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Posts posted by Prosebass

  1. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='267735' date='Aug 22 2008, 11:37 AM']A hacked account, plain and simple :huh:

    I've absolutely no 'real' PC skills as such but I have a good dollop of common sense and intuition and I managed to get into that account with my 2nd attempt at guessing the users password :)

    I feel sorry for the user but what a prat![/quote]

    Not difficult was it ! 3rd attempt for me...I was tempted to change his password to stop the abuse of his account but that would be naughty.... :huh:

  2. Whatever you do take the tension off the strings and don't play it otherwise you will have a headstock in pieces, and it will be more difficult to repair.
    It's probably worse than it looks ! but can be rectified easily with the correct glue and clamps. Don't use superglue !

    As with most failures it's usually a combination of several things.
    Too small a pilot hole would not cause this on its own, the wood has probably dried out more than it should, which is usually caused either by it not being seasoned correctly or the bass living in a room thats too hot and dry.
    I would contact Status in the first instance with the photos and see what their reaction is. If it was one of my basses I would want to find out why this has happened.

  3. [quote name='ironside1966' post='268851' date='Aug 24 2008, 01:03 PM']Well done Prose for bringing out good value for money guitars, keep up the good work.

    I was looking in to bass around your price range and did consider one of yours,

    Two things put me off your basses.
    1 wanted a Jazz
    2 I had no idea what they sounded like,

    Maybe some sound clips or a video of your basses will help sales, or at least a good review from someone in this forum.
    I bought some Irongear guitar pickups from a new company called Axtec starting and still happy with them because I liked what I heard from the sound clips.
    The clips where nothing flash no grate playing with nothing added to give a false impression, when I fitted the pickups to a Stagg cheap Les Paul the guitar did not sound a million miles away from the sound clips[/quote]

    thanks for the encouragement.

    I am having a re-think on the direction that I am taking with the basses.
    I was hoping to have 3-4 basses in my range , a Precision, a Jazz , a Jazz / Precision hybrid and a fretless model.
    The forum moderators have kindly offered to review the humbucker Jazz but I have not supplied them with one for the following reason.
    Unfortunately the margins at the "budget" end of the market mean this type of bass is uneconomical to build / assemble by hand also it is difficult trying to bridge the gap between say the "SX" basses and a Fender, so I will be concentrating on something a little different from the mainstream
    My new models will hopefully be featured here on the forum along with sound clips.

  4. [quote name='doctor_of_the_bass' post='268705' date='Aug 24 2008, 01:47 AM']Alo!

    For the money, they look very good - if it were me, I'd say `assembled' in the UK as 'hand-built' suggests that they are actually built by you from scratch from raw materials here as opposed to being crafted in China etc. You can of course argue that `hand-built' is not the same as `hand-made' but to many punters, the terms are interchangeable! Good luck with what you are doing; I've been there (bass company - E Basses) and its tough! I recall both Rob Green and Chris May telling Ian Hancock and myself to `treat it as a paid hobby' - on reflection, they were right. At that time, we sold around 19 completely hand-built custom basses over a period of two years which was commendable given that we were just working at weekends etc but to compete with established marques is nigh-on impossible.[/quote]

    Thanks for the encouragement it is very welcome.
    I take it you are no longer running your enterprise ?
    I agree with the "paid hobby" tag as that is what it is at the moment.
    My original idea was to be a box seller (ready made items) but having done that previously with other goods it is not very satisfying, needs large premises and high capitalisation.
    This model is more than just "assembled" here as all the machining of the body is also done so it is difficult to label.
    Other basses I make have Mighty Mite or All-parts necks and the rest is completely hand made.
    It is difficult to get across the quality of my budget basses as people just think they are a cheap import. I have done a few commissions though as nobody else offers a Jazz with humbuckers like this.
    Maybe they too cheap and I am stuck in the "price = quality" perception problem. If I offer them at £299.00 people would expect them to be good because of the price tag. If offered at £199.00 then the quality is perceived as lower !!!! its a problem when you do not have a recognized name.
    Look at the new American Jazz models .....£750.00 ? what for ? it can only be the name. I personally wouldn't pay more than £300 for one, the parts alone are worth about £200 so all we are doing is making a corporation even richer. A review in Bass Magazine noted that their test model still had sawdust in the cavities !!! thats poor on a £750 bass.
    I have learned enough to realize that if I am going to be successful I need to offer something different so I am currently working on a sub 6 lb bass and a short scale headless travel bass.

