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Posts posted by rogerds

  1. [quote name='Baskesman' post='965518' date='Sep 23 2010, 12:52 PM']Blast! why don't I live in the UK... Never see deals like this over 'ere!
    Free Bump for ya![/quote]

    appreciate it Baskesman!! -- but could probably courier it to Belgium for 30ukp ...or so... !!

  2. [quote name='jamesugster' post='950743' date='Sep 9 2010, 03:48 PM']Hi all,

    I'm thinking of revamping my rig and going back to separate heads and cabs for more flexibility.

    I've got a 102p 2 x 10 Markbass combo with a LMK head. This was never a standard model and had to be ordered from Italy... I'm open to offers on this...




  3. [quote name='p58' post='950433' date='Sep 9 2010, 11:45 AM']free bump for nice amp.

    I owned 76/77 bassman 100, the old silverface. I´m still in love with that amp, superb sound ... only sold it because I needed more powerfull valve amp, but I still miss the bassman.[/quote]
    thanks for the bump..... going to give it a blast this w/e - just in case its the last time! :)

  4. [quote name='ShaunB' post='949372' date='Sep 8 2010, 01:01 PM']Highly recommended chap is Roger... just wondering where he's got a hankering for an RH450 from *ahem*[/quote]

    all your fault!..... but am having a few second thoughts...
    what i really , really need is a light, reasonably powerful 2-channel amp so that i can bring out the cyberbass again.....

  5. [quote name='Bassnut62' post='948530' date='Sep 7 2010, 05:26 PM']Have another free Bump on another Bassman fan
    Great great great amp that will brighten anyone's day to play through it.
    So what if it's heavy, we're all bass players here, so we'll be down the chyropractors before 45 yrs old anyway.
    Good luck with the sale................and yes, you are of course completely mad to sell this beauty, but you know that already and what's it got to do with me anyway.
    No doubt you must have a very good and hopefully musically exciting reason to sell it.[/quote]

    been to them (chiropractors) already....
    but as with anything... if its worth doing you get on and do it - and if that means carrying a bassman... you carry a bassman!
    thanks for the comments - roger

  6. [quote name='BurritoBass' post='947741' date='Sep 6 2010, 10:31 PM']It makes it 1980 from my understanding. Yours looks a lot tidier than mine which is 1978 (the paint does tend to peel around the back from the valve heat) but they are such great amps. They are heavy... I added a flight case to mine & now it is totally unliftable :rolleyes: That's a great price & I reckon you'll miss it.[/quote]

    stop it!... :)

    i know i *will* miss it.... but its time...

    its wasted on the stuff i do now (i know... as soon as its gone the gigs'll change s*ds law...)

    so it needs to go to someone who'll use and appreciate it....

    thanks for the accurate dating

  7. [quote name='bobbass4k' post='947596' date='Sep 6 2010, 08:12 PM']LM250 + £100 from me? Or I could add a pedal or 2 if you're so inclined?[/quote]

    hello ?bob?
    at another point in time.... maybe.. but not just at the moment - but thanks anyway
    i'm really after either one of the TC RH 450 or a 2-channel amp (light & reasonably powerful) so that i can use my cyberbass......

  8. [quote name='thebassman' post='947194' date='Sep 6 2010, 01:32 PM']Don't do it man, you WILL regret it. :rolleyes:

    I've had mine for over 20 years and have nearly sold it a few times, then i plug it in and remember why i have had it for so long.[/quote]

    i know... i know.... i know..... and i so wish you hadn't reminded me :) !

  9. [font="Comic Sans MS"]still a newcomer at this..... so if i should breach any etiquette - forgive me and let me know (politely please :) )

    took it out for a blast last weekend... reminded me why we have these!
    just don't do the gigs for it anymore - so... much as it pains... its got to go

    no-one has any money - know the feeling - so now seriously open to trades - maybe a decent Jazz / Jazz style / Jaguar bass ??

    worth trying anything if you fancy it - but please don't be offended if what you're offering is not for me!

    Its been a workhorse and has the scars to prove it - serial is F0 plus 5 digits so I believe that makes it '80 and, by the looks of it, has spent many of those years being thrown in the backs of transit vans

    the plate is Silver (face) but, again, I think that is meaningless with the 135's as they were all silver except for some *later* models (80.. on) which had the Black(face) but were only cosmetically different - the insides were the same
    (thats what i was told anyway - and i believe everything i'm told......)

    the technical bit..
    its got 4 big valves and 3 little ones....
    and its heavy

    Its no good asking if its original / what are the valves / have bits been changed - all i've done is turned it on, plugged in and played
    i've had it several years and its not been serviced, no valves have been changed whilst i've had it - its just worked and pumped out that classic Bassman sound through a variety of cabs

    Could be recovered I guess - but that would hide the stories it could tell

    If you fancy a trip to the South Coast then come and try it - could probably find coffee or a beer

    looking for £399 (lets face it - a better investment than money in a building society these days...)

