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Posts posted by Greggo

  1. I really like the green Michael Anthony version with the chilli pepper inlays! Is it the BB3000MA? How much would one of them set you back?

  2. I don't particularly like Mr Big or Billys tone and certainly don't like watching his soloing , but I've got to admit watching interviews with him on YouTube he's a very interesting bloke and some of his bass lessons are very useful indeed. I've got a lot of good information from watching him and like the way he talks about his methods of set up. He seems a very down to earth guy too.

  3. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1383639858' post='2266774']

    Not for you, maybe, but myself, and some others who have posted above in this thread, do have specific issues with getting to the first unread post in a thread. personally, I'm only bothered about a solution to that, whether it's an app or something else.

    I was being a bit tongue in cheek, was more of a dig at how TDPRI.COM is a bit annoying on a phone in comparison. I use chrome on an Galaxy s3, have you tried a different browser? I know one stock android browser it looks a bit different from what I remember.

  4. I've recently joined a new band that is the exact same members of the last one but with a new drummer and now going under a new name. Ditching all previous material and going in a new direction in a new rehearsal space, hoping I will be actually enjoying playing again!

  5. Nothing wrong with this mobile site!

    I always use the mobile site to the point where I feel quite spoiled because of how good it is. Eg, TDPRI.com is a ball ache to use in comparison when looking at that site on mobile as no mobile version available.

    You don't know you're born! ;)

  6. My college bass was awesome! Was a home built p bass copy finished with like a fence panel staining and had strings on older than the building I'm sure! Recorded a few tracks with it and it did actually sound quite good to be fair. Actually borrowed it before I owned a bass and it did get me interested in learning the bass proper.

  7. I've been playing a 5 for 13 years only to discover I actually much prefer playing a 4 string. I have used the low B as fair bit, but in all honesty I play better on a 4. I kind of want to get rid of my last 5er but part of me thinks as I've only one of each now whether there is reason to or not. But I do play it and wish it had one string less, even though it sounds good.

  8. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1383503192' post='2265170']

    It does make me wonder if there'd be anywhere near as much interest if the player was an overweight, unattractive bloke . . .

    Haha yeah I totally agree there . Would Stuart Zender have given Rodney Biggleswade, taxi driver from Barnsley a free Warwick for being able to adequately play a few of their numbers? I doubt it!

  9. [quote name='cupples' timestamp='1383501419' post='2265132']
    No, I don't think doing yourself more damage is really an issue with taking painkillers - you're more likely to hold yourself awkwardly and sit or lift improperly if you're sore - at this stage if it is a muscular or tendon problem, gentle exercise and early mobilisation is usually helpful, and painkillers/anti-inflammatories tend to promote that. But, like I say, it's best getting a hands-on diagnosis to confirm that.

    Thanks for information, nice to have a resident GP on basschat :)

    If I'm not ok to drive tomorrow will work from home and get an appointment. I suppose I can judge how better I am by if I can get left hand to fret a note on bass! Couldn't actually get any strength to do that yesterday!

  10. [quote name='cupples' timestamp='1383499285' post='2265095']
    When I say 6 months, that's because I spent most of the time sleeping on his floor at night after our second was born... common sense applies here. Anti-inflammatories, changing posture, regular exercise - nah, those are for wimps! If that sort of injury lasts for longer than a few weeks you're generally doing something daft that stops it settling down.

    I fear that as much as I'm trying to avoid any heavy lifting, picking him up can't be completely avoided and can't help matters with my injury!

    I've been taking ibuprofen (although only 200mg x 2) which have helped somewhat, although only really having 1 or 2 doses daily - i can't help but feel if the pain is numbed I won't realise how much more damage I may end up accidentally doing!

  11. Thanks for replies :)

    Day 4 and still in pain, I can feel pain in my legs too so think whatever I have done I've really damaged myself and I'm struggling to have any strength in doing simple things like opening a bottle lids, doing shirt buttons etc.

    Come to think of it, I was larking about with son last weekend and throwing him in the air too and as much as he was laughing his head off, he's probably having the last laugh now!

    6 months, groan! Was meant to be first rehearsal with new band this Thursday too!

    Yep will get checked in with doctors and see about a physiotherapist!

  12. I know people say that flats are really good for blues, jazz and all that jazz.. But are they good for other types of music like indie / rock type music? I know Steve Harris uses them and he don't play no jazz! Also if you let roundwounds go dead aren't you basically using poor man's flats anyway? I've recorded plenty of songs with dead rounds and they sounded quite good so thinking I may be a fan of the flats..

  13. I ended up going with Status Hot wires in the end they seem highly praised. I'm actually tempted to try flats myself on one of my basses, have little experience using them, only that when I did play them they felt nice on the fingers but they sound good though! Might actually suit some of the songs I play in my band.

  14. I think my 16 month old son has broken me and I'm struggling to have any dexterity in hands!

    He's pretty heavy now and about 3 days I woke up and I had pains in my both hands and tendons and I can only think that picking up my son and carrying him I've done my arms in! It's like I've done most excessive arms workout at the gym!

    Anyone else had this? Pain is in biceps triceps and particularly tendons. Most upsetting thing is that since I cannot play my bass and it's really difficult to drive too!

    It's day 3 now and feels more painful than ever!

  15. [quote name='donkelley' timestamp='1383157522' post='2260984']
    For me they're simply not very physically attractive. Come on, there has to be at least SOME sexiness in a bass for me to want to play her! The BB series is one of the most utilitarian looking things I've ever seen.

    The feel fine, nothing special imho but certainly sufficient if you're into their neck profile, and the sound very good in a classic fender bass kinda way. Very well built, also, with solid hardware.

    Body shape turns me off, so does the headstock, so do the LOOK of their pickups and general mounting area for everything.

    If I close my eyes I can really enjoy playing one though for a while.

    To be fair I used to think they were butt-ugly at first, but when i was browsing some old Yamaha catalogues and seeing various older models, something clicked in me and I decided I wanted one! I think for a supposed budget bass the BB414 is well builit and sounds pretty massive.

  16. Thanks for relies! Will trubass rotos still worked when plugged in?

    its this bass


  17. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1382344267' post='2250741']
    Hey folks

    Tried to adjust the relief on my BB414 and couldn't. The rod seems stuck...any tips? Is there something you need to do other than "insert allen key" and turn?

    I had same issue on my BB414. I unscrewed the little plastic cover to get a get a bit more room to manaeovre and by pressing neck down a bit and a bit of pressure on the allen key eventually it moved smoothly. Took a bit of persuasion though - was a bit hairy!

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