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Posts posted by Buzz

  1. Look here:


    and here:


    And also:

    [url="http://basstalk.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23547"]http://basstalk.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=23547[/url] (until june 8th when it gets wiped)

  2. The best bit is that the tabs in question on these sites arn't made by the record company, so therefore they havn't lost any money as they've not made them in the first place.

    I can see where they can claim damages for items like bootleg cd's, as they've outlaid money to record the tracks, produce them in a cd format, and get them sold on, but tabs arn't actually costing them money.

  3. [quote name='presoulnation' post='9753' date='May 31 2007, 10:45 AM']Bloody 'ell its a bit hormonal in here......[/quote]

    Must be that time of the month again.

  4. I've used Rotosound Swingbass 45-105's, can't say I had any problems with them, but it was a while ago now.

    Currently have my Aerodyne strung with EB Super Slinkies (45-100's) which I do like alot, much better once they've started to deaden.

    Thinking about a set of DR Sunbeams for the VMJ, might just buy another set of slinkies though.

  5. Yes it is isn't Waldo, but some people arn't always up to date.

    It's widly known that in shop sales are flagging for cd's as online sales have taken up some of the market, but in what's an oligopoly of world wide music by a few large lables, with the RIAA as their puppet organisation, and a concern for sales, they're attacking the very core of the music industry -> The musicans's themselves.

    Most new guitarists/bassists will use tabs at the very least as a learning guide and to help do covers, it's ironic that they're basically attacking resources for the next generation of musicians which'll be providing their profits.

  6. [quote name='ped' post='7896' date='May 27 2007, 11:29 PM']I have heard the pickups in the Aerodyne are a bit weak and mismatched in volume.[/quote]


    I do find the p-pup overpowers the j-pup on mine.

    Although, I've heard a couple of good things about putting a Lindy Fralin PJ set in.

  7. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='5336' date='May 23 2007, 08:11 PM']You know what? With all the business with Gerard and WoW and other stuff, I thought I'd check out Eve - stunning graphics but my goodness me, the anxiety that could be raised by the prospect of missing out on something, given the game runs in real time. I mean, you could come home from work and find your ships all destroyed!


    What's that you say Kiwi? EvE online you say?

    Do it, you won't look back. Ever.

    (not at all an eve player...nope...not at all...not in a corp called 5punk either....)

    Also, welcome back G-77.

  8. I'd probably say in 20 years or so pre 1998 Waricks would be worth something, you know, those made in Germany.

    Fenders/Gibbo's will always be vintage instruments no matter what. In 20 years a 2000 model will be worth something.

  9. You could get one made, there are a couple of threads about pickguards for other basses in which the companies mentioned will do you a custom guard if you send them a trace or the original to work from.

    The thread's and companies escape me at the moment, but that's why we have the search function.

  10. Obbm, file the saddles if they're not already done.

    and you could shim the neck to lower the action.

    OR route the body a tad so the badass sits in a recess (probably not the best idea as it's non reverseable).

    Edit: Also, I suppose you could grind the bottom of the saddles down (remove the allen key thingymajigs before would be a good idea), but I'm not sure how that would effect intonation adjustment using the screw.

  11. Err...of the top of my head from my gcse's and a-level's in business studies.....7 days rings a bell as a legal requirement that the consumer can return and have a full refund no questions asked, as long as it's returned as new, in original packaging etc..
    I'm fairly sure that applies to any sort of business.

    It'll be on the government website under Trade Acts iirc.

  12. [quote name='nash' post='6707' date='May 25 2007, 06:26 PM']ive fitted an abm 8x10 in a metro with 2 people in the front.

    and my marshall 8x10 in a ford ka (that was tight)[/quote]

    When you say "in" the car, you mean with the boot open right?

    Or perhaps without rear windows and the cab sitting across the car?

  13. [quote name='Toasted' post='3969' date='May 21 2007, 10:29 PM']Buzz, I don't know who you are. Were you on basstalk/world and what was your name? All this handle changing is too much for my addled brain.[/quote]

    I havn't changed my handle from BW times (According to current BT stats, joined BW in April 06 and racked up just over 200 posts), I'm just more of a serial lurker than a responder, so you won't have had that much of a chance to interact with me.

    But I do try and keep abreast of which people are fountains of knowledge regarding their specific subjects, also those who are generally helpful about the place and those who I need to avoid like the plague.

    Sorry to hear you've had a bad day as well though mate.

    I'm not going to preach and say "take it to pm's" or "why, how, why not do....", If it was a direct hostile attack I'd be taking a difference stance (covers any member), but considering it's [i]just[/i] taking the mick out of el Dood's posting habits, it's really nothing special to write home about and completely harmless.

    If anything Dood should be moaning as he's been singled out, but he's seen the funny side.

    Now, for tonight I'm retiring from BC, as I've got oil and brake dust all over the back of my hand and it's going to be a pain to get it off.

    Edit: Quick addition: At least here we can air our views on the actions of moderaters and admins, on other forums I've been privvy too, such threads would be deleted asap, the member warned or recieving a ban. It's one of the main reasons why I left a forum a while ago. So I'm grateful for that.

  14. Toasted, why are you kicking off?

    It's post count on a forum, whether you've got 50 or 5000, it's no represenation of knowledge.

    Personally I give great thought to most of your posts, especially ones involving those smallish boxes you stamp on occasionally, due to your experience and knowledge with them.

    However, I also give consideration to posts made by others, no matter what their title or post count.

    They're taking the piss out of Dood as he never left his keyboard for about two years*, and it's all in good humour, lets not start bitching about activites that were done as a joke which have no direct effect on yourself in a public section of a brand new forum.

    Are you upset that they're having a joke at someone else's expense? or because you're not involved? Or, are you just like myself, really bored today?

    *May be a lie

  15. [quote name='Oxblood' post='3318' date='May 21 2007, 04:42 AM']I suspect that Thumper is currently unable to get to his computer, having accidentally imprisoned himself inside an enormous Bill Fitzmaurice sub-woofer. That'll teach him to use 5 minute construction adhesive![/quote]

    To yourself and to the OP:

    Sadly Thumper is no longer with us due to disagrements, so will be pretty much on Finnbass


  16. And, yes btw, as the body is curved, the bridge sits in a little pocket, which means the fender bridge is a great flush fit, but to change it, bigger bridges like the badass sit on the body only making about 25% contact, rather than 100% like on a normal flat top jazz.

    Still makes it sound better if you put a packing plate under it and make sure it's tight, so you can transfer as much vibrations as possible.

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