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Posts posted by tony_m

  1. And just so we know where we all stand...

    [url="http://www.joinmyband.co.uk/classifieds/worlds-best-guitarist-seeks-rockin-awesome-band11-t213418.html"]WORLDS BEST GUITARIST SEEKS ROCKIN AWESOME BAND!!!!!!!11 [/url]

    [i]I play guitar. lead guitar only. rhythm and bass are for pussies wid no talent. i like slash so will only play gunns n roses or metallica. or bands that sound just like them. will not play a song i do not like (which is anything that is not BR00T@L M3T@L!!!!11 ROCK ON!!!11)

    And that's just for starters!

    I don't know, kids + computers = never a good idea... :)

  2. [quote name='Prime_BASS' post='1229704' date='May 13 2011, 10:03 AM']So it's early 90s, a MIJ and seafoam green/surf green.

    My guess would be a 62reissue. The strip towards the bridge and bridge pickup along with the screw hole above the neck pickup gives it away plus the pickups definatly look 60s spacing.[/quote]
    I'd agree it's probably a JB62 reissue, presumably non-export given the colour?

    Whatever, it's very nice, [i]very [/i]nice indeed! :)

  3. [quote name='farmer61' post='1153987' date='Mar 8 2011, 04:03 PM']1961 Fender Jazz Bass, Sunburst, One owner, Rosewood Slab Board! Clay dots, All original electronics, Bridge & pickup covers, VG, OHSC, $21,900

    One year older, $13095 more... :)

    1960 Fender Jazz Bass, Two Tone Sunburst, Slab Board, Stack Knob, Rare early bass! VG+, OHSC, $34,995



  4. Anybody care to add anything to this discussion?


    [i][color="#0000FF"]Any body got any recommendations for a separate bass amp and cab system for a band where the lead and rhythm guitarists are using 100 watts each? Playing mostly rock towards the metal end of the spectrum and using a 4 string Ibanez SDGR that cost about £350 when new. [/color][/i]

    I'll assume you won't want to join the middle-aged-IT-bod-mountain-biking world of STW, so post any responses here, and I'll link it across! :)

  5. [quote name='StevieD_FenderP2009' post='1140522' date='Feb 24 2011, 09:52 PM']Thanks to the pair of you for sending over that picture. it's a real help and i'm so grateful. what is that book you're both using and do either of you know anywhere selling that logo?

    The book in question is [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Fender-Bass-Illustrated-History/dp/0634026402"]The Fender Bass An Illustrated History[/url], sorry can't help with the second question!

    Doh, must type quicker!!! :)

  6. [b]First Bass Owned:[/b] Tanglewood Lone Wolf P-copy

    [b]'Go To' Bass:[/b] Squier CV '60s Jazz

    [b]'Your' Bass:[/b] Depending on what mood I'm in, Squier CV '60s Jazz with TI Jazz Flats [u]or[/u] Squier VM '70s Jazz with Chromes.

  7. Not in a band, and never have been (although that could change if my mate the ex-drummer I was nattering to on Friday gets his act together!). :)

    As for basses, I've got the three I acquired back in the mid-to-late 1990s when I was jamming regularly with a mate from work (Musicmaster, '51 P reissue and '60s Jazz reissue), and the two Squiers I've acquired since finishing work in 2008 (a VMJ and a CVJ).

  8. I've got TI JF324s (.43 - .106) on my old Musicmaster. No problems with the neck, although being TI's they're pretty low tension anyway. As you can see, they also aren't quite a perfect fit - both the E and A strings are a wee bit too long, and the windings wrap round the posts (the E by a whole turn, the A by about three-quarters)...


  9. [quote name='molan' post='1108825' date='Jan 30 2011, 10:33 PM']The sound he has at the beginning of the clip is pretty much exactly how I think of LowEnds sounding based on review stuff I've read :lol:

    I did wonder about the T-Bird as a gospel bass, lol.

    [b]I've got a bit of a 'blues corridor' trip coming up, could be dangerous - Nashville, Memphis, Clarksdale, Vicksburg, New Orleans. Will probably add some more stops in the delta before we hit NO :D[/b]

    The Gibson factory tour is on the list, luckily I don't like their basses very much![/quote]
    Did a similar trip with a couple of mates about 15 years ago now. We all loved Nashville and Memphis, Clarksdale and Vicksburg were *interesting*, while N'awlins was sadly just like Blackpool, but with better food. We still chuckle about a few things that happened, like the lass serving in the Wendy's (IIRC) in Clarksdale who asked whether we were a band, bless 'er - unfortunately my mate told her it would be a very sad band if it had us in it, so we didn't get to sign any autographs (or get free burgers :) ). In the parking lot outside, we then got accosted by a couple of folks who, after checking the plates on the hire car, proudly declared "Ah, North Carolina, we thought we recognised the accent!". So, North Carolinians obviously speak broad Lankyshire... :) Finally in Vicksburg, can't remember the name of the bar, but they served the biggest, hottest, most awesomest Buffalo Wings I have ever eaten. Oh, and when a spot of trouble broke out in the parking lot, the barmaid reached under the bar and brought out what definitely appeared to us to be a genuine Luger pistol. Things quietened down pretty quickly... :P

    Have a great time!!!

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