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Posts posted by TPJ

  1. 36 minutes ago, EBS_freak said:


    The more "pro" a musician is, the more of a liability they are.


    Would you like a broom with that statement? ;) I disagree with this. Like you, I take the boy scout attitude of "be prepared" and go to gigs with extra basses, leads, amp heads, stings etc... because I am a pro. The pros I play with are the same and cover themselves and others. We have saved each other's skins and gigs many times and enjoy doing so. I find it's those that think they are pro that don't actually behave as a pro. Yes there are exceptions,  and I'll conceded that. 


    I've just started a big pro theatre gig and am joyous in the professionalism of the group and crew. I found it difficult to stay out of the way and not help as the crew are so competent. I just show up with my basses, pedal board, leads and IEM and off we go. Lots of great compliments from returning fans so it must be working.


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  2. I bought a set of these https://www.thomann.de/gb/presto_balance_hybrid_34l.htm

    They're a steel string but not too stiff/too much tension. I tried them on one bass and they now live on my EUB and make it sound/feel very DB like. They're a little fatter feeling than spirocores and they bow ok too.

    Good price. Read the review on Thomann and see if they might work for you.

  3. Looking at the pics, the tail wire is worse for wear, the end pin looks like it has tape or something around it, and the bridge is quite a way out of place on the front. You might want to ask for more pics showing if the sound post is in place, fingerboard close ups, headstock to see if there were repairs etc...

    He does say collection only and for cash so if you go and it's rubbish you can walk away. Travelling a distance for the right DB is not uncommon. Looking at this one, you'll ask yourself if it's worth the journey.

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  4. I found having that having a portable eub (BSX Allegro 5), it gets transported fully assembled in a gig bag. Taking it apart just for space was a pain...time consuming and dealing with getting it back in tune in a short amount of time etc.... I only took it apart when flying, maybe twice.

    You may want to try some different eubs if you can. I know times are difficult right now but maybe ask the community if anyone near you has anything different to what you have, given the potential cost you're about to incur  :-)



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  5. I bought Paul's Hohner B2B bass. Great comms and was willing to ship to the continent. Bass arrived well packed and safely even though I goofed up my address in a senior moment 😂.

    Thanks again for the very easy and straightforward deal. Pleasure to deal with.

    • Thanks 1
  6. 6 hours ago, sorrel said:

    I'm looking for a stand for a 1/4 DB - I'm tempted by the HORA one TPJ posted - would it work for a smaller bass do you think?

    another alternative would be to DIY a stand like the upton bass model, but I'm still not exactly certain how stable they are. If the bass is just resting on them, aren't they susceptible to falling forward?


    It might work if the lower bouts are wide enough on the bass. Besides sticking the bass in a corner, the Hora stand has been the most solid feeling. I tried a box stand but it just didn't feel stable enough for me. The Hercules stand is a possibility if it's adjustable. You could even maybe look at cello stands for a 1/4 db.

  7. Here is my lap steel with the bender. I have them installed on the A and C string on a C6 tuning (CEGACE). They move the A string up to A# and the C string up to C#. You can obviously set the pitch of each bender to whatever you want with in reason of the movement of the lever.

    That bar at the rear is a pivot for the bending mechanism and the mechanism can be moved along the bar to any string position. Also, benders can be set to bend the pitch down as well as up depending on where you install the string on the mechanism.

    Those four nuts you see on top  and by the bar are fine tuners for both the open string and the pitch when the palm lever is pressed.

    Hope this helps.


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  8. 16 hours ago, Carl2 said:

    TPJ said he has a 6 string tuned to C6 with a duesenberg palm bender,Can anyone tell me what strings are being bent??I am interested in trying. a bender but only in C6.

    Thanks Carl

    The benders can be installed on any string. I have two of them currently on string 2 and 3 (2nd and 3rd highest pitched). It's a pretty cool device

  9. Here you go. I don't take mine apart, it just stays at home. 

    For the bottom section, it's 20 cm from the floor to the section the bass sits on at the rear and 24 cm at the front, if that makes sense.The bottom sides are slanted so the bass tilts. Also, Once I put the bass on the stand, I reach under and loosen the end pin until it drops to the floor which helps hold the bas in the stand more securely IMO.






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  10. 21 hours ago, Happy Jack said:

    Do you flatpack it away after each gig?

    What does it look like with a DB on it?



    18 hours ago, Basilpea said:

    Any chance you could let me know the height of the flanks that the bass sits on?  Just wondering if I would have to retract the end pin in order to stand the bass on it every time.

    I'll get some pictures this weekend.

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