  5. [quote name='pete.young' post='268349' date='Aug 23 2008, 10:26 AM']The guy is a member on basschat, why don't you ask him?[/quote]

    Cheers Pete

    and yes I am indeed a member on here ........for my sins I sometimes think.

    In response to the points raised.

    1. Bodies and necks on this model are manufactured in China to my specification.
    2. I "build" as opposed to "make" this model, would anyone expect a totally hand-made bass for that price ?
    3. It has a musicman style bridge for a change to my usual fender style one's
    Everyone I make is slightly different , bridge, controls, hardware color etc.
    4. The slight misalignment can be rectified

    Just ask if you need anymore info.

    cheers...Paul :)

  6. [quote name='bassman100' post='267223' date='Aug 21 2008, 05:33 PM']We would like to invite everyone who has posted a comment here to a real conversation regarding the issues they have raised. Our opening hours are 10am - 7pm monday to saturday and 11am - 5pm on sunday. We will be happy to dicuss these matters with you all and explain in detail the reasoning behind each of our policies. We are sorry to see a small proportion of our 200,000 plus customers each year feel they have received bad customer service, we welcome all feedback both negative and positive.
    Yours sincerely,
    The Bass Cellar.[/quote]

    Bloody Hell.....200,000 customers a year .....600+ customers a day , thats about 1.1 every minute they are open, :)
    or am I missing something ?

  7. [quote name='Geek99' post='258451' date='Aug 8 2008, 07:53 PM']I'm really hankering for a jazz bass (probably a Squier VMJ) - I dont have the longest fingers in the world though.
    I've read that Rickenbackers have a shorter scale, does anyone know if that extra inch makes them that much easier to play?

    I want to know if the extra money is worth it for the comfort!


    A simple answer is probably not....and what do you call short ? (my index fingers are only 105mm from mid knuckle to tip)

    A lot depends on exactly what you are trying to achieve and what you want out of a bass. I have short (sausage :) ) fingers but with the styles I like to play scale length is never an issue. You can overcome lack of reach to a point, if you have fast , strong hands.
    If you want to emulate Jaco or Stanley (he has hands like shovels) then stubbies may be a problem. Its a case of horses for courses but certainly try a Ricky out before you buy or go the whole hog and try an old short scale Gibson.

  8. [quote name='beerdragon' post='247384' date='Jul 24 2008, 11:09 PM']I noticed my pbass pup under the E and A strings was slanting downward away from my Estring. i leveled the pup up, and i was wondering how much gap there's supposed to be between pup and string[/quote]

    There may be a good reason for it sloping, as the pole pieces are not adjustable it may be to equalize the output of the pup.
    If you find thats not a problem then it depends on your style and how you want the bass to behave.
    When the pup is too close it dampens the string by the magnets pulling on it, so you loose sustain but have a good output.
    Alternatively have it too far away and the string will sustain well but you will lose output and maybe some overtones.
    Have a play with the height until it suits you, there is no hard and fast rule...

  9. [quote name='waynepunkdude' post='247214' date='Jul 24 2008, 07:56 PM']Wait for the "a bloke from a Hawkwind tribute act was in the same town as this once"

    Super bargain

    Silver knobs spray it pink and sell it to a dumb punk asshole like me for £150[/quote]

    Pink ! my step daughter would claim it...

    I once thought I was in Hawkwind when I woke up propped against some backline gear at the Stonehenge Festival whilst they were playing.....god knows how I got there ? although I have a few ideas... :)

  10. [quote name='ahpook' post='246569' date='Jul 24 2008, 01:22 AM']so, you pulled the trigger on a fal eh ?