    I'm also looking to move a really nice Ashdown EVO II 500 (the chrome face one) - will list that separately (NOW SOLD)








  10. [quote name='Wayward-Wanderer' post='243585' date='Jul 20 2008, 01:00 AM']Can we can some proper pictures?
    I might be interested for the whole stack for 200, if we could sort out some kind of postage/shipment deal.[/quote]

    hello there -- thx for interest - i've got someone coming to check it out toorrow (monday...) - if still available will take some proper pics and upload

    cheers -- roger

  11. Having taken delivery of my Schroeder cab :) ....

    up for grabs is a Behringer bass set up comprising

    BB410 4 x10 cab - unused ungigged
    <quote>.. reinforced chamber, front-ported bass cabinet for 1200watts of power handling <end quote>
    switchable tweeter (controllable with footswitch! or midi!) not sure when you'd use that...
    speakon & jack sockets
    integrated rollers for wheeling around
    comes with user's manual(!)
    (Retails at £250+ but buyable at just over £200)

    BX3000 amp
    OK... so they may be a rip-off of SWR / Ashdown whatever - but to my ears you can dial up most sounds that you are likely to need in a *live* situation (when most f the colouration is due to the venue anyway....) see specs on the web (too much to list) but does have the footswitch for shape control and 'ultrabass'

    cab is heavy..... so ideally pickup from poole / bournemouth area

    if no interest here then off to t'bay it goes - but has to be cheap at only £199 for the complete rig?

    (would consider separating / px for lightweight amp / anything interesting.....)

  12. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='232449' date='Jul 4 2008, 08:51 AM']Cool.
    I find the schroeders are good for hollow stages. They seem a bit tighter in the low end.[/quote]

    just to add to the Schroeder thread....

    took delivery of my 1212L the day of a 'barn dance' gig..... actually a 'dance in a barn'..
    was told the barn was 40 x 110 *FEET* so thought it would be a good tryout for the 1212L on its own (only taking vocal PA) - knowing that Jorg had said they need some 'running in'

    get there.... hmmmm... more like 40 x 100 *YARDS* ! - well not quite - but you get the picture

    there was help from the 'stage' - planks on scaffolding but have to say i was well impressed with how it coped - you couldn't even see it from the back of the 'barn' but reliable folks checked it out for me and were surprised how it covered front to back....

    used it in small bars since and lovin'it!

  13. [quote name='ShaunB' post='202285' date='May 19 2008, 05:20 PM']Greetings Doc Roger! Glad to see you out in the open around these here parts. Have fun windsurfing today?

    Your ole pal, Snudge x

    (guys, he's one great bass dude!)[/quote]

    hey shaun... easterly and ok.... a few planing runs all the way across - but cold after last week... :)

    the 5-string's on eBay - could put it up here i guess...


  14. [quote name='Huge Hands' post='202001' date='May 19 2008, 11:27 AM']Welcome.

    If your precision was second hand in '63 (i.e. older than that), I'd have said you'll be very popular around here![/quote]
    thanks for the welcome and... yes... its a '62 - naturally relic'd ! - several times over -- but its there to be played and not hung on the wall!

  15. hello chaps / chapesses.....

    please forgive any breaches of ettiquette or plain stupidity on behalf of a newcomer to the forum - have been lurking for a while and am just getting round to registering!

    me? - bit of a geriatric punk i guess - been playing for a while - lets just say i bought my precision second-hand in '63 (ought to be a bit better by now i guess!) - main band is a pub / club covers band playing songs folks can hum along to but musical interests are varied - most of my albums are compilations!

    gear? - a miscellany of basses - precision, 4001, roadstar, bass collection (very under-rated in my view), SQ Squier, Peavey midi, nomad etc etc... needs thinning out ( have some on ebay as we speak) - played through Flite cabs - imported from US - the first of the really light & portable bass cabs but looking at Schroeder!

    gig mainly in and around the Poole / Bournemouth area these days but do have hazy recollections of Hamburg in the 60's! and like others on the list i have a passion for windsurfing & biking

    really looking forward to learning from the collective wisdom of you all and maybe contributing here and there if i can

    keep up with the low notes!


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