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Posts posted by Roger2611

  1. I have just swapped my Mesa Boogie D800 for a Mesa Boogie Walkabout head, purely because I found the D800 felt like it lacked something! I will run it for a few weeks before coming to any conclusions.

    The only class D head I have liked and kept is the Markbass LM3 which I love, a TC Electronic RH750, Ampeg SVT pro7 and Mesa Boogie D800 have all come and gone because the Markbass sounded better (to me)

  2. Will it work with my early Fender Precision bass lyte where I get about 30 seconds notice between the first sign of distortion and the bass shutting down completely! I put a freshly charged battery in every gig as the shutdown is so quick I simply cannot rely on it otherwise, I know the issue is an incorrect capacitor and how to solve it but the bass sounds immense as it is and I don't want to lose the sound it offers!

  3. 12 minutes ago, TheGreek said:

    I saw UB40 at "UB40 plays the Blues" at Birmingham City's football stadium. On the bill were The Pogues who, though I had heard of, hadn't really taken serious notice of.

    They were brilliant - crowd was going mental with fans from all sorts of musical genre dancing and cheering. Opened my eyes (or should that be "ears").

    I was at that gig! I was going out with UB40's fan club manager at the time, we had free tickets and back stage passes, the Pogues were brilliant but got very drunk after they played, started abusing UB40 and were thrown out by the bouncers!

    If I remember correctly wasn't Robert Palmer the opening act?

    • Like 2

    First concert: Bauhaus 1982 Lings Forum Northampton

    Last concert: Big Country Roadmender Northampton

    Best concert: Ramones Hammersmith Palais

    Worst concert: Sisters of Mercy Rock City sometime in the 2000's

    Loudest concert, Ellery Bop Rock City (supporting Killing Joke 1986) so loud I was scared my heart was going to stop, literally emptied the venue!

    Seen the most: Stiff Little Fingers

     Most surprising: Pink Floyd Docklands arena (blown away by the sound and stage show)

    Next Concert: Gene Loves Jezebel Esquires Bedford

    Wish I could have seen - I always thought it would be Abba but with the passing of Mark Hollis probably Talk Talk now!

  5. A band called Black Elvis 2000 supported Zig Zig Sputnik when I saw them at Coventry Poly, one of the early dates of their first tour (so OK we are not setting the bar very high to be honest!) they were brilliant, the crowd were shouting for more when they finished, I believe they were subsequently thrown off the tour a couple of days later for upstaging the main band!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. On 31/01/2020 at 20:32, djc63 said:

    LED tape light?

    Yes, the amp sits on a plastic square with another angled section glued to the front so the LED's shine towards the amp rather than towards the front, pretty simple really but a pain to get the LED's to stick firmly in place!

  7. What is it you dislike about the Wilkinson's? As that might give the Jazz bass guys a better idea of what would suit your needs.

    Personally speaking I don't really see a huge difference between any of the pickups I have in my Precision's 

  8. I like the idea, sadly I cannot take part as since my school day efforts I have been banned from using a hammer and chisel if anywhere near wood!

    Good luck though as I genuinely do think that it is a good idea, we all think we know how to do things and we all assume others do things the same was as us, it is not until you sit down with someone you find out that they have been doing things completely different to you, and making that work for many years!

    • Haha 2
  9. 20 hours ago, EBS_freak said:

    Defo cabled like this?



    Solved...sort of! It turns out the cable is correct as is the output from the phone and the IPad, annoyingly the mini jack was not fully inserting into the headphone socket on either the phone or the IPad so was shorting between tip and ring hence the click and backing tracks out of both channels, I have trimmed a little bit of the plastic surround from the mini jack and with a firm shove we get click on one side and backing tracks on the other, so it was either the plastic surround or a crap mini jack but at least I now know what the issue is!

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  10. I need a bit of help if possible, sorry if it becomes a bit of a long post, I will try to be as brief as I can....

    I have recently brought a Soundcraft UI24R mixer mainly to use as an enclosed in ear monitor system, we tried the set up last night with disappointing results, the in ear bit worked ok but did show the limitations of the cheap in ear systems, however, I could not get the backing tracks and the click to separate, the idea was click to right channel and just to the aux sends and backing tracks to the left channel and to both the aux sends and FOH. 

