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Posts posted by 3V17C

  1. [quote name='paul, the' post='67236' date='Sep 29 2007, 04:29 AM']I like the mix of deep gorgeous wood and traditional styling. Would love to hear one, any sound clips exist?[/quote]

    if you go to the sandberg site on the news page theres a nice video clip of a California PM in action. very nice - i want one!




  2. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='65255' date='Sep 25 2007, 11:59 AM']Sorry. Don't mean to be a dick about this.

    Basically, that clip wasn't uploaded by the guy who was playing the bass. It's a totally different guy. It was uploaded by some asshole to make fun of the footage - the 'professional' comment in the clip was sarcastic.

    The fact that it's filmed on its side also makes it seem like a sneak-recording.

    Either way, the kid playing the bass was just playing the bass. Some other asshole filmed it, and uploaded it for others to laugh at. I don't even know if the kid has any idea that it exists.

    It's one thing if the kid posts a video of himself not playing very well and comments "I'm amazing!" Self delusion deserves to be seen as self delusion. It's a totally other thing when the kid is making no claims about his ability and is being laughed at by a community of bassists.

    He could be a poster here. Both actually, and in the wider "he's your bro too, man" sense.

    So it's possible you've just got the wrong end of the stick on this one.[/quote]

    From what I can make out its the drummer in the very same clip who uploaded it (?) so might not have been uploaded purely for people to laugh at as it would do him no favours either (remember the arrogance of youth and thinking you're the best at everything when in fact you still have an awful lot to learn?). Anyhoo, if he does see the comments etc it [i]might[/i] make him think 'hang on a minute, actually thats [i]not[/i] very good' and he could then go away and woodshed for hours until he gets it right, thus making him a better player and the comments actually helpful!



  3. [quote name='bass_in_ya_face' post='65164' date='Sep 25 2007, 08:21 AM']The other thing that irritated me was the pack mentality of taking the mickey out of the young lad trying to tackle 'My Generation'. Christ I bet most of the 'pro's' on here couldn't make it sound like The Ox either. Pino Palladino doesn't.[/quote]

    If people put up videos of themselves on youtube then they should expect to get comments etc from people viewing it. Its hardly the trickiest song in the world and yes, yes, i know we've all got to start somewhere but don't run before you can walk. Maybe he should spend less time on youtube and myspace and more time practising.......... (and it [i]is [/i]pretty funny!)

    back on track now...

    Gigging can, admittedly be a real pain. Theres lots of work involved and i can totally understand why people decide to stop doing it. NEVER doing it on the other hand means missing out on some great experiences. Playing together with other musicians and playing in front of a live audience is completely different to playing in your bedroom at home. You've got to up your game and think on your feet and if you read interviews by 'name' players asking what advice they'd give to youngsters starting out, ALOT of them will say to get out and play live. I for one would agree.



  4. [quote name='theosd' post='63580' date='Sep 21 2007, 01:30 PM']#

    Um, it would be cool if he wasn't so miserable all the time!! ....[/quote]

    surely its the [i]job[/i] of the bass player to be miserable?!! i certainly am, and i know a few others who are too! same applies to the grandad thing! i fully intend to be a right misery, moaning about the youth of today and attacking everything with my walking stick if (when?!) i get old!!!! it comes with the territory i reckon and should be applauded!!!



  5. Tempted with this little lot myself but must resist......resist!

    ADA MB-1 midi bass preamp (item no: 130152414137)

    [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ADA-MB-1-MIDI-TUBE-BASS-PREAMP-VERY-RARE_W0QQitemZ130152414137QQihZ003QQcategoryZ58719QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]eBAY [/url]

    and the same guy is selling the matching ADA poweramp too! (item no: 130152419161)


    these used to be the business back in the day, and the bass ones particularly are rare to say the least. somebody buy it - so i don't!!!



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