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Posts posted by CamdenRob

  1. [quote name='fretmeister' timestamp='1378142680' post='2196242']

    HIgh end new instruments are not investments. They are merely luxury goods like Ferrari's and Saville Row suits.

    It's up to the potential buyer to decide how they want to spend the money they have earned.

    If a person wants a luxury item and can afford it, then that is a matter for them alone. If they can afford it, but don't like it then not buying it is a matter for them alone.

    If a person can't afford it but desires to own it there seems to be 2 general reactions - to either make it an aspirational item, worthy of saving up and sacrificing other non-essential spending or they can bitch about how crap the item is, or how crap those who do have the means to buy it are.

    Most amusingly, an awful lot of the people bitching have never been in the same room with a Fodera / Ritter / whatever. Let alone played one.

    I think there is a certain amount of truth in this...


  2. I've got a little GK MB200 dunno what class that is but it sounds great and weighs about as much as a calculator.

    Beats the HH Bass Baby combo I bought second hand when I first started out... Weighed about as much as Eric Pickles and sounded like it has a pillow stuffed in the speaker cone.


  3. [quote name='Bilbo' timestamp='1378243433' post='2197715']
    My September offering. I took a moment's look at the image and solo cello came into my head. I put this together quite quickly using Arabic sounding scales but it really does it for me in terms of it relating to the image. More so than almost anything else I have done before. Simple but effective.


    Damn that's quick off the mark.... I'll have a listen over the weekend.

    I was thinking of going Phrygian with mine although I've got a bit of a techno idea coming through, we shall see. I need to sort out a house move before thrashing something out for this.


  4. I think you can join basschat at 13 (correct me if I'm wrong) All the safeguards you would have to put in place for a live chatroom would make it impossible to administrate. Besides all it would take is a single comment to be taken out of context and we'd end up as a story in the daily mail....


  5. [quote name='andydye' timestamp='1378206529' post='2196941']
    Would you consider shipping to Sheffield?

    I'd prefer someone to collect it really to be honest...

    I'm in the midst of a house move at the moment with boxes and stuff everywhere. I'm so disorganized that if I was to box it up for a courier there's a possibility you might end up with a table lamp / some crockery or the missus delivered instead... :blink:


  6. [quote name='xilddx' timestamp='1378117437' post='2195835']
    I thought it was Braintree :blink:

    I used to live near Braintree.... delightful place :blink:

    I'm not sure this is Braintree though, the landscape looks about right but the gentleman sat in the middle would be wearing some sort of tracksuit and be accompanied by an angry dog...


  7. [quote name='funkypenguin' timestamp='1377868178' post='2193003']
    @CamdenRob, if my friend happens to end up working later than 630 (her work seem to be making a habit of swapping shifts around atm, so she sometimes works a later shift till 9) would you fancy a pint?

    Sounds great :) drop us a line nearer the time if your going to be free.


  8. I'm in North London :) although those are both weekdays so 6.30 is a bit early for me, I'll have to pass.

    I met up with a BCer the other day for a trade and had a swift pint afterwards, it was great to talk to someone else enthusiastic about bass :)

    Mrs CamdenRob isn't remotely interested in talking about bass... except when something new turns up and she wants to know how much it was...


  9. [quote name='cloudburst' timestamp='1377764736' post='2191399']
    The XLs...

    The white one is close to mint and my go-to bass Rob. The black one is absolutely pristine and is for trade.
    They sound as big and fat and punchy as any bass I've played. Hotter output than my Bongo too.
    Being small and made of graphite, they travel well and stay in tune.
    The pivot point of the boomerang being the CoG of the bass, you don't feel it after a whole night's playing.
    You mainly need to get used to the fact that the nut is a little bit further away when the bass is strapped on - can mess with your muscle memory a bit.


    Yeah I bet it takes a bit of getting used to, as does any new bass. They look great though.. especially as a pair like in your photo! Must be pretty rare as well, I haven't seen many around?

    I'd be tempted by the Black one if I wasn't hoarding my bass funds until the right Wal becomes available...


  10. I often see 'low action' mentioned on BC as a positive point to a particular bass or other. I was wondering if this is universally accepted to be a good thing?

    I recently acquired a excellent 50th anniversary jazz bass via the BC marketplace with the lowest action I have ever seen on a bass. However you had to play the damn thing so gently it was like shaking hands with a cat... I couldn't really dig in and get the tone I wanted without the strings slapping against the fretboard.

    I've since adjusted the action to sit a bit higher and now I'm very happy with the feel of the bass, in fact it probably feels the best to play of all the basses I've had.

    Do people really struggle with holding the frets down with a sightly higher action or something? I guess its each to their own but I definitely prefer my basses set up a bit higher.


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