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Posts posted by cloudburst

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1371888904' post='2119113']
    Actually you can see me mime with it here to the singer playing a Tony Levin OLP Ray :lol: (this was the demo track)

    You can hear it here though as I played the bassline on the finished track, listen to the place in your memory (the featuring Majika one is best IMO but either version is me playing), check out around 2 mins 20 for some Alnico parallel Ray goodness :D
    Loved the song - nice bass tone - however, if I was buying a SR5, I'd be looking for a rosewood board. That's just me.


  2. [quote name='dougal' timestamp='1371559161' post='2115465']
    I am an advocate of the fee. I [i]like[/i] the fact the for sale forum is now no longer a gushing torrent where your bass would be on page three by the time you hit 'refresh' to check your listing.

    I understand the decision to ban rics for sale.

    That doesn't stop me being miffed that the fee I paid I understood to mean I could sell anything, and now I'm left with a Ric I'm trying to sell, and I'm having to expose myself to the risk of Gumtree or evilbay in order to do so.

    Drop me a PM - if it's a blue one, I might just be able to help you out.


  3. This topic has gone off in a direction I didn't really envisage. Here are my thoughts on the Basschat marketplace:

    - I paid the £20. I have no problem with the fee. I can see where some folk are coming from regarding the single sale fee and how it perhaps inhibits trading of lower value items. Perhaps it would be a good idea to retain the £20 per annum fee, but to change the single item fee to be a percentage of sale/trade value.

    - During the recession, many folk may be more hesitant to part with actual cash. It would be great for their GAS if they were still able to frequently trade instruments amongst each other and the rest of us in a vibrant trading marketplace. That could keep a lot of folks interested in Basschat and away from eBay, Gumtree or Facebook. Perhaps the fee structure could be reviewed in some way to stimulate this sort of trading on the site.

    - I'd like us to be able to buy and sell Rickenbackers again. To enable this, I'd like the moderators to moderate the marketplace and to immediately remove any content which slips through the net if John Hall asks them to (basically to be JH's occasional b*tches). I know this opinion has lost me some friends, but it's my opinion nonetheless and I'm sticking to it.

    - I think* I'd prefer the money generated within the Basschat marketplace to be used for maintenance of Basschat rather than development of Guitarchat. *only heard about the new site last night, so haven't had the chance to give it much thought.


  4. This should sell quickly.

    Banks are a poor place to put your money right now. So what better thing to do than spread your funds by buying an instrument that's even rarer and more authentic than an XL?

    Stacker's price looks really good - especially given that I'm thinking of bucking the trend and RAISING the trade value on my XL advert :-)


  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1371401169' post='2113393']

    Me too. I`d have thought more just a sign of the times, where most seem a bit strapped for cash.

    You'd think that.

    However, the recession has gripped us for years now, and there were still loads of ads until relatively recently.

    I've had a couple of cash offers of £1750 for one of my Steinbergers (which I've declined) so there must be cash around.


  6. [quote name='Kiwi' timestamp='1371393030' post='2113259']
    Clearly we're suffering from the lack of Rickenbacker content. Oh well.

    I don't think the Rickenbacker aspect comes into it Kiwi. I can't remember there being too many Ricks for sale/trade at the best of times.
    It's a more general comment that the number of new adverts appearing daily just seems to have fallen off a cliff.


  7. Seems simply that the board software doesn't have the granularity to allow you to select "for sale", "for trade" or "for either sale or trade" when you're creating your ad. So it presents a generalised trade/sale price field, which can be a little confusing - so it's best if the seller then adds some free-form text saying "for sale only" etc.

    Additionally, the board software doesn't appear to be multi-currency aware so expects you to be talking in £ sterling. In this case the advertiser would have been better entering £1975 into this field and adding his €2500 figure in the following text.


  8. [color=#5A5A5A][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] As is typical of votes - you need another option: "I have had sale offers when I have said trade-only and its a bit irritating" :-)[/size][/font][/color]

    I've had a few folks wanting to buy my XL-2A when I'm really just interested in certain trades.

    Now that I made it clear in the description, that seems to have helped. Hope I'm not speaking too soon.


  9. The great thing about Steinbergers is how so many people get put off by the looks.

    So we get all this to ourselves:
    - As much punch as a StingRay
    - As much fat as a Precision
    - Almost as much sustain as a pointless Basschat debate
    - Harder to kill than a 70s TV detective
    - Stays in tune almost as long as a TU-3
    - As easy to transport as a set of straighteners


  10. Good luck with the sale.

    You should drop a PM to StevieLaner. He offered to buy my XL2A, but I had to advise him that I didn't want to sell it for the cash price as I'd prefer to trade for an interesting bass - and sometimes it takes a rare bass to attract a rare bass :-)

    I feel a bit bad about it, so would like to see him get sorted.


  11. [quote name='thisnameistaken' timestamp='1371075655' post='2109651']
    They are good functional studio basses but they look way too '80s for gigging.

    I don't agree with this comment. But my advice to anyone who DOES think their SR5 is too 80s for gigging: screw on a clear scratchplate with a photo of a Steinberger underneath.


  12. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1370991724' post='2108511']

    Ferret Ears! Once someone had pointed that out to me, I couldn't unhear it...

    Huh? You've lost me...

    EDIT: oh - I get it. Ferret Ears = There It Is.

    But where does the bass tone come from?


  13. [quote name='Prime_BASS' timestamp='1370982427' post='2108355']
    always seems to be a teal Ray on eBay, last I looked there was 2.

    Re the Teal Rays - I noticed that too, recently! You beat me to it.
    Re basses coming back, I had a Fender Musicmaster that came back. And I was convinced it had gotten shorter.


  14. I'm pretty certain that the company in question have only just started making replacement headpieces, bridge claws and battery covers. I'm also pretty certain I read recently that replacement strap pivots can't be had for love nor money. Note also that even if you replaced the strap pivot, the pivot point would not be quite in the right place as it is closer to the top of the body when the bass is correctly oriented.


  15. [quote name='sblueplanet' timestamp='1370451175' post='2101130']
    Those headpieces you linked to seem to have equal width spacings.

    Yep. That's exactly the point. The ones found on the original XLs like mine are sided, but this company is making slightly different ambidextrous ones.
    I didn't think of the pivot plate though. I just checked mine and whilst it would work for a lefty, it wouldn't be ideal.


  16. [quote name='EMG456' timestamp='1370347708' post='2099405']
    Sblueplanet - I don't know the numbers for left hand production of the L series basses but they don't seem to come up for sale very often.

    Due to the unique construction however, you could use a right hand bass and just make or have made a replacement top plate ie the front of the bass which carries the pickups and control knobs. That way you could have the proper left- hand arrangement for the controls but still be able to swap back to the original plate for re-sale purposes. I've seen GL guitars with nice wood top plates fitted so you could vary the appearance as you liked.

    Just an idea which would open up the market for you.



    Hi Ed,

    I guess it wouldn't be rocket science for the right craftsman to take a mold of the faceplate and produce a left-handed version in similar material and finish.

    But what would we do about the headpiece? I imagine the slots would need to be machined in order to accommodate reversal of the strings.


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