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Posts posted by Sarah5string

  1. The way we see it is.. we're doing this because we love music and want to play music... if you're not enjoying it and are seeing it all as work rather than enjoyment then there's no point carrying on so it was inevitable really.. oh well Onwards and upwards!

  2. Well back from band practice. We are carrying on as a 4 piece and going ahead with the gig. Our singer is going to step up and do some of the guitar rhythm bits that are missing, during the solos etc and our remaining guitarist is going to take over lead. My only concern is now that my mistakes are going to be even more noticeable LOL.
    Nah, the show must go on and all that. There's no hard feelings as we're all good mates and if he's not happy then best to tell us now than not turn up on the night of the gig or something.


  3. Oh hell... our guitarist (one of 2) has decided he wants to quit, and our very first gig is 3 weeks away.
    What the hell do we do now? Our singer cana play guitar but not sure if he'll be happy to take over and sing..
    Crap it!

  4. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='250255' date='Jul 29 2008, 10:30 AM']Just out of interest what covers are you playing?[/quote]
    our song
    Slither - velvet revolver
    wish you were here - incubus
    Mr brownstone - GNR
    random bass/drum guitar swap song
    Them bones - alice in chains
    Almost easy - avenged sevenfold
    Our song.

  5. [quote name='The Funk' post='249784' date='Jul 28 2008, 05:00 PM']Sorry, I'm sometimes a bit blunt. Sounds like quite a cool set list though from what I can gather. [i]Them Bones[/i] and [i]Mr. Brownstone[/i]. What else are you guys playing?[/quote]
    Setlist as it stands

    Freedom of Speech (our song)
    Slither - Velvet revolver
    Wish you were here - incubus
    Mr brownstone - GNR
    random little guitar swap song
    Them Bones - Alice in chains
    almost easy - avenged sevenfold
    Untitled (our song affectionally named nunuting for the time being lol)

    oh and don't be sorry.. honesty is the best thing!

  6. Right guys. For our debut gig it's been decided that, as our geetards have to swap guitars before our cover of Them bones by alice in chains, that me and the drummer are going to do a lounge version of it to give the guys time to swap.
    Now... any lounge bands I can have a listen to get inspiration for how the hell to play this thing??

  7. Well so far our plan is
    1st - Our song.... merging straight into
    2nd - cover (They both start and finish with the same note)
    *guitar/bass swap* talking intro etc.
    3rd cover
    4th cover
    *guitar swap* possible guitar/bass duet thingy as I don't need to swap.
    5th - cover merging into (again both start and end with same note)
    6th - cover
    *guitar/bass swap* thank yous etc
    7th - Our song

  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='249209' date='Jul 27 2008, 10:53 PM']Don't freak out onstage when you realise you can't hear anything: yourself or the rest of the band. Just listen out for the snare drum/hi-hat and the lead vocalist.

    Don't be afraid to quickly, firmly and politely ask for more or less of whatever you need in the monitors after the first song on the night if the sound's all horrible. Chances are it'll be the cheap monitors and the sound engineer won't be able to do much to fix it - but it's worth piping up if there's a problem with levels.[/quote]
    What do you mean can't hear anything. :)

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