    This may be a piece of rock history, I can't wait to pick it up and discover the Hawkwind association !!!!!
    I won't sleep tonigh :) t...

  11. [quote name='budget bassist' post='246347' date='Jul 23 2008, 07:24 PM']Ok so i bought a 21 fret neck off ebay for a project body that i'm going to be doing over the summer, and it needs a 21 fret neck, obviously. When it came today i found that the fretboard extended over the neck itself, so the bulk of it is only the length of a 20 fret neck, but the fingerboard is 21 frets long and sticks out over it. If you don't get what i mean i'll attach a picture. basically is there a way of getting that to work with this body without moving the bridge itself and the intonation being all out? IE moving the neck back in the pocket, or screwing the bridge saddles all the way back. If not then i've already left positive feedback for the seller, so i don't think i can return it... i might just sell it on here... or on ebay again.[/quote]

    Measure your old neck from the heel (bridge) end of the cutout in the body to the nut and let me know the distance ,I may have a neck that I can swop with you to help you out.

  12. Nice looking bass but very little info out there apart from £720 new...try this guy and see if its still for sale.

  13. [quote name='benwhiteuk' post='246411' date='Jul 23 2008, 09:05 PM']Use Bootsy as style inspiration…ultimate pimpage :)[/quote]

    Well Ben its good to see someone has a sense of humor here....I was getting worried...

    Q. What goes bump, bump, ........silence ?
    A. a pirate whose wooden leg has just fell off.......

    It don't get any better......I'll get me coat...

  14. [quote name='bubinga5' post='246358' date='Jul 23 2008, 07:48 PM']Hey people. I was playing last night over a Major chord loop, and thought that i dont actually think about scales or modes.( i may be playing them at the time, but i couldnt remember) Its probably an obvious thing to say to most of you guys/girls, but feeling and emotion gets me around the bass, either it be slow soul, or staccato fingerstyle, with out a thought of what scale i may be playing.

    Does anyone think this is bad practice?? Obviously i would not do this if i had company. but i dont seem to think about reference points and im not sure if im delving too much into, erm.. 'FREE' bass playing. As im not in a band at the mo...

    I always see other cats doing stuff i admire and think, i wonder if that was off the cuff.. maybe i need to put my head down in the books, and think about what im playing a bit more? :)

    Any wise thoughts[/quote]

    Sounds like my style of playing, I just cannot sit down and learn theory, I have no aspirations to be a session player and when I did play in bands years ago we never did covers and the basslines were all my creation.
    If you are happy with what you do then carry on. I have met bassists with amazing technique, sight readers and really good guys but their soul / groove came from being taught not felt !
    Get the books out if you want, don't feel you need to, look at all the top musicians with no formal training, and can't read a note...if you want some theory books I've loads I'm selling and they are all mint ! :huh:

  15. Just bought this on a whim from ebay........
    What a bargain £17.50 thankfully its a mile from my home......I'm not that stupid :)

    Any ideas for this 40 watt C40-T the T stands for TOWER OF POWER...... :huh:

  16. [quote name='Deep Thought' post='245124' date='Jul 22 2008, 10:18 AM']Anybody see Dragon's Den last night? I didn't myself but I gather from GMTV this morning that one of them has 'invested' in a band. They were on this morning, seemed OK, but nothing special I thought. Lead singer plays bass (Yamaha RBX-shape job). Virtually inaudible brass section. Lyrically pretty good. Wonder if this will do them some good or be the kiss of death. Thoughts?[/quote]

    Looks like it had the desired effect we are all discussing it !

  17. [quote name='chris_b' post='245175' date='Jul 22 2008, 10:55 AM']Curley leads weren't even any good in the 70's, they used very cheap wire and plugs, but, like all antiques, they really don't stack up against their modern equivalent.
    Back then, I remember that speaker leads were made of bell wire! Leads are so much better these days![/quote]

    Try and solder a curly lead its nigh on impossible I think the shield wire was made from sugar !!!

    Nothing wrong with bell wire is there ?.....I found explosive firing cable makes good speaker wire...?

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