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Posts posted by gadgie

  1. Okay my twopence worth from the past.
    There are many things to do with sounding good. Skill being a major one. I'm sure a skilled guitarist could make a mediocore guitar/amp sound far better than me playing through high end stuff. Another thing I have thought about in the past is the 'band' situation. We often play or pride and joys in the confines of the house. Practicing away by ourselves. We might have really good valve gear or SS gear, high guitars, the best cables etc. However I am of the belief that once you start playing along with the rest of the band banging away then you lose the little special things that make your rig sound great. Yes in your head you may feel better because you know how good the gear can sound and that translate into you having confidence etc. I really don't believe that the crowd out front can make out the differences though...especially if you're all going through a run of the mill house PA. I've found in the past that your eyes hear what the ears can't. If something looks the business then it's a fair chance your ears will hear it. Not always the case I'll grant you that, but there are times when it does.
    For me, I've played valve for years now, just because I can't be bothered selling it and getting a SS or hybrid (see GAS comment in other thread). I've heard some really good SS/Hybrid amps out there and I'm sure they would be good enough in a band situation.
    Now that just my twopence worth from a newbie.

  2. [quote name='steve-bbb' timestamp='1401785201' post='2466719']
    yes defnitiely this - and if the drummer and bass player are spot on then even a mediocre guitarist can get away with murder ;)

    I have been for years :)

  3. Thanks for the welcome guys.
    Trust me I suffer from GAS all the time. I've probably got enough gear to start a wee shop. The only problem being is that I find it hard to sell or trade stuff so end up keeping it:(
    Enjoying the bass and the jamming was good. I need to learn though that it's about being rock steady and not fancyshmanshy. Read the Sultans of Swing thread today and realised that:) Noticed that I've been listening to bass on songs now rather than the other stuff.....jeezo it can go to extremes though can't it.
    Away to 50p in the meter!!

  4. Now I'm no genius (I played guitar after all) so can someone tell me if this combo can be used either in 110v or 240v without any problem. What I mean is if I bought one from the states, could i simply plug straight into UK sockets (with a UK plug of course). Cheers

  5. Hi,
    Been playing guitar for a long time howver very new to this bass thing. However, I'm liking it a lot and decided to look for a decent portable amp. This will be for home use and for rehearsals with a small band. Although the band has two guitars and drum and vox.....it is not a loud one unlike my last band which was a punk covers band where I played guitar.

    So my thoughts are that the amp is portable and quite small. It would be good if it could be DI'd in the future or linkable to a cab etc for larger gigs....or just gigs even :)

    I'm willing to make adecent commitment to the purchase of this amp whatever it ends up being.

    Now the question. Which amp would you recommend?

    I have been looking at Phil Jones stuff and although they seem expensive I might push to something on that price region. However, if there is something 'better for less' then I'm all (half deaf) ears.

  6. Hi,

    Well after playing guitar for 30+ years, I have now ended up trying to take up the bass.

    How did that happen? Well to be honest it was luck...if you could call it that.

    I was out on my motorcycle on a nice sunny day and decided to visit an old friend of mine (lead guitar) who has played in various bands for years. I got to his house in the country and he's sitting out the back yard drinking coffee and smoking his roll ups. I asked what he was up to and he said that he was waiting for his girlfriend (singer) and her brother (guitar) and another old friend of mine (drums). 'We are going to practice for an upcoming gig' he said. Cool I thought, a free coffee, and free live music in the sun....and a nice motorcycle to get me home afterwards...what more could a man want?
    Anyway the rest of the band arrive and and the brother is looking glum. It seems that their 3rd bassist has let them down again. So 'he's out!' was the cry from the rest of the (minus a bassist) band.
    My friend asked if I wanted to play bass. I laughed and said I can't play bass. He said the the brother was currently helping out on bass as the other 3 had not really got going with the band. I still said no as I had no idea really what to do.
    Anyway they started playing their own tunes and they sounded not bad and my feet were soon tapping. I noticed the the bassist (the brother) was just playing root notes. Now I know what a root note is, so when they finished and asked if I wanted to jam with them on the bass I said yes.
    I loved it. Instead of playing single string notes like the brother, my guitar playing allowed me to figure out some other notes on different strings. The rest of them were smiling and nodding their heads etc. Afterwards they asked again if I would consider playing with them on bass. I said 'okay until you get a real player'.
    Been jamming 3 times now and practicing the songs on my own at home and really liking it.
    Borrowed a bass from my eldest son to get started. Now I've bought my own (or at least swapped one of my many guitars for one).
    Sorry to ramble on

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