems? I reckon I have this. A small itchy rash mainly on fretting hand but has now spread to picking hand. Can clear it with Cortizone cream but as soon as I spend about an hour on the bass, it's back again. Need some info on Nickle-less strings. Have been in touch with Elixir about the Nano webs but thay can't tell me if they have any Nickle in them or if the coating will wear off (Doh)
    It's a lot more common that we think.

    Thanks, keith[/quote]

    Yes Keith it's alot more common than you think.

    I picked up on this a some years ago when as part of my job I inspected ear-piercers and body piercers. It's a well known problem in the "beauty" business. I would think that most girls know about it, particularly from the "sleepers" in pierced ears.
    It's one of the reasons I will never knowingly use strings with a nickel content, either as content in an alloy or as a plating. I dont have this allergy and I don't want to acquire it.

    I've only been a member here for a few months, but knowing what I did about nickel, it amazed me that nickel continues to be used for guitar strings. I dont have scientific proof in front of me, but I think that the allergy reaction will be so much more immediate where you have tiny cracks or splits in the skin to start with.

    Good luck.


    PS. Dear Admin,
    May I suggest this topic is pinned for a short while before being transferred to the "wiki".

  20. [quote name='bluesparky' post='335377' date='Nov 24 2008, 12:03 PM']Hi all, i have been known to use [url="http://www.gear4music.com/inventory-detail/index/?int_product_id=9533&gad=COO_5foBEgjUTSM1_6-iXBi0mZL_AyDfv5AR"]Fast Fret[/url] to add a bit of zing to my strings and make them feel a little smoother and silkier.
    Then someone (who's opinion i value) said it eats away at the wood in the neck and doesn't do it any good in the long run.
    Does anyone know anything about that? Or does anyone use any product on their strings to add like to them?
    I'm sure it's probably been covered before in a topic somewhere but i couldn't find anything about it. Thanks[/quote]

    This subject is just apt for me, as I've just ordered my first ever bottles of Fast-Fret. One for me and one for a mate.

    Elsewhere, in the "Repair & Technical Issues forum, "Mottlefeeder" makes a good observation when talking about cleaning his Warwick. He uses boiled linseed oil to nourish the wood and a Colron polish for the body. Now that makes sense to me.

    I think I'll use the F-F for a [u]quick clean[/u] of the rosewood neck. I guess it may have some astringent qualities which will neutralise a build up of finger grease. I'll rub it on to clean, then quickly rub off with a dry cloth to remove the grime and oil residue.
    There's no way I'm going to rub in WD40. If you've ever had a really mucky session under the bonnet you'll know it has a tendency to dry up your skin something rotten. So what's it going to do to the natural oils in wood? Why would you rub a mineral oil into wood when there are plenty of wood related oils?

    To nourish the wood, it's Linseed oil for me. Apply generously, rub in, wipe of the excess and leave to dry for a day or so. Before use, thoroughly wipe down the neck again with a clean dry cloth. You don't want to get any of these products on the skin for any length of time.

    Any more takers for Linseed oil?


  21. [quote name='markytbass' post='326326' date='Nov 10 2008, 09:52 PM']How do you find out what power rating of a speaker is? I know it is printed on most units, but what if it isn't?[/quote]

    You could start by posting a couple of pictures. Front, back & sides. If you remove the unit from the cabinet, then you will usually find some sort of serial number or code stamped or cast into the chassis. That info and the pics could be a starter. Then the opinions will come flooding in.


  22. [quote name='edstraker123' post='325911' date='Nov 10 2008, 01:43 PM']Saw Hadrien Feraud at bass day yesterday and undoubtedly the guy is a musical genius but boy was it dull ! It was obvious that loads of people there loved this kind of music but I really don't understand it's appeal - just sounds like a babble of random notes to me. What's it all about ?[/quote]

    It depends upon whose jazz you're listening to. Some of its listenable/accessible and other stuff is purely academic.
    Twirly sounds & twisted themes, borrowed/imported thems, disappearing themes, returning themes and completely
    off the theme. I guess it's musicians entertaining themselves rather than the audience. I would also hazard a guess
    that half the audience don't get it either, but they go along with someone else who does because they want to be cool.

    I've bought CD's by the following: -

    1. Ray Brown - EUB, 3 CD's
    2. Stanly Clarke - guitar and EUB, 2 CD's.
    3. McCoy Tyner Trio (Charnett Moffat - bass).
    4. Tokyo '96. Jarrett/Peacock (bass)/DeJohnette.
    5. Brian Lemon Trio. (English).
    6. The Organ Trio, (English).
    7. Alec Dankworth & Co. EUB, to name but a few and I've download many others. As far as I'm concerned 2,3,and 4
    are a complete waste of my time.

    2. SC hops, pops & slaps all over the place and plays so high it's almost alto. Virtuosity of the Bass neck.
    3. Bass is relatively comventional but McCoy T's arrangements to me, are off the wall.
    4. It's all off the wall, famous album or not. Played it twice but won't be bothering again.

    EDIT: insert Bilbo's large 3rd para from 3.15pm post. Crackin!

    Getting it is not compulsory. You're not a lesser musician or human being because you don't. I started piano
    lessons/reading music when I was 6 and you can see my opinion above. Listen to Noel Redding or Billy Cox playing
    the bass on Hey Joe. Then listen to L.Zep "Whole lotta love". Same notes? Does any of it matter? Technical wizardry
    doesn't equate to great song writing.

    PS. anybody want 2 Stanley Clarke albums - going cheap.

  23. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='313736' date='Oct 24 2008, 12:56 PM']Not again! We need a smiley for yawn![/quote]

    That's a good idea.

    A brilliant exposition, gentlemen and I wouldn't dare to intervene. There are still 2 rounds to go and by my reckoning and a slight "non-scientific feeling" Thunderhead is probably ahead by 15 points to 14.

    My knowledge on the subject has increased by 2% - the rest has gone completely overthe top of my head.

    I think BOD2 summed it up nicely and a nice entry from johnnylager. Personally, as I have a hi-fi cortex and a bass cerebellum I'm quite happy to match anything with anything. Never had a problem. Keep it clean; of you want overdrive or distortion - add a pedal.
    Why has no one ever devised simple lockable gain/volume controls? I can password lock my suitcase for a £1.

    Right bass_ferret, shall we go down the pub.


  24. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='310728' date='Oct 20 2008, 07:38 PM']+1 for through body TIJF - so far so good anyway. I thing this is in one of the myriad of threads on this subject or maybe the basschat wiki. It has come up before.[/quote]
    [quote name='kennyrodg' date='Oct 20 2008, 05:14 PM']- If it helps ive used TI jazz flats on a thru' body.The were fine.The Labella D/T's have a much higher tension than the TI's so maybe thats where the concern is.[/quote]

    Thanks guys. I've scanned many a web-site & even other forums on this. I think think this question of tension is part of the problem. I gather that "Fenders" are also high tension, while the TI'JF's are probably the softest. Perhaps that's the tiny amount of nickel in the composition.


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