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Posts posted by operative451

  1. Hi! Like it says up there, any recommendations on a really easy to use (like, REALLY easy) simple and free or cheap program i can use to lay down some drum patterns, drop in samples and make synthy noises? I used to use an ancient version of fl studio but i've actually forgotten how..! I've used Reaper for recording but not for ages, and i've seen a guy making drum patterns and synth tracks with it, is that doable?


    I used to be quite techie but have switched career and have had a few nasty bangs on the head since and my tech skills have dropped through the floor! Any suggestions appreciated! Thanks! :3

  2. Hi! It's been a while!

    So i was listening and playing to lots of symphonic metal and decided to get a 5 string bass... But i find the flappiness of the low B (even with the heaviest strings i can get) annoying. I've also been playing with a 7 string guitar and while going 'krung krung krung' is kind of fun, it feels redundant because once you start getting into drop-A territory, it's just like yeah, get a bass.


    I like the sound of a 4 string tuned DGCF and I wondered if going DGCFA on the 5 string would be fun. And it is! But i'm scared of how tight the strings are, so i tuned it back to normal again.  I've been looking at the lightest 5 string set i can get but it still has a 105 low string which i worry would snap and take my eye out! Is there a formula for working out string gauges for tunings? Or has someone here tried this?



  3. Been away, doing stuff. Big life changes, got uninspired, left the instruments in a cupboard. And then i remembered i'm a frikin' bass player baby! Ging 5 strings a go, i blame Nightwish!

    • Like 10
  4. Well, its a long and slightly boring story... :D

    The response i got was from a guitar guy and a singing lady.. After a load of emails and a missed meeting we ended up in our local rehearsal space.  They were nice enough... and the singing lady didn't sing all the wrong notes, just most of them.  The guitaring was kind of shimmery and totally unheavy.

    If anything if they toned down the 'ALL the effects on at the same time' guitar and the singing lady learned some notes (her tone was quite nice, sort of Lana del-ray meets Kirstie McColl?) they could be quite enjoyable. But not what i'm looking for so i sent a polite 'thank you no' message.

    I'll probably not bother again...

    • Sad 1
  5. On 04/12/2019 at 07:43, lownote12 said:

    Personally, I have yet to see daylight through either BM or JMB.  The latest guy coming on to me was a recovering alcoholic ('I like to be straight about these things') electronic music fan who 'isn't actually a very good musician', and his studio is 'actually my living room, haven't had a chance to sound treat it yet', but he does have access to a 'playfully creative' singer called Zia La Zinger Zua.  

    I want Zia La Zinger Zua to be my friend.

  6. I find this guy quite annoying, but i followed some of his hints about EQ and making spaces for other sounds on a recent recording and it sounded really good!  I also rolled quite a lot of bass off the guitar sound - by itself it sounded sort of shrill and nasal at the same time, but with the bass and guitar together it really sat nicely!


    • Like 1
  7. Hi! Thought i'd say hi again. Hi!  Just cos i wandered off a bit - you know the drill. Brain wobbles, work, relationships, band-mate/BFF keeling over with kidney failure, sudden interest in acrylic nails, that sort of thing.

    Basically i lost myself for a bit.

    And yes, you can play  bass with acrylic nails! Although they're coming off at the weekend because i miss being able to use my thumbs...

    • Like 1
  8. Only metal is silly and overblown enough to think 'hey, lets write a song about how cool Carl Sagan is!' I think thats why i love it...

    (Nightwish - Sagan)

    Make me wonder
    Make me understand
    Spark the light of doubt and a newborn mind
    Bring the vast unthinkable down to earth

    Always wary of a captive thought
    Beware the very first unkind word
    See who you are, where from, what of

    Entering the unknown
    Sending all the poets to the stars
    Daring to see beyond the manmade
    Woe to you who evade the horizon
    Listening to Sagan
    Dreaming Carl Sagan
    Unseen streams
    With understanding no poet is trapped
    Woe to all who stop at the horizon

    What kind of world would we call home
    Our own
    Oasis of love, humility and hope
    Eradicating all that`s not for life

    What kind of aim would we call high
    What kind of life would bathe in the brightest white
    A limitless world will rise
    Son of man, dare to let go of the cowardice



    • Like 1
  9. 26 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    You decided on what's going to be taking it's place? Pm me if you want a vgc used Zoom B1X-4, which is likely to get 'Stomped on' in the near future... 😊

    Standard stompboxes that i've aleady got.. :D plus maybe a bonkers filter of some kind! I find i rarely use most of the crazy stuff on the zoom, except for the times i do use them..!

    • Like 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, Al Krow said:

    So has the B3n been reprieved once more or is it still on 'death row' unsure of its future as an operative (Fahrenheit) 451 pedal? 😉

    Its still for sale but i'm using it while it awaits its fate... :D

    So probably quite a lot like being on death row! ;) 🍆

  11. 14 hours ago, Ricky 4000 said:

    Is this you?? Because you could actually get burned by a bit of spitting fat, if you're frying like that without much on... 😃


    Haha! I wish.. I was basically that shape in about 2000ish though.. :D Plus or minus the odd lump or bump here and there...

    • Like 1
  12. Zoom B3n, does all the things a B3n does - latest firmware updated, will reset patches to factory. No box but i have a neoprene zip cover (originally for small laptops) that i'll pack it in.

    Very good condition, will post to UK. Pics below!20190722_204756.thumb.jpg.75e21e3a61b648466fc0b7b3d863a864.jpg





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