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Posts posted by tony_m

  1. [quote name='Mr Fudge' post='879348' date='Jun 27 2010, 11:19 PM']I know he is a genius etc... but it leaves me cold, a bit like ELO or The Eagles. Great for 5 minutes and then the realisation that it's total sh1t.

    Can I refer everyone to Neil Young last year to show everyone how it should be done .... with passion, brilliance, dignity and without compromise.

    What makes all this even harder to stomach is that Richard Thompson is headlining a smaller stage right now and there is nothing!

    Your BBC ... my arse![/quote]
    Couldn't agree more.

    *awaits stoning* :ph34r:

  2. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='866557' date='Jun 13 2010, 10:44 PM']Pink is playing and her bassist is a luvvly lady playing a black Precision...

    ... all I can say is... I would!! lol go check it out. :rolleyes:[/quote]
    And all I can say is... +1 to all that. :wub:

    Unfortunately, the lady in question suffered from a disappointing lack of face-time on the broadcast I caught earlier in the evening. There again, I suppose this is unsurprising given that she is [i]only the bassplayer[/i]... :)

  3. [quote name='ThomBassmonkey' post='866815' date='Jun 14 2010, 10:44 AM']Now there's an option that I don't know why I didn't think of. We have a Farida hollowbodied telecaster in at the shop and it's an amazing instrument for the price. Don't particularly like the bottom horn, but I've heard that they make Fenders, so it's more than possible they're just Fenders with a bit extra shaping done.

    Thanks for that post, Tony. :) Very useful. I'll be ringing a couple of places later today to see if they have the VMJ and CVJ in to A/B them.[/quote]
    You're very welcome, Thom. Hope you manage to find one that's to your taste! :rolleyes:

    [quote]Then I'd just need to replace the decal with a proper Fender one. hehehe :lol:[/quote]
    Ooh, is that the sound of pitchforks being sharpened? :lol:

  4. I'm the very happy owner of both a CVJ and a VMJ. :)

    I also don't have a life, so can confirm that according to my shonky wooden ruler, the pickup spacing on both of mine is identical at 3.55" (which I believe is near-as-dammit the "60s" spacing), and that both sets of pups are located the same distance from the top fret, which I guess means both could be described as being in '60s configuration. :lol:

    A few further comments following on from what other folk have said:-

    The VMJ sounds a tad brighter / more resonant than the CVJ played acoustically (both are strung with Fender flats, light gauge). Amplified, it also sounds to have a bit more bite, but both are luvverly in their own way.

    The VMJ is heavier than the CVJ by half a pound or so.

    While the painted-on binding on the VMJ isn't as sexy as the genuine stuff, it's neat enough. My VMJ also has a nicely matched two-piece body - bearing in mind that I bought it on t'interweb, sight unseen, I guess this could just be luck, but I've no complaints at all about the finish.

    The CVJ was also bought on t'interweb, and my only complaint about the finish was a poorly-rendered "tortoiseshell" scratchplate. I've since replaced this with a parchment Squier Standard one off Fleabay - it isn't quite a perfect fit round the top of the control plate, but is near enough for me and looks fine from anything more than 18" away.

    As dave_bass5 and bh2 have both said, the High Mass bridge on the CVJ is fine as it is. As for the bridge on the VMJ, I replaced this with a Wilkinson jobbie also off Fleabay, mainly because I wanted brass saddles (like the CVJ) rather than the nondescript shiny (die-cast?) things that came as standard. Definitely looks better, and also seemed to improve the sound in that annoying hard-to-explain-exactly-how kind of way.

    Hope this helps!!! :rolleyes:

  5. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='864289' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:13 PM']Ah but you're obviously more bothered about having a guitar to play, rather than having something to look at. The only PRS guitars i've seen people actually gigging are the standard ones.

