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Posts posted by noise_art

  1. on this release (I think it will be soon available on YT) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wti8xCCk0MU
    I used this early Schack mentioned above, and the other one - Custom made with s/n 300.
    The older one was much better, but newer custom does the job in ballads, both had ebony fingerboard, the older with bubinga body, custom with swamp.

    I love Schack! Good luck with the sale!

  2. It's an interesting option, but first I'm gonna look for a straight sale for this bass.
    I can have SS2 for ~1,5k what seems to be closer to my expectations according to sound that I need.

    Your offer is still reasonable but I'd prefer to add smaller cash amount if the bass is not called SS2/DOLPHIN ;)

    That's fantastic Thumb anyways!

  3. Actually the only bass I am interested in is SS2 (Dolphin too, but only insane guy would change Dolphin for Mayones with my whole respect to this ;) ) therefore I prefer straight sale - could also add some $$ to SS2(5).
    This Jabba is worth that money for sure, it's an endorsement-grade bass (and yet a prototype built for past endorser of this brand), so I doubt that future owner would be disappointed :)

    Let someone else play on this bass for a descent money and I'm pretty sure (played on some Jabba's before) it's a far better than stock quality instrument :)

  4. Hello!
    If someone is looking for pro/session bassplayer to record some suff, feel free to PM/contact me :)

    a few examples/exceptions of what I did:

    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfjTxSnN89s"]https://www.youtube....h?v=LfjTxSnN89s[/url] (Sandberg/Eden)
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpSMHiB_Ai0"]https://www.youtube....h?v=kpSMHiB_Ai0[/url] (Mayones BE/Eden)
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wti8xCCk0MU"]https://www.youtube....h?v=wti8xCCk0MU[/url] (Schack Unique/Eden)
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dTmEPk3kNY"]https://www.youtube....h?v=5dTmEPk3kNY[/url] (Warwick Thumb BO/Markbass)
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGcMoQgAAy4"]https://www.youtube....h?v=aGcMoQgAAy4[/url] (Warwick Thumb BO/Markbass)
    [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DnpYAk_N6w"]https://www.youtube....h?v=-DnpYAk_N6w[/url] (Schack Unique/Eden)

    The process:
    Whole song will be send as mp3, after your accept will be also shared to you as a 24/96 or 24/44.1 wave files (bass guitar only)

  5. This rig is also heavy as hell to carry, but who cares ;)
    Trully said, this is a "Bassplayer's Heaven", if we talking about recording. Maybe will buy in future an Accugroove to pair with Eden in order to have some faster/cleaner/lighter cab for travelling. Eden kills seriously with Warwicks while Ampeg kills with Mayones, Fender, even Music Man.

    Thanx mate!

  6. and heres double stack with Eden :)
    Interesting is, that Ampeg kills with "light" sounding basses beter than Eden (usual combo wood, like ash-maple, fenders etc).
    Eden sounds much better with exotic woods.
    And the point is, there's a myth that Tube is better than SolidState amp in this particular case!
    Both amps are fantastic, depends on what bass has been plugged in.

  7. Yes indeed, thanx Doman for mention that!
    A little correction: bridge pickup is called "Big Split" :)

    Really good bass in Sadowsky style, but more universal and "polite" sounding.
    Passive electronics is a big plus for this one, instead of crappy sounding Delano PU's, Nordys brought to that bass this brilliant "highs", taking all goods from the wood!
    As it was endorser-built bass it has also a better wood quality than I belive the other Jabba basses.
    Great P-bass sound and modern jazz on both PU's!
    In my opinion this bass is worthy!

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