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Posts posted by BigBeefChief

  1. He's one of these guys who tries to act as quirky and uncommunicative as possible during interviews so that people think he's "interesting" and "intellectual". What he does say is usually preaching about fairtrade coffee or howling into a microphone whilst playing one of his terrible songs on stage.

    He's the sort of bloke that stands in front of the mirror trying to look and act as weird as possible before going out because he somehow thinks it makes him look cool.

    Well Mr Yorke, I can see through your act. The whole mock-autism thing is offensive to those who actually have to live with autism, and if you care so much for the environment, stop touring, stop making records and stop living.

  2. I have them inflicted on me by others. Sadistic b*stards.

    But even before listening to their music, I knew I would hate Radiohead. A pretentious tosser like Yorke could never make music that I enjoy.

  3. The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses.


    The Stone Roses - The Stone Roses

    Mani claimed to be the best bass player in the world at the time of recording. It's very difficult to define "best", but I probably agree with him.

  4. MIA's are strung through body, MIM's aren't. Also, prior to the pointless Fender updates, the MIA's had the S1 switching. Never seen this on a MIM (I could be wrong).

    The pickups make a big difference if you A/B them though. I would advise going for the MIA as personally I can justify the difference in cost. This has nothing to do with where they are made or the stigma attached, I just think the MIA sounds better and is more versatile. It also probably works out cheaper thyan modding a MIM.

    If I didn't have one already, I'd be looking out for an pre-facelift MIA going cheap first hand.

  5. Keeping to topic, I usually just play a few instantly recognisable lines and then put the bass back down. People who don't play bass don't want to hear something technically great that they've never heard before. They want to hear The Chain, Money, that White Stripes song (yes I know its not a bass, but non-players swear it is), Peaches etc.

    I may occasionaly fool around and do some Beat It, You Can't Touch This and I Want You Back but thats about it. Thats usually enough to satisfy people who struggle to believe you actually play the things.

    In music shops, I just play the stuff I like playing, not really bothered if I sound crap (to others). I know how bad I am, I never claimed to be good.

    And, as for the above - I think I'd rather listen to a drum solo than a bass solo, even with a looper. Never understood loopers. Why not get a band?

  6. Yeah, good work.

    I'm surprised by the amount of this I actually know. Reassuring that I have actually learnt something! Its good to see it written like this to fill in some gaps though, and also put some order to the ideas I have picked up.


  7. I admire his skill.

    But the tune? Call me ignorant/arogant or whatever, but I genuinely don't believe there is anyone who likes that music. Its all just an act and conspiracy to become accepted amongst the middle classes.

    But the guys got talent. And a lot of time on his hands I would expect. He should spend his time doing something constructive though. Like composing something good. Or curing cancer.

  8. But I don't agree with the idea of buying something when you know there is a fair chance you'll return it.

    For me, I take online shopping to mean"Buy it Now" and not "Try it now".

    If I bought a bass online, I would hope that its new, ie not been in some other blokes house or at his rehearsal.

    If have the same issue with my missus. On principle I only return items to shops if they're defective. She buys things with the attitude "its's ok, I'll see what I think when I get home, I can always return it".

    If I was a shopkeeper (and the laws were different/sensible/fair), when she strolled in saying she wants to return a perfectly good pair of shoes because they clash with the curtains, I would tell her to f*ck off out of my shop. Indecisive b*tch.

  9. I love the way The Ox played bass, but I hate the sound that comes out. His lines are amazing, I just hate the tone. Much prefered it on his earlier stuff before he started putting batteries in his bass.

    Batteries in a bass??????

    I still think the man's a legend though.

  10. It looks like the type of bass that would be chosen by a female who is a member of our much loved travelling community.

    This would look good hanging on the wall next to an airbrushed image of a wolf howling at the moon on an outcrop of rock. In a caravan.

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