    The backing tracks are recorded correctly, I double checked them today and they are all click on one side backing tracks on the other, I then tested the MP3's we are using and other than a tiny bit of cross bleed (caused by the use of side chain compression in the conversion to MP3) again the click in on one side and the music on the other, so I then sent it to my phone and played it back through my main mixing desk via a stereo mini jack to duel mono XLR's but at that point I end up with music and click out of both channels....so either the cable is wrong or the way the phone is outputting the sound is wrong, we used the same cable last night but with the backing tracks on an Ipad with the same outcome which suggests the cable is wrong so I checked the XLR wiring....one plug has a white wire and an earth and the other a red wire and earth.....which surely suggests duel mono, which should be what I need?

    Any ideas?



  11. 17 hours ago, prowla said:

    But it is so easy to put a Fender decal on anything.

    I agree but 99% of "fake" Fender's will have glaring errors which is likely why we do tend to spot them pretty easily on here, although I am sure there will be some seriously good fakes that only a real expert will spot and that will slip through, even here, unnoticed.

    Instruments like Fenders which are, at the end of the day just a collection of parts will always undergo changes during their lifetime, usually not for nefarious reasons, I have a 79 Olly white Precision which, as far as I am aware is 100% original with the exception of the black scratch plate which I swapped from my old 79 Precision to this bass, so mine is still a 79 Precision throughout but it is not 100% original anymore, I would mention that fact if I sold it but I doubt it would, or should, have an impact on its value?

    This thread shows the value of this site in that the bass has been seen and flagged to anyone who watches the Ebay market place regularly and likes to check whether a bass is as described!

  12. 31 minutes ago, prowla said:

    The whole Fender used market is a minefield. 
    Ironically this site bans the sale of the easiest brand to spot fakes. 

    To be fair there doesn't appear to be many fakes that make it through unreported on here, we are pretty good at spotting a dodgy Fender, I had a look at this one over Christmas and thought it looked like a bitsa bass, I had picked up on the decal being wrong for a 72 bass but hadn't gone as far as the patent numbers!

  13. 3 minutes ago, Bluewine said:

    Yes, as recently as NYE. Looking at the crowd , how great the stage looked with our lighting and gear knowing I'm a part of this.

    I'm not the guy looking wishing he had a gig. I love the attention. I love being approached by people that want to talk to me only because I'm in the band.

    However it's not easy keeping my spirit up after 50 years of gigging. Health issues and fighting to stay a live in a scene that's dieing.

    It helps that we cherry pick our gigs now. We know crap gigs when we see them and will not book them.

    And most of all, I play with good people. We're ego and drama free.

    Gigging is still a blast for me. While chronologically I'm 66, I still have the same spirit I had when I started gigging in public at age 12.


    It's great to read that Blue, at 53 it gives me hope I can get back to regular gigging, I am slowly going out of my mind sitting around weekend after weekend doing nothing yet still apparently being in 2 bands! Between the two I have one single festival in August in the diary, yet I was pressured by both bands to give up the covers band because they had too many dates which meant the originals bands couldn't gig.....something that clearly worked out well then!!

    I am starting to go through the Join My Band experience again looking at hundreds of adds from dreamers, wasters and bands full of 17 year olds that want to play doom metal (whatever that is!) but hopefully "the one" I need will appear at some point

    Despite working full time in a stressful job the getting on stage and all that goes with it brings a balance to life that at the moment is sadly missing.

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  14. 47 minutes ago, hooky_lowdown said:

    Following on from a thread about P basses all sounding the same. I believe jazz basses pretty much all sound the same. Bad!

    I've never got on with any jazz bass, I've had many fenders and a couple laklands, although I like the thinner necks, the sound just leaves me underwhelmed.

    I respectfully disagree, Jazz basses sound crap when I play them because their sound just doesn't work for me on stage but seem to sound fine when you are in the audience, so, in theory, the further you get from a Jazz bass the better it sounds?

    • Haha 4
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