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Posts posted by BigBeefChief

  1. [quote name='Rich' post='487807' date='May 14 2009, 12:48 PM']No more penis references please.[/quote]

    Agreed, and for the record, my comment was made in jest to illustrate a point. I'm actually what's described as "hung".

  2. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='487775' date='May 14 2009, 12:27 PM']Oh, so the number of strings you've got is directly proportional to how good a musician you are? I thought it was only related to how small your penis is.[/quote]

    I read ARGH's post slightly differently. I think its more a dig at people's attitude than ability.

    ...and my penis is tiny, but I hate anything above a 4 string. Work that one out.

  3. [quote name='ARGH' post='487663' date='May 14 2009, 10:54 AM']Last night i was shown a great tip on 'Cleaning' with WD40[/quote]

    So that's what Ali Campbell is up to these days.

  4. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='485122' date='May 11 2009, 03:13 PM']I'll swap my amp choice for Girl's Aloud thanks. I can use the lead to stop them wriggling too much.[/quote]

    I like the wriggling.

  5. What about one of these:


    Never played one mind, but told they can do a passable precision?

    Or, Beedster (who knows a thing or 2 about Precisions) said the best P sound he has heard from a non P was from a Shergold. Might be worth trying to pick up an old Modulator or something?

  6. Fender: Normal people, normal music. If it's a P I expect it to be played with a pick, nothing fancy but solid stuff. If a J, played with fingers, also solid stuff. Great design, great necks, a bit of a cop out.

    Warwick: The sex offender of the bass world. Mulletted weirdos. Driftwood. A lump of melted butter. 5 strings. Godawful funk or Jazz fusion.

    Rickenbacker: Dissapointing to play. Band usually plays decent music though. Classy retro look. Indie.

    Alembic: A collectors bass, usually hanging up as opposed to being played. Weight. Lots of switches.

    BC Rich: A new kid at school, bit spotty, not very cool. The weird smelly metallers let them sit with them for lunch. The talk moves away from ear medicine to talk about games workshop. The new kid decides to buy some space marines. Next comes World of Warcraft. This kid goes on to buy a BC Rich.

    Gibson Thunderbird: Same kid, but flukes a shag with a drunken 19yo on his 16th birthday. Ditches the Space Marines, starts smoking and forms a cock rock band. Still shagging fat birds, but at least he's getting some.

    Status: Great playability, zero cool.

    Music Man: Batteries, fixing problems that don't exist. Guildford.

    Ibanez: Rubbish basses for rubbish metallers. A design team from 1989.

    Lakland: Fender clones without the fender feel.

    Sadowsky: Toasted

    Celinder: ???

    Yamaha: Strangely likeable. Motorbikes. Billy Sheehan. Would probably never own one.

    Bass Collection: Awful. Ugly headstock.

    Sei: Laaaandaaan. Session musicians.

    Shuker: Tasteless northerners.

    Fodera: People who own them using stupid phrases like "priviledged". Get over yourself. Butterflies

    Zon: Big noses

    Epiphone: Good stuff but ruined by the varnish/paint on the necks.

    Burns: Laaandaaan. Retro quirkiness. Cool.

  7. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='482070' date='May 7 2009, 03:28 PM']I think that actually, people that make assumptions about any genre of music aren't doing themselves any favours. By all means, dislike a type of music, it's a free world, but opinions based on a minority of people are by no means the be all and end all. Jazz has always remained faceless to me. I'm sure there was an image at one stage or another that went with jazz reminiscent of some cliched beatnik wearing a beret and wielding bongos and a joint, but it's a close-minded assumption that all jazz musicians are of this ilk.[/quote]

    Hey, I'm not saying these assumptions are good things or totally correct, but they exist.

    To most people Jazz is not "faceless". If it was, no one would be laughing at the Fast Show "Jazz Club" sketches.

  8. [quote name='liamcapleton' post='482060' date='May 7 2009, 03:11 PM']Anyway, the point was that not about image, rather the accessibility of jazz music to a musician.[/quote]

    But if the slightly elitist attitude and image of Jazz puts people off the genre, its not unreasonable to suggest that some of these people might also be musicians. The point is, in an image focussed world, Jazz does its self no favours.

  9. [quote name='Earbrass' post='481938' date='May 7 2009, 01:28 PM']I just don't buy into the idea that music only matters if it's making money for someone, or has a wide appeal or a cool image. To me those are completely irrelevant to what makes good music.[/quote]

    I agree. Trouble is, its the way of the world. I think that Jazz needs a bit of a PR job currently. Less people listening to it will mean less people playing it. Personally, I'd gladlly never here a jazz record for the rest of my life, but unless it attracts new players and listeners, it'll only be available in libraries and tiny corners of Suffolk.

  10. [quote name='rslaing' post='481868' date='May 7 2009, 12:46 PM']You make your opinion about the subject, you don't say things like "it concerns me that you actually used to teach people"

    See the difference? Thanks[/quote]

    rslaing, it's no comment on you as a person, but a comment on you as a musical educator. You're refusal to see value in music which doesn't meet you criteria of "proper" makes me question what kind of musical education you will give to others. In relation to this topic, it reinforces by belief that there is a form of elitism that exists within Jazz music, and I'm sure I'm not alone in finding this off putting.

    What future does Jazz have if the vocal fans of the genre shout down every form of popular music? I think this is killing jazz more than the fretboard w***ery.

  11. [quote name='rslaing' post='481857' date='May 7 2009, 12:40 PM']Please retract your post, you are out of order. Make as many opinions as you like about my opinions, but don't get personal (again).

    Are you stalking my posts or something?

    Baiting does not work with me I'm afraid.

    Thank you[/quote]

    But any time someone disagrees with your opinions rslaing, you accuse them of getting personal! It's a bit of a cop out to be honest.

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