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Posts posted by BassThing

  1. I don't really have "multiple devices" that I listen to stuff on, but out of all my CDs, one I know I can go to whatever mood I'm in and always enjoy is...

    The Cult "Dreamtime Live at the Lyceum"

    Never get tired of it and it's also the album that got me into playing bass. 

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  2. On 01/03/2019 at 14:29, blablas said:

    Two new power supplies under the hood. Harley Benton ISO-1 Pro and ISO-2 Pro. The ISO-2 was chosen due to the need for 12 Volt with the Two Notes LeBass and the DG Microtubes X.

    How do you find the ISO-2? Been looking for a PSU with an 18v output for my MXR M117.

  3. On 13/03/2019 at 23:36, thodrik said:

    Also, I would also like to say that I generally find the Andertons videos to be useful, honest and generally not all OMG, check this AWESOME new stuff from Brand X'

    The guitar, amp and pedal reviews are generally pretty good, but I can't abide the two plonkers who do the bass stuff. They're the only people I've seen who can make every bass sound the same (and pretty stinky poo at that). There's no variety in technique and the random knob twiddling does no justice in showing what tonal range the basses might have.

  4. After a tip off from Bibby I've finally found out what happend to BW! :) Had a bit of a busy and crap year last year so I didn't do much searching after the old place went down but good to see that the phoenix has risen from the ashes. I've still got my Musicman obsession and I'm still a crap player but I'm plodding on. Hope to be vsiting here a bit more often now!


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