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Posts posted by Chezz55

  1. I didn't need a Rickenbacker but I still bought a MapleGlow 4003 (after spending a month thinking about it, trying a few different models/finishes, trawling YouTube and reading many threads here and on other websites).

    Lovely instrument, looks gorgeous and using the Ric-o-Sound output to drive two separate amps it sounds great.

    Just need some gigs now.

    • Like 2
  2. 1 hour ago, Cato said:

    I think I've inadvertently undergone a very long term process of aversion therapy with regards to Christmas songs.

    After many years of hearing more or less the same song selection on constant repeat on the radio, in shops and pubs and round people's houses I'm now at the point where even the opening bars of the supposedly ever popular 'Fairytale of New York' inspire nothing but feelings of slight revulsion.



    This multiplied many many times.

  3. 27 minutes ago, Maude said:

    I don't remember it being particularly pleasant, one of the main reasons for drinking was it came in a 500ml bottle rather than a 330, and you knew it hadn't been watered down, unlike draught. Much the same reason as Newcastle Brown Ale, which was also shite. 😁

    Calling Newcastle Brown Ale 'sh*te' is heresy. In my opinion Newcastle Brown Ale was, and still is, a lovely pint.

    Anyway back 'On Topic' - My Basschat Strap Locks have been delivered safely (thanks Ped).  They look the business and will be installed tomorrow.

    Take it easy and stay safe.



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