    FWIW i totally GAS over Squiers too, it's frighteing that they're so cheap![/quote]
    Yep, roll on the VM Jaguar! :)

    [quote]Oh and yeah, that is the shop! I asked the owner what they were having upstairs (during the re-fit) and he said "more expensive, bespoke guitars". There's some nice gear in there but the prices are horrific. I got quoted nearly £800 for a Warwick when everywhere else was selling them at £600. A few years ago I also asked the younger fella about a used MIA Jazz they had and was told it was £700, went in for another play the next day and it had jumped £50![/quote]
    Apart from getting my gig bags there, must admit I've not had a lot to do with that shop. Somehow I can't see that changing... :rolleyes:

  6. [quote name='LukeFRC' post='864278' date='Jun 11 2010, 01:00 PM']looking at your profile picture maybe you've had something nice to take the edge off your mid-life crisis!? :)[/quote]
    Indeed, but only in moderation of course... :rolleyes:

  7. [quote name='lemmywinks' post='864020' date='Jun 11 2010, 09:02 AM']That's exactly it. Funny you never see people actually gigging these.
    There's a shop near me which shifted it's focus away from standard instruments and dedicated an entire upper floor to [b]these mid-life crisis guitars[/b]. They're doing pretty well so obviously there must be quite a lot of over-paid dads with too much time on their hands where i live.[/quote]
    Hmm, what does that say about me? Since I started having what I am assured is [i]my [/i]mid-life crisis, all I've bought (and am considering buying in the not too distant future) are Squiers... :rolleyes:

    Maybe I should pay a visit to Fr*ts, if that is indeed the shop of which you speak... :)

  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='862876' date='Jun 10 2010, 08:23 AM']Just spotted this spoof newspaper article on the Daily Mash which made me giggle.

    [size=1]*crosses "Livin' On A Prayer" off list of songs to learn*[/size] :blush:

  9. [quote]We currently believe the basses should be available to order from the end June with them arriving instores towards the end of July/Early August.[/quote]
    I may just have found myself another 50th birthday pressie... :)

  10. [quote name='bass_ennyday' post='854561' date='Jun 2 2010, 10:32 AM']i hope it´s the real deal, but right now i really don´t trust that "source" of harmony-central.com

    [b]I would buy the VM Jag for sure, even my GAS attack-syndrom is healed.[/b][/quote]
    Me too! :blush:

    Email sent... :)

  11. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='854335' date='Jun 1 2010, 11:48 PM']That somebody was me. :)[/quote]
    Heh heh, I just guessed as much when I saw the location... :lol:

    What have you done? Won't somebody think of the children? :rolleyes:

  12. Bearing in mind I'm only playing for my own enjoyment and not anybody else's (so far... :rolleyes: ), I favour a bassy sound with a wee bit of bite, i.e. nowt too woolly or "hi-fi" if you know what I mean.

    In my own private universe that means a passive Jazz (CIJ Fender, Squier CV or Squier VMJ) or a '51 Precision RI, all with flats, played fingerstyle through my newly-acquired Ashdown combo, with the EQ flat. If I want a bit more bite / clank, I open up the tone on the bass accordingly, otherwise it's completely off.

    That said, I'm always fascinated to read what you experienced players have to say on the subject of tone and eq'ing, especially when it comes to playing in a live band situation. Please carry on educating me, it's much appreciated! :)

  13. After being unintentionally tipped the wink by [i]lemmywinks[/i] :) , I had the great pleasure of meeting Karl yesterday and relieving him of his Ashdown MAG300 C210T combo at a superb price.

    As the others have said above, a lovely chap to deal with, absolutely no pressure whatsoever (quite the opposite in fact), and great to have a natter with.

  14. [quote name='hillbilly deluxe' post='844122' date='May 21 2010, 01:36 PM']I think that the rout in question is for the optional,at the time, DFA control.[/quote]
    [quote name='Shaggy' post='844486' date='May 21 2010, 06:40 PM']DFA??? :)[/quote]
    Does F*** All? :brow:

  15. [quote name='jonthebass' post='801800' date='Apr 10 2010, 02:00 PM']In light of John at Bravewood not taking on any more commisions at the moment I feel honoured that he took on and built me this recently:

    Have to admit I'm not a fan of the reliced ones, but this is just... :wub: :wub: :wub:

  16. 7 basses, still got 6...

    Tanglewood P-copy ([i]gone[/i])
    Fender Musicmaster
    Fender CIJ '51 Precision RI
    Fender MIJ '60s Jazz RI
    Vox Custom Bass (an impulse purchase umpteen years ago which now stays firmly locked in its case so it doesn't frighten the others)
    Squier VMJ
    Squier CV '60s Jazz

    4 amps, still got 2...

    Kustom 30W keyboard amp ([i]gone[/i])
    Marshall BassState 30 ([i]gone[/i])
    Laney Linebacker 30
    Trace BLX-80

    Really must try harder... :)

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