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Posts posted by thisnameistaken

  1. Adding another octave definitely makes things thicker but generally in a three piece when the guitarist solos it's more about making more noise. Typically you'd want the drummer playing the ride and the bassist playing something more legato along with it, so you essentially do away with whatever silence there was before.

  2. To continue to punish us with the football analogy: Centre backs are typically well disciplined but not highly skilled. And as such they are not as valuable as their teammates.

    If you had a centre back who could dribble around the opposition midfield, outpace their full backs and curl it in the top corner from the edge of the box, you would stop playing him as a centre back. This is the footballing equivalent of the excellent bass player.

  3. [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1400745467' post='2456516']
    I actually don't believe the bass has the least influence..I'd say you have a chance to have the most. ...

    I think the bass players prime function is making the bottom end sound tight.
    You'll never be a tight band without a tight bass player...[/quote]

    But you don't need to be a talented musician to do that. That's sort of my point - excellent bassists are 'luxury players' to borrow a football phrase. They are bottom of the list of most bands' requirements.

  4. Saw these guys at a festival a couple of weeks back and they rocked it. A full live band fronted by two MCs, doing jazzy hip hop with Lancashire accents.

    They've got some real talent on their album Escape Music, one of the main MCs is a little weak but the other guy is stunningly good and the featured vocalists are all great.

    Well worth a listen if you like that sort of thing.

  5. One observation that I don't think anyone has made yet: Being an excellent bass player isn't a massive benefit to most bands. If you were an excellent almost anything else, you would be more valuable.

    In some bands it's a boon, but not in most. Also as a bass player you probably have the least influence of the whole ensemble over whether the band sounds any good or not. The singer is first, then the drummer, then everybody else to varying degrees, then the bass player.

    And however good your musical ideas are, you'll probably have to give most of them to other instrumentalists where they'll have more impact.

    I still love playing bass and double bass and wouldn't swap it for anything except maybe piano which I love but never practise and am rubbish at.

  6. Not sure why the cover band musicians haven't turned up yet, talking about how much money the bass player makes. Bet you'd play in Coldplay for that much money eh sunbeam? Can't believe we got this far without the classic Basschat "You're just jealous" rebuttal. :rolleyes:

    [quote name='HowieBass' timestamp='1400594208' post='2455259']
    In contrast you have a guy like Josh Homme who suffers complications during routine surgery on his knee in 2011 and almost dies on the operating table, spends 2 weeks in hospital, then is bed-ridden for the next four months, during which time he descends into a deep depression... and out of that produces 'Like Clockwork'.[/quote]

    The same Josh Homme who can be seen all over Youtube calling various hecklers "faggot". What a great man he is.

  7. [quote name='smudge' timestamp='1400194634' post='2451815']
    The bass whisperer did something along those lines quite a few years ago... with very surprising results.

    Not that surprising really. The Squiers all sounded much more scooped, which is a more common and popular sound now.

    What was surprising was how little effort the Squiers apparently made to sound like vintage instruments.

  8. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1399495627' post='2444856']
    Yep, I reckon people will be able to tell the difference between those played, and state their faves, but whether they`ll be able to tell which is which, well that`s a different matter.

    I think it would be better managed by a Jazz bass fan, rather than a committed P bass user. Just my opinion.

    Also it would be good to rig them all with the same strings, otherwise people will gravitate toward their preferred tension/feel/sound.

  9. [quote name='bh2' timestamp='1400051089' post='2450136']
    I've always used Rotosound Swing Bass RS66's on my fretless basses[/quote]

    Me too. I always hear people talking about how Rotos are 'sharp' and they chew up fingerboards like rabid badgers or whatever, but it never happened to me and I never used anything but Roto RS66 on my fretlesses, and for a few years I played nothing but fretless bass.

  10. [quote name='brensabre79' timestamp='1400079186' post='2450530']
    If you want a tight fitting neck join don't buy a Fender![/quote]

    Warmoth kit is the opposite end of the spectrum. The neck pocket and pickup routes are very precise, some parts won't fit them unless you sand the body a little to ease them in.

    I guess Warmoth expect their buyers to put a bit of effort into getting a good fit and of course you can't start with too little wood, whereas Fender just want their factory guys to be able to put them together in seconds.

  11. What you're wanting is a custom bass. A 'bitsa' is rather more modest instrument, as your Norwegian respondent has already indicated.

    For the record the last 'bitsa' bass I assembled was a passive Jazz earlier this year, which is now my main bass in one of my bands. It's an oly white Warmoth body, a Moses neck, Fender noiseless pickups, lightweight Gotoh machines - all of which were bought here on Basschat. The rest is 500k pots, a .1uF tone cap and a series/parallel push/pull switch on the tone pot. Roll the tone off and it is a full-on dub machine!

    That's quite posh for a bitsa though. I have a much cheaper bitsa P which is a Mexican Fender neck, a really cheap Ash body and a Fender vintage P pickup. It surprised me how good it is though, it plays and sounds as nice as any P I've played.

  12. [quote name='hiram.k.hackenbacker' timestamp='1399971186' post='2449378']
    I am considering ordering a Wal, which I guess some would consider "high end". I will pay for it outright with my own money, which I earned. It might have gold hardware. It might not. It might have a quilted maple top. It might have an ebony fingerboard. I don't know. I haven't decided yet. ... I also know that I won't give a flying f*** what anyone thinks of me when I turn up down my local with it for a Saturday night pub gig.

    I'm not a postman and I don't have a swimming pool.

    I don't know why you're getting so angry about a hypothetical bass you might not even order.

    For the record I really like Wals.

  13. One of these would solve so many of my problems. Is there a good place to look for used items for sale?

    Incidentally do any of the Moog fans here know if it's going to be replaced with another model? I'm gutted they discontinued it. :(

  14. Apologies if this is a naive question, but: Does this do a single modulation effect at a time? Only I know the Pitchfactor has a lot of patches that include delay and so on, I don't really know how the Modfactor works. Does it have slots where more than one modulation effect is happening - like a filter and a tremolo for example?

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