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Posts posted by BigBeefChief

  1. [quote name='birdy' post='154161' date='Mar 9 2008, 08:25 PM']So you don't mind being called a tosser. Neither do I but surely the golden rule really should be to treat people the way that you would like to be treated. Maybe I am oversensitive but if I was Janek I would have been upset by this thread at the point before he joined in, especially if music was so important to me that I made it my whole life as he does.

    Its not hard to respect people really is it.


    Firstly, I think he's being overly sensitive. But thats his choice.

    Secondly, as I've pointed out several times - Its part and parcel of being a performer. If you don't want criticism (constructive or otherwise), get off the stage.

  2. [quote name='birdy' post='154144' date='Mar 9 2008, 08:05 PM']This to me is slagging the guy off.

    hmmmmmmm yeah right is stating that his claims are not believed. The whole tone of this post is mildly aggressive in my opinion.[/quote]

    If thats the worse thing thats ever been written about Janek, he's a lucky, lucky boy.

  3. [quote name='birdy' post='154139' date='Mar 9 2008, 07:59 PM']Just when I was falling in love with you you go and blow it with this statement.

    The very first post of the thread was slagging him off unless I am on a completely different planet to you and my perception of slagging someone off is wildly different.


    Different planet i'm afraid.

    Re-read it. Its not slagging anyone off. If anything it has an "am I understanding this properly" tone about it.

    What part do you think is defamatory?

  4. [quote name='6stringbassist' post='154122' date='Mar 9 2008, 07:35 PM']It's pathetic really isn't it.

    So called musicians slagging off a fellow musician, over an article written in a magazine that's designed purely to help those wanting to improve their playing.

    And the laugh of it all, is that Janek is a widely respected New york based English player, touring the world, playing for some of the top jazz and pop musicians such Mike Stern, what have the majority of the people who posted negative comments on here ever acheived ?.[/quote]

    I have a bronze swimming badge and was once a contestant on Fun House. Slightly more impressive than Janek's pedigree, I'm sure you'll agree.

    So what your saying is that unless we have achieved as much as a given musician, we're not allowed to critique them??

    Also, if you read through the thread, no one had slagged him off until he showed up and threw his toys out of the pram. He writes in a magazine. He's therefore open to criticism.

    Fair play for him coming on here and defending his position. He has every right to. In the same way that crap bassists like me have a right to air my views.

  5. [quote name='7string' post='153984' date='Mar 9 2008, 04:18 PM']I think I'll just leave it here and not bother to reply to Janek's last post which attacked both my words and my personal opinions.

    Shame this thread has come to an end in this manner....[/quote]

    But you can't criticise Janek. He's a proffesional musician and writes in a magazine. He farts Brut and pisses champagne. We are honored to have him speak (down) to us mere mortals.

  6. [quote name='Rayman' post='153969' date='Mar 9 2008, 04:06 PM']Enough said.[/quote]

    I'm not sure what you're getting at? What does my Avatar have to do with anything?

    Your brave enough to infer that someone here is a tosser, but won't openly say that its me.

    I've got no issue with being called a tosser, it happens often enough. I'm just trying to figure out which posts you think have been written to deliberately wind people up??

    Do share.

  7. [quote name='Rayman' post='153955' date='Mar 9 2008, 03:56 PM']I think it's time the moderators knock this one on the head, It's going nowhere. We've lost a valuable contributor to this forum now, because of some tosser winding people up for a laugh.[/quote]

    Do you mean me?

  8. [quote name='The Funk' post='153941' date='Mar 9 2008, 03:30 PM']Bloody disgrace is over the top. And I admit I've made a personal attack.

    I'm just annoyed that we've lost Janek Gwizdala through a combination of his not being able to handle legitimate criticism and the huge amount of rubbish in this thread that he's had to put up with.[/quote]

    I've just re-read every post I've made on this thread to see if I've been being a tw*t (through a combination of irresponsible parents and booze, I often am), and I think I've actually been at the less confrontational end of my usual behaviour. My posts are often exagerated to make a point and the tone sometimes doesn't come across in text, but I've shyed away from personal insults. Janek doesn't play the music I like. Thats all. Simple. I'm sure he can live with it. I openly admit he is phenomenaly talented, more so than I'll ever be, I'm just not a big fan of how he uses that ability. Its not personal. Its nothing I wouldn't say to his face.

    I get the impression that you feel Janek's decision to leave has something to do with my posts. If you re-read them, their actually pretty tame. I don't dislike the guy. He's talented. Just not my cup of tea. Seems a strange reason to leave a forum.

