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Posts posted by spike

  1. What could have been a good gig was spoiled by the complete indifference shown towards us by the pub staff. How difficult is it to show us where to set up, tell us the finishing time and let us know you have a sound limiter? The answer is 'not very', but obviously too difficult for the fat slob of a landlord who was only interested in sitting on his stool at the bar and holding court with his mates. Worst gig for a long time and we won't be going back. The sad thing is that with a little bit of effort it could have been a great evening.

  2. [quote name='6v6' timestamp='1444326415' post='2882312']

    The only thing which I wasn't expecting is mine failed (fixed inside warranty, just), but they are supposed to be generally quite reliable AFAIK.

    Mine has just failed after just over three years use. Disappointing considering one of the reasons I bought it was their reputation for reliability. Apart from that, I really like it.

  3. Took a trip down to Bass Gear yesterday expecting to buy a pair of Begantino cn112s but after trying several different speakers I ended up ordering two TKS S112s. They have a warmth that the Bergantinos lack. Just have to wait for them to arrive now.

  4. [url="https://flic.kr/p/ypq6tW"][/url][url="https://flic.kr/p/ypq6tW"]Jazz bass trio[/url]

    My three jazzes, Sadowsky Metro, Overwater/Tanglewood Classic J and Fender USA with J-Retro preamp

  5. My band use it and we find it worthwhile. We've had the occasional punter come up to us at gigs to tell us they were looking on Lemonrock for a band to see that night, and we've also had calls from landlords wanting to book us. One landlord told us his approach was to look on Lemonrock for the bands that were busy and contact them on the basis that if they were busy they must be good.

  6. My band once had a pro drummer agree to to do a dep gig for us at a British Legion club in Watford. He pulled out a couple weeks before because he got a better offer, a gig with George Michael in Paris. Can't say I blame him at all.

  7. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1438555107' post='2835455']
    Set the amp flat & get the sound you want from your bass. Add fx if you like.
    When I had mine, I had the VLE set about 9 o'clock as I liked the sound of it. I'd then adjust the amp to suit the room if needed (like rolling the bass or low mid back a smidge if needed (such as wooden stages).

    What the MarkBass heads do do well is amplify whatever sounds you're making. :)

    That's pretty much what I do with mine, I don't use the VPF at all. I sometimes boost the high mids a bit.

  8. I bought one of the AKG WMS45 wireless systems a few weeks ago, mainly for soundchecks and to hear what my bass sounds like out front. I've used it for two gigs so far and it's working well. I've found that not having to worry about stepping on my lead is an added bonus plus it's nice to be able to go walkabout on the dancefloor when I want to.

    Had a little problem last night when we were playing at a workingmens club and they had a function going on in the room next door. Had a couple little glitches when the sound cut out and then at half time I switched off the transmitter and left the receiver on and the DJ's announcements from next door started coming through my bass amp. Changed the channel on my setup and all was well in the second set.

  9. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1428237151' post='2739406']
    My recently-acquired Sire Marcus Miller V7 Jazz...


    A friend of mine has one of those in Sunburst, they really are a lot of bass for the money

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