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Posts posted by BassMunkee

  1. [quote name='paul h' post='482047' date='May 7 2009, 02:57 PM']Why is it different? I don't like modern, highly polished furniture. I prefer it to look like it's been kicked around a farmhouse for 50 years. Same with basses.

    Also I was thinking of reissues. The majority of us do seem to agree that it's perfectly fine to buy a brand new bass that is designed to look like it was made 30 or 40 years ago. So why not go that step further and make it look as though it has been played for that long too?

    Would you buy Fords brand new 2009 model if externally it looked exactly the same as a Mark III Cortina? (I bloody would!)

    I guess at the end of the day it's no big deal, some of us like old and knackered, albeit faked and some want genuine, or shiny. The biggest difference I have noticed is that the relic fans never start threads about how they don't understand people who like shiny basses!



    p.s. Quick caveat...I haven't got any reliced basses although I am GASing over a hardcore reliced Sandberg PM4.[/quote]
    What I meant was, was it's made from recycled wood so chances are it's gonna look a bit manky anyway. Which is fine. It's not a "new" thing that's pretending to be an old thing.
    I don't like re-issues and I don't think that buying something new that looks like something old is great. (Personally).
    Yes I would by the original if I wanted it.
    You are absolutely correct. :)

  2. [quote name='jonny-lad' post='482021' date='May 7 2009, 02:28 PM']It's worth bearing in mind that it's a compromise - a reliced instrument is never the same as a real vintage.

    Saving up and buying the real thing is easier said than done...that's before you get onto problems of sourcing exactly the type of instrument you want, confirming it's originality and so on.

    Of course, the best way to get that type of instrument is to buy it new and gig it hard for the next 30 years...I can't currently afford a vintage instrument, or a relic, so I'll take this approach instead! :)[/quote]
    Yeah I know it's easier said than done.
    I couldn't live with the idea that I had something that wasn't what it looked like...

  3. [quote name='paul h' post='481997' date='May 7 2009, 02:07 PM']I don't think it is a replacement for genuine vintage. At least not in my case.

    I like the [i]look[/i] of a beaten up old/vintage bass. I have absolutely no desire whatsoever to pay through the nose to get one though. I am also a bedroom player so there is very little chance of a bass wearing to that degree. Contradictory to that, I am clumsy bugger so a nice new shiny finish probably won't stay dink free for long.

    And to play devils advocate, why is liking a relic bass so different to liking a design from 62 or 75? A lot of us like retro. some of us like relic too.

    [b]And one more thing, the fire surround in my front room was custom made for me from reclaimed pine. It's full of holes, cracks and there is hardly a straight edge in site...but it looks cool.[/b]

    Yes but that's different.
    And also I agree with you in that there is no difference EXCEPT for the fact that a 62 or 75 bass IS from 62 or 75.

  4. [quote name='Earbrass' post='481938' date='May 7 2009, 01:28 PM']Yeah, fair enough, I wasn't being entirely serious there. There's good stuff around, just as there always has been.

    I just don't buy into the idea that music only matters if it's making money for someone, or has a wide appeal or a cool image. To me those are completely irrelevant to what makes good music.[/quote]
    I very much agree with this - given that I am in an Ambient-Shoegaze band...!

  5. I agree that it's a personal thing and that, as far as it goes, is all fine and dandy.

    BUT personally I think it's cheating and a cop-out.
    If you want one so badly, save up and buy one.

    It's like: I have a Civic Type-R, which is lots of fun. There are people on forums with Civic Sports that they have done up to be "Type-Rs". If you want one badly enough to spend the money making something look like it, save up the the money to buy the real thing.

    To my mind Reliced instruments are the designer ripped jeans of the music world.

  6. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='481905' date='May 7 2009, 01:10 PM']rslaing, it's no comment on you as a person, but a comment on you as a musical educator. You're refusal to see value in music which doesn't meet you criteria of "proper" makes me question what kind of musical education you will give to others. In relation to this topic, it reinforces by belief that there is a form of elitism that exists within Jazz music, and I'm sure I'm not alone in finding this off putting.

    What future does Jazz have if the vocal fans of the genre shout down every form of popular music? I think this is killing jazz more than the fretboard w***ery.[/quote]
    Oh God - now I'm agreeing with him again... :)

  7. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='478580' date='May 3 2009, 09:40 PM']Here you go...

    As has already been mentioned, the Americans use the following names for note lengths - I've provided the English translations as well.

    Whole Note - Semibreve - 4 beats
    Dotted Half Note - Dotted Minim - 3 beats
    Half Note - Minim - 2 beats
    Quarter Note - Crotchet - 1 beat
    Eighth Note - Quaver - 1/2 beat
    Sixteenth Note - Semiquaver - 1/4 beat[/quote]
    This is a very helpful post and I've found it very useful.
    For the record I haven't found any part of it to be patronising or sarcastic or anything else.

  8. Ah group hug.
    As Dood says - you have to read the manual and UNDERSTAND how the kit works before you start using it.
    I still feel that you would not be able to tell the difference between a DECENTLY SET UP POD PATCH and a DECENTLY SET UP equivalent "actual" rig, but there you go.
    The fact of the matter is is that I have swallowed the manual, I do know exactly what I like and what I want from the kit, and should I choose I have a boutique music shop's worth of amps cabs and pedals at my disposal, all perfectly modelled and contrallable via USB - personally having made the jump, I'll stick with that and you can keep your hardware! :)

  9. [quote name='silddx' post='469193' date='Apr 22 2009, 12:08 AM']Sorry mate, I simply can not agree with your thinking.[/quote]
    +1 - Agree with Silddx here. I have an XT Pro Live and to be honest tone off it is bonkers and that's through a set of Senheisser cans, I dread to think what would happen if I put it through a proper PA.
    I'm getting the best tones I've ever had through it.

  10. You can have all the gear in the world, but if you have no idea then all you'll is an expensive fart machine.
    You don't need loads of expensive kit to be a good bassist or to have a good sound, you just need to know how to use what you have properly.
    With apologies, I haven't read all of this thread - but I would never let e small thing like that stop me from pontificating!

  11. This: [url="http://www.youtube.com/user/dustypuppy"]http://www.youtube.com/user/dustypuppy[/url] I have found to be extremely useful, there is loads of really good stuff on it that this guy does and seriously the amount of otherwise obvious stuff that I've just missed...
    ...It is great.

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