  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='153930' date='Mar 9 2008, 03:01 PM']I also think that for Janek to say that Bill Dickens is not a bass player or a musician is as daft as anything we've come to expect from someone as idiotic as BBC. Bill Dickens clearly is a bass player and a musician. Whether or not you like his music or playing is something else.


    It's good that people don't suck up to him but at the same time BBC is a bloody disgrace who scatters his brand of irritation across threads almost indiscriminately. It's much harder to avoid BBC's bullshit on these forums than it is to avoid BGM or Janek Gwizdala.

    I shouldn't have to stop using these forums or start using the ignore button.[/quote]

    Mum! I told you to stop using this forum!

    In all seriousness, I think you're being a bit over the top. Not really sure why you think i'm a "bloody discrace", but I think its quite humourous all the same!

    Personally, I'm not a fan of making personal attacks like you have. Some would say its actually worse than the "bullshit" that I post. People are different I suppose.

    I still love you as a bass-playing brother.

  10. [quote name='Jase' post='153730' date='Mar 8 2008, 07:47 PM']Thing is .... BBC generally talks a load of b******s, he generally doesn't really answer people in a thread, he just generally hangs around, waits for a subject...someone says black, he says white, good example of that is the Manring / Lawson vid that got posted, most people didn't really get into it but true to form BBC comes in and loves it, understands it and wants to learn it, he's pretty good at bringing a thread to a huge yawn...... I dunno, you start off giving your contribution only to find that it ends up a lot like the I Hate Jazz Thread, I hate this, I hate that :)

    I've bored myself now.[/quote]

    There was an element of sarcasm to the Steve Lawson post. Re-read it. Are you telling me you didn't pick up on it the first time round???

  11. [quote name='gwizmon' post='153456' date='Mar 8 2008, 12:58 AM']I was asked to write a column, and to express my feelings and approaches to some technical aspects of the instrument. .... I hate talking about, i hate writing about it, but it's the reality of bass magazines.[/quote]

    You hate it? You hate it so much that you not only wrote about it in a magazine but then came on a web forum to complain that people don't agree with you. Clearly a man of integrity.

    I've said it before, if you publish something (in print or recording) you open yourself up to criticism. Its part and parcel. Does Martin Scorsese ring up Mark Kermode to complain that he gave him a bad review?

    If you take these things so personally, perhaps being a "performer" isn't for you?

    I understand you probably take these things personally (thats fine, its good to care), but no one here (I'm sure) intends any comment as a personal attack on you. People will always critique media thats in the public domain. Theres jobs down the Post Office if this isn' your cup of tea.

    By the tone of your post, so sound pretty p*ssed off - with me and others. I struggle to see why. Some people will gain nothing from your lessons and not appreciate your work. Others will love it. Surely you know this. Personally, I'm not impressed with technical wizardry. Thats just me. Also, in reference to Nikki Six, I don't want to sound like him at all. Thats not my point. If I had to sound like him or you, I' chose him. No offence, just personal preference.

    I just fail to understand why if you hate talking and writing about music you then go on to do it in BGM and here?

    Actually, BGM pay, so fair enough, but here?

  12. You lot obviously don't get it.

    I think that was one of the most beautiful and melodic pieces of music I have ever heard. Both artists should be proud that after spending a mere life time between them studying the instrument that we love that they should come up with such a life affirming and transcendental piece of art such as that.

    Hell, its not just art, that music is a way of life!

    I cannot wait until Steve Lawson's next offering in BGM. I will study until my fingers bleed in the hope that one day, maybe just one day, I will be able to wow the connousieurs of the californian live bass solo community with such unbridled beauty.

    Everything I've stated about overly technical bass players creating unlistenable music has been shown up as the mutterings of an uneducated fool that I am.

    We need more of this in BGM. Pages of it.

    And please, reviewers, don't go so hard on the manufacturers? Just give everyone a 3 star rating. No need to go round upsetting people.

  13. I can't stand McCartney as a human being, but got so much respect for his playing and his view on theory as a whole.

    I also appreciate that if you don't care about the theory, don't read the article. Pretty simple.

    What I don't get is the way BGM (and also plenty of people on here) view these technicians as Bass heros/role models.

    I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say that if I practiced for 10 hours a day and became a well respected session musician because of it, I'd feel slightly dissapointed. 10 hours a day is a full time job, you'd expect to be a great technician. I would actually have hoped to be part of something much more accessible and (to me) interesting than what Janek does.

    The problem I have with these guys, is that they have great talent, but they use it in a way that to me, seems like such a waste.

    Of course, I appreciate that this is mostly derived from my taste in music. ie: a dislike for bass solo noodling and chin stroking music.

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