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mr carpet

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Everything posted by mr carpet

  1. do they work for checking house hold circuits ? am i thinking of the same thing ? detect a current ? Il have it if you still have it. i mess about with elecricity all the time.
  2. cheers guys , thats usefull info , Good bit of insight. i hadnt conciderd the possability of a wonky fretboard. I had been concidering the squier one for sale on here ,which is probable perfect for me but having allready ruined a squeir i fancy somthing diffrent . Im just going to buy some tat of ebay to keep me going for the while as I as useual I have less desposeable income than I had imagined . I think Ile head for getting one of these mighty mite necks in the future , sounds like about as good as I deserve or can justifiye. I apprieciate the help.
  3. Hello I would like to draw on the wealth of experience of you lot to gather some insight and information. I have knackerd my neck , as apposed to any aesthetic prefference , functionality and it sounding nice is my only reel concern. I have a Squire P bass that cost me 70 pound second hand and to a degree I have used this to become familier with the art of building / rebuilding a bass. unfurtunetely for me, I believe I have screwed its neck right up by attemtpting to de-fret it then attemtping to refret it and trying to figure out what happens within the mysterious compartments where the truss rod once lived (ive knacked that too) so anyway , now all the frets arnt level and I have to shim the neck at a angle and set the bridge up pretty high. so you get the picture , I have basically been opening the curtains and trying to *%$%^% the sky this is how you could help me- I would like to know your opinions on these 100 pound mighty mite necks your opinions on those 50 pound necks from ch guitars your opinions on necks , why ones better than another . any other options or other makes that i put on my Squier body. Iv have read rewiews and scowerd the internet ,. but I find them all so arbittory like those descriptions of music they used to be on the back of dusty jazz albums. If all it comes down to is how well the frets are filed on the end , I reckon I can do that myself ,or I should learn. I appriecate any ones help . many thanks , Mr Carpet , onion farmer.
  4. [quote name='Andyjr1515' timestamp='1339776829' post='1694249'] I think we've all done that at one time or another... [/quote] Thanks man , glad to know others have similar delusions of grandeur too trial and error ,best way to learn for me. plus it drips and oozes this elusive "mojo" stuff now my grubby mitts have manhandled every single bit of it.
  5. sounds to me like your the type of person who would enjoy doing it up. Im one of them too. I bought a second hand squier p bass for 70 quid 3 years ago and after a while realised the pickups where crap , so I bought some seymour duncans , I also scraped of all the cream paint on the body and sanded it down , I pulled all the frets out one drunken night , then put them back in after realising my names not Jaco , besides it sounded like a wale song. Ive broke the truss rod also , so I need a new neck. But in the course of all this butchery I have learnt a lot . I replaced the pots and am pretty good at wiring it up now . I know that pulling the frets out is bad. and truss rods should be aproched with more caution. Iv really enjoyed all my tinkering and although all that will actuely remain of the original bass will be a block of wood , a bridge ,string tree and maybe the tuners ,im very fond of my bass now . I think buying a cheap bass and learning what to do and not do is worth it. you wouldnt want to inflict that type of learning curve on a expensive item. It may sound like all Iv done is f*^%k up a guitar , wich is true , but then I put it back together again. the biggest improvement I ever made was replacing the pickups , it realy made it sound great , all the little personalisations like scratchplate and knobs are inexpensive and verry rewarding. I plan to make a experimental upright bass out of the old neck and any surplus bits maybe a bit of wardrobe too. so in summary , I think you can make a nice bass out of a cheep one , and youl also end up with a few spare parts , a warm satisfiying glow in your belly and a few bob in your pocket. if that doesnt inspire you then I give up. best of luck.
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