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Posts posted by Johnm93

  1. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1391528086' post='2358169']
    Sputnik's mistake ( apart from forming in the first place) they was that they tried to sell the supposedly perverse idea that the joke was going to be on their public. What they failed to take into account was that the public wasn't interested in them. They had nothing sufficiently alluring about them to attract people to their cause, and no one handed over their money except the dullards at the record company who paid their advance ( which probably got spent on hairspray and one of these Roland synth efforts). They tried so hard to be shocking and controversial , but had nothing shocking or controversial to say except " We don't really care about the music, we just want your money ". No one was shocked, it got old very quickly, no one paid them much attention, and they went out with a whimper. They were neither clever,funny nor talented.

    The crucial difference with Gorillaz is that they may have used an animated facade, but there was real and substantial musical content behind the graphics.

    I thought they were c**p, too...

  2. [quote name='MiltyG565' timestamp='1391467668' post='2357606']
    It's [url="http://web.archive.org/web/20130215154741/http://blog.basschat.co.uk/setting-up-a-compressor/"]here[/url], and very informative. It helped me when I started using compressors in Logic.


    I may be gone some time...

  3. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391462399' post='2357521']
    Let's try again, like this...

    Compression 'off', guitar volume max, amp at a moderate volume, play very softly. Now whang out a full-blooded power chord. Is there a difference between playing softly and the windows you've just broken..? Yes..? Good.
    Now, compressor at 'max' (touch nothing else...), play softly. Whang out another hefty power chord (yes, the same one will do...). The windows remaining should be still in place.
    Was there a difference with and without compression..? Yes..? Good. No..? Change the compressor for a working one.
    (I disclaim liability for hearing loss or neighbour's greenhouse glass...)
    Hope this helps.

    They do not have a greenhouse.

  4. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1391455659' post='2357392']
    I'll try, but bear with me, please.

    Let's imagine a signal level, arbitrarily. We'll call that level (or 'volume', if you prefer...) 0db. Now, we'll play louder, and call the new louder level 10 db. Compression implies treatment such that the level is reduced, perhaps halved. Our louder volume will be 5db instead. Every volume change will be reduced in the same proportion; increasing signal to 20 db, the compressor will adjust it to 10 db.
    This is only a simple example; in fact compressors are variable (not just halving the signal; this is the 'ratio'...), and can be set to start compression only from a certain level (this is the 'threshold'...). Once the signal reduces, the compression goes down, after a 'release' period.
    There's a lot more to say on this subject; is that enough for now, or is more required..? The Basschat 'definitive' gen on this is in a blog by 5imon, but I can't find it right now. I'll be back if I come across it...


    Hmm. So, I just played with the guitar volume on 4 and the compression on zero, then with the compression on 11 - i.e. Max.

    The effective 'volume' sounded the same, indicating the 'noise output' is also the same at both settings.

    The differences seemed in the 'brightness'.

    Are my ears decieving me...?

  5. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1390562436' post='2346811']

    I've just read the whole of this book, which is clear, exhaustive and well written.


    Now THAT'S what I'm talking about...!

    Well, ordering a copy, more acurately...

  6. [quote name='Dad3353' timestamp='1390515824' post='2346438']
    Certainly, and well done for putting your hand up.

    DI = Direct Injection. It's a box which takes a signal from an instrument and renders it compatible with mixing consoles. The signal level, impedance and isolation are all adapted, as well as the physical connectors. There are several types, with different degrees of sophistication.

    EQ = Equalisation. It can be roughly translated as 'tone control', as in the bass/treble controls of an amp. Can be very much more complex, such as graphic equalisers, but that's it for EQ.

    Hope this helps

    Helps a lot.
    Is the lead for a DI coax?

  7. [quote name='Musky' timestamp='1390515637' post='2346433']
    DI = Direct Injection, Used for send a balanced line level signal (usually) to mixing desks.

    EQ = Equalisation (i.e. the tone controls).

    I've an idea this could become a useful sticky.

    Tar again...

  8. [quote name='skankdelvar' timestamp='1390515608' post='2346431']
    DI: Acronym for Direct Injection or Direct Input - The practice or means of sending an instrument's output signal 'directly' to a PA mixing desk, recording input, etc., rather than sending the signal to one's amp and mic-ing the amp's output. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DI_unit"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DI_unit[/url]

    Conversational example: 'The f***ing soundman shot 48v back up the DI line and borked my rig'

    EQ: Abbreviation for Equalisation - the practice or means of adjusting the frequency components of an audio signal. Examples of equalisation equipment: a graphic equaliser; 'bass' and 'treble' controls on a hi-fi; the 'tone' control on a radio. [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equalization_(audio"]http://en.wikipedia....lization_(audio[/url])

    Conversational example: 'The bass guitar sounds too high and zingy in the mix. Can we EQ it back a bit?'

    Ta very much.

  9. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1390344211' post='2344437']
    Tom Petersson from Cheap Trick has recently taken delivery of a rather wonderful custom Gretsch White Falcon 12 string bass:


    Ticks all the boxes for me - Love Cheap Trick, Love 12vers, Love Gretsch guitars! :)

    Phar Kin Ayder!

    That's at least 7 strings too many for me...

    Pretty, though...

  10. [quote name='Big_Stu' timestamp='1390404808' post='2345048']
    Orig post deleted - it didn't fit with the theme of the OP. In that respect I would submit being 18 and seeing a chick HM band for the first time :gas:
    Kelly (RIP) was my fantasy woman for quite a while

    Saw them, umm, somewhere ...
    About 1982 ish....

    Might have been Hammy Odeon...

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