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Posts posted by Angel

  1. 12 hours ago, lidl e said:

    I posted a video of Lark's tongue in aspic and said "does anyone want to make music like this..."

    That album blew my mind when I first heard it! It was around 82 I guess and I was late teens, having mostly listened to chart music up to then. It was so different to the usual 'bunch of songs' that were on most albums. I got all those early KC albums. 

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  2. A lot of suggestions here, great though they are, I don't think would be so interesting to your average 'party crowd'. For me there is one great bass piece that comes to mind, I've never met anyone who didn't love Stu Hamm's 'Country Music' the second they heard it. 


    I'm not posting a video of Stu himself playing as he gets too overindulgent live for my liking, so instead here's a cover by Stuart Clayton. Now tell me that people wouldn't love to hear this!



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  3. 2 minutes ago, Leonard Smalls said:

    Funnily enough, I'm loving mine! It looks far more interesting than yer Fenders, and I find it doesn't dig in at all, though I strap it on good and high... Great sound too from the EMGs.




    Fair enough! OK, so I was a bit rude with my post (no-one is interested beige replies!), but the bottom line is that I think they could have come up with a more elegant shape. Still, what one guy hates another likes so who am I to say.

    • Like 1
  4. I don't like most singlecuts. They just look ugly to me.


    However, I can pick one bass that I HATE the look of, the Parker Fly bass. The original Parker fly guitars I think looked brilliant, so original. The Bass version just looks like a whopping great a r s e.  Horrible horrible. It looks like one of the guitars got depressed and sat comfort eating for a couple of years.



    • Haha 4
  5. 2 hours ago, JJTee said:

    Everyone* in this video:

    *In reality, I do appreciate their technical ability, and musical knowledge. But the vast majority of this video leaves me stone cold…!



    Goodness me, what a horrendous advert for bass playing! As mentioned previously, I do like technical/gifted players, but that was just a ton of horrendous, poor-quality-sound widdle. Don't think I bothered to watch it all, I just skipped to each player to see who he liked. 



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  6. Wow, what a totally negative thread .... OK, I'm in. 


    For me Wooten - I generally like 'gifted' musicians who are technically very good, but for me he's just too much widdle widdle.

    Also Les Claypool. I don't get the fuss. I bought an album decades ago and it was so bad I took it back to the shop (HMV) and asked for an exchange (which they did!)


    I have to admit that my eyebrows raised when I saw a few of my fave bassists named here. Years ago I might have been a bit irked, but these days I actually celebrate the fact that we don't all like the same thing. Diversity rules!

    • Like 2
  7. On 24/03/2024 at 11:43, Gasman said:

    Please tell me - apart from playing on Youtube - what is his musical career?


    Well he may not be playing every other month at the Dog & Duck like some of us, but there is serious money to be made with a successful YouTube channel. Would you rather be playing some pub occasionally or be wealthy through music?


    Case in point - Steve Terraberry. If you don't know him, don't look him up, you won't like him at all! However, he is a home guitarist who does mad guitar related videos and now has 3.5 million subscribers. He bought this house:




    He bought a McLaren 720s




    OK, so lets go back to the question "what is his musical career ..."



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  8. On 24/03/2024 at 07:54, Gasman said:

    Just my own opinion, but isn’t Mr Berthould, genius technician as he may be, a self-promoting PITA and the antithesis of what bands actually need in a bass player?


    I never understand why some bassists seem to have this narrow remit of what a bass player should be. Any 'musician' can do what they like with their instrument of choice, and if they make money from it and give enjoyment to others it's all good in my book. A bassist doesn't have to have a 'job' to do in a 'band' although many do choose that role.


    On Mr Berthoud, personally I love his playing. Unlike most uber technical players he seems to keep musicality and groove at the heart. I can't listen to the likes of Victor Wooten myself, too widdly widdly for me, but Charles I find really inspiring.

    • Like 6
  9. I saw this just today, mega exciting! Discipline is one of my fave albums ever, and I love Steve Vai. I would LOVE to see this if they come to the UK. I hope that a CD gets produced, either studio or live. Steve Vai is quite a left field choice, but to me that's what makes it more interesting.

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