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Posts posted by CamdenRob

  1. Absolutely... To be honest I rarely listen to music, but when I do it's invaribly something from my youth and very heavy.

    With the bands I work with I look for the right kind of people over the right kind of music. I play originals as a hobby (work comes first) and it's difficult to find a balance of people who are of a decent enough standard without trying to be rockstars... I'm also a stubborn git and flatly refuse to play anything with the bass parts already written. This obviously narrows down the number of people I can work with, so I can't really afford to be too picky about the style of music I'm playing!

    As a result I am currently playing in a band best discribed as "Dad Rock"... Top bunch of guys though and I'm really enjoying it :)

  2. My main bass looks like a grandfather clock... it is also a similar weight... :|

    Also, what's happened to BC... I havent been here for ages and looks like a young person has been let loose with the site and updated the look of everything.

  3. [quote name='spectoremg' timestamp='1507914097' post='3388807']
    Nice pics. What's the photo effect in the first one?

    I've no idea I'm afraid... singist paid a photographer to come along and take some shots for us during the gig. Really pleased with how they came out.

    ... hoping to use them for flyers and stuff. Our last band photo was laughably poor and made us look like a daytime TV garden makeover crew 😕

  4. Sixes for me... one fretted one fretless.

    I like to take both to gigs depending on how far I've got to travel as certain songs suit both. Both of them in a double gigbag is bloody heavy though, so I usually just take the fretted.

    I tend to rotate them for rehearsals, it's useful to see which suits which song :)

  5. Aside from sounding better do fancy expensive earplugs actually offer better protection than standard 5p foam plugs?

    I grab the foam ones from work and they are supposedly designed to be used on building sites so must offer decent protection? Or am I just kidding myself and I might as well be using nothing...

  6. Was lucky enough to witness someone playing one of these in another band at last nights gig.

    A fretless 5, looked and sounded fantastic with Barts and a Glock pre I seem to remember... great player too... Got chatting and it turns out the man whole built it was in the audience. Top chap and an obvious passion for the instruments he makes.

    We really are spoilt for choice in the UK for home grown bass builders :)

  7. I've been using a pair of One10s for a while now and couldn't be happier with them :) I only swapped from the berg CN210 I had been using to give me the option of using just one cab and Berg didn't make a lightweight 110.

    I was very sceptical at first as I tried an older set up ages ago (Compact and Midget I think it was) and I absolutely hated it... it was mega loud but sounded like I was playing my bass through the london underground PA system... horrible middy honk and no botttom end. Dunno what they are doing differently now but I wouldn't swap my One10s for anything else*... Lovely punchy deep focused sound and ridiculously easy to get around. Tone is subjective yadda yadda but it's a 10/10 from me.

    *actually that's not strictly true, if I had someone to carry my gear around I'd have a full fat Glockenklang rig.

  8. "Dating" is the novel American concept of getting to know someone before (provided all goes well) moving the relationship on further, perhaps to a physical level.

    This differs from the traditional British approach of getting smashed off your tits at a party, coping off with someone you fancy, snogging their face off and usually more, then spending the next few months finding out if you actually like each other...

    ... cultural differences and all that.

  9. I have travelled to all my gigs / rehearsals on the London transport network for the last few years.

    Most of the time it's just bass on my back and I DI straight into the PA. On the rare occasion I have to take an amp (only ever for backline) my whole setup fits on a trolley and weights 16kg.

    Uber has changed everything these last couple of years though. Hundreds of cabs going past my house at any given time of day / night which can be booked and paid for instantly through the app. Usually costs less than a tenner and gets me and all my gear from my front door to the gig and back 😊

  10. I have already indulged myself in an NBD thread [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/308935-nbd-wal-fretless-six/page__pid__3337808#entry3337808"]http://basschat.co.uk/topic/308935-nbd-wal-fretless-six/page__pid__3337808#entry3337808 [/url]but thought i'd sneak a quick pic in here too...

    2015 Ziricote fretted & 2017 Figured Maple fretless

  11. Thanks chaps :)

    Had the morning off work today to get to grips with the new arrival :) Rehersal next week will be the first time I use it in anger though... need to practice a bit before then :blink: it's been a while since I've played fretless and my intonation needs a little work!

  12. So... after a shorter than anticipated 20 month build period I have a fretless sister for my Wal fretted Six.

    It's everything I expected it would be. At 10.2lb it's about a pound lighter than my Ziricote fretted Six but still balances perfectly both on the knee and on a strap.

    I went for edge lines as they look like full lines from the playing position but from the front the board looks clean.

    It sounds astonishing... the low B is thunderous and of course it has that unmistakable bark.

    Anyway on with some pictures!

    I have all the bass a man could need and I feel very lucky...

    Was a pleasure as always to pop down to see Paul today, he is a Gentleman and has an obvious passion for both the history behind the brand and also for the instruments he is currently producing.

    ...now how long do I leave it until I tell Mrs C I'm considering a fretted four :blink:

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