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Posts posted by TrevorG


    13 minutes ago, discreet said:

    I'll always opt for one 4ohm (or 8ohm) cab because I'm a lazy bugger... 

    Currently I'm using a 350w 2x10 combo which sounds great, gets quite loud enough and weighs 16kg for the win. ;)

    Now weight I understand - I have a 1000watt Markbass combo for the same reason(and since joining a band with the loudest guitarist in England I've added a 102P - which is why I was curious as to whether I'd have been better off with a 4Ohm cab).

    Many thanks, gentlemen I feel hugely educated but still have a ton more to learn (please tell me you don't have to know it all to be a good player)!!!  :)

  2. 51 minutes ago, Bill Fitzmaurice said:

    There's no such thing as ohmage. Ohms are used to measure resistance, impedance, capacitive reactance and inductive reactance, so if one says' ohmage' it could refer to any or all of those factors.

    Adding a 4 ohm cab to an 8 ohm cab won't cause anything to blow, assuming the amp is rated for the resulting 2.67 ohm impedance load.

    Adding a second identical 8 ohm cab will result in a 3dB sensitivity increase compared to a single 4 ohm cab, assuming the drivers are identical save for their impedance. The pair of 8 ohm cabs would have twice the driver displacement of the 4 ohm cab, so they would have 6dB higher maximum output capacity.

    Wow! Thanks. I've never used anything but amps rated at 4 ohms (hope that's the correct term)so I've no idea how common amps at 2.67 are.  So is the advantage of two 8 Ohm cabs just dispersion? And also - what's inductive reactance?

  3. Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question and I know the cab's power rating is as relevant as the Ohmage but I'm still getting the hang of this impedance business. Just read about someone wanting to add a 4 Ohm cab to an 8 Ohm cab and wondered - 1) how much extra volume they might get before the amp blew and 2) is there any point in getting a second 8 Ohm cab if they will be no louder than the single 4 Ohm cab?

  4. I tried the 102P recently and loved it A LOT  but already had the K1 with the newly designed 12 inch and 5 inch drivers. So I bought a 102P cab. The sound is now not just louder but bigger! Nothing wrong with more of the same but I think it's worth experimenting with other speakers for the sake of flexibility and range.

  5. Agreed. Mine blew up about six years ago. I knew almost nothing about amps then and took the advice of a shop in Germany who sold it to me with an extension cab that was a bad match. Thing was as heavy as the car I drove it around in! Gigging with it was a nightmare. Got dispondant about the whole thing. Amp cost a fortune and no one could hear me. Left it five years before I saw anything I'd trust. Markbass K1 with a 102p extension cab. Frustrations gone.

  6. I owned a Redhead for ten years or more but played Warwicks and Spectors through it.The tone was fabulous though I found zeroing in on the sound I wanted tricky - too much choice? Anyway the real problem was with the power. It really didn't make its presence felt in anything but the smallest gigs(remember it's only 200watts into 4Ohms). Eventually it blew up at a gig and I moved onto Markbass(which was less than half the price of the Redhead). I was under the impression that the Super Redhead was designed with its forerunner's lack of volume in mind. I know nothing of the difference in tone but don't see the point in having a great sound if no one can hear it. 

  7. 12 hours ago, RandomBass said:

    Ooh look darling, how about a side table for drinks?

    No, she said.

    Trying to work out what that stomp box is...

  8. 12 hours ago, RandomBass said:

    Ooh look darling, how about a side table for drinks?

    No, she said.

    My wife actually wanted my guitars up on the wall in the the living room. 'Cause that's what the are. WALL HANGINGS!!!!!

  9. 1 hour ago, walbassist said:

    Put simply two 8 ohm cabs means the amp sees a 4 ohm load, and divides it equally between the two as they have the same impedance.  So your K1 has the potential to put 500 watts into each cab O.o

    The good news is you will probably never use every single watt. so the fact the 2x10 is only rated at 400 watts should not be an issue.  

    So if I unplug the speaker in the combo and just hook up the amp to the traveler the extension cab will be taking 600Watts?

  10. Funk, jazz, Latin, rock and pop for me.  I like the HF roll off because it kills a lot of fret noise and my playing sounds smoother. The 2x10 bring things out just where I want them. I have US built Spector NS5XL,  an Over water Explorer and a couple of others.

    • Like 1
  11. On 04/06/2018 at 15:24, walbassist said:

    I'd put them next to each other, or use the combo as a woofer underneath with the 2x10 on top.  Remember that both cabs see equal wattage.

    That is a great combo.  I had one but sold it for a similarly high powered head but with more versatile EQ (Little Marcus 800).  I still have the TRV123 extension cab.


    I did not know about the equal wattage thing, thank you but not sure how that works. The traveler is 400watts...  Really pleased with this set up. There's a lovely balance between the rich twelve inch and the tight 2x10s. Works much better with the 2x10 on top


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  12. On 04/06/2018 at 17:07, Al Krow said:

    Awesome rig! Congratulations!

    I am honestly pinching myself. Got a great price for the combo last year and started playing with an outfit that justified the second can this year.

  13. 3 hours ago, CameronJ said:

    Plus you can play a game of gin rummy/dominoes/bridge atop the 102. Keep the band amused in the break between sets!

    Ha ha. Someone has convinced me putting it on its end is better but the card game is still on the table.

    • Like 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, Daz39 said:

    My word; is that the AC combo and an extension : 800 or 1000w in total?!

    It's a CMD K1 Supercombo(Alain Caron signature). The combo on its own is 600 watts and the 102p supplies the other 400 watts. Both very punchy with the 12 inch driver being fat and rich and the 2x10 as tight as anything I've heard. Might stick some Velcro between them but it's stable this way...so far.

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  15. My old phaser died last week and this was the recommended replacement. Very well designed. Probably won't get into the tone print thing as I don't like to complicate things. Anybody else using this beauty?


  16. Over the moon at how well the two cabs compliment each other. The 102p is very tight and punchy while the combo's 12 inch driver is rich, fat and equally punchy. My amp buying days are over! Many thanks to Wunjo's on Denmark Street who put up with my madness.


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  17. I have the EHX Pitchfork. VERY natural sounding. Intervals range from detune to three octaves up/down or both. Also has a latch so you can activate it just for the time your foot is on the button or use it like a regular pedal.. very useful.

  18. I'm in the EBS. Mainly because I'm after an easy life. Couldn't get on with the other as easily(though I never tried the Spectracomp). Simple, quiet, effective. I double up on guitar occasionally and so have set the internal pots for guitar but find the same setting is nice for soloing on bass.

  19. 3 hours ago, Al Krow said:

    Are there some decent demo's up now? Was very limited pre Christmas. If he's offering it at a good price it may be worth a punt, particularly if you're not keen on the alternatives. 

    Which other synth pedals have you considered and what is it about them that put you off? 

    Tough question to answer as these preferences are usually very subjective. I hear a richness and a density in the Pigtronix pedal that matches the sound I'm always trying to achieve.  The envelopes also sound more musical to me. The others are like different shades of the same colour but not a shade I prefer.

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