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James Porch

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Everything posted by James Porch

  1. +1 on the distortion/overdrive on the way into the amp. I keep the tone muted after the stomp to tame the highs... A 1x15" cab is surely the most 'traditional'? And easy to mic?
  2. By the way, I never expected such quick response on the forum here at basschat and thank everyone for their input.
  3. @Gasmaster - no this is really thick and has dried thick on one side of the frets where it was hung to dry. If anyone is following this: I had a nice call with Overwater today - their email has had problems and I think the root of all the frustration is that they just did not receive my emails. So after I called Chris I then sent a follow-up mail that Laurence never received. Chris was at a trade show so could not follow up on our earlier phone conversation. It's all going to work out.
  4. After starting this topic I have received immediate response from Martin at Overwater to my email. I guess that points to the power of basschat.co.uk Kudos to the other Luthier for telling me to get on here.
  5. @LukeFRC, I think you are right, maybe I am a bit too pissed off in the youtube vid. I have removed the video. I did not expect such a quick response from Basschat members but your responses have convinced me that I DO have a fault worth pursuing. I phoned up Chris pretty pissed off and he was nice about it - its just a surprise that laurence has not replied to my mail. I emailed Overwater ( to info@ and laurence@) a link to this topic so we shall see if he looks at that email. If no email on monday I will phone them and say WTF. I will keep this topic updated as and when
  6. And the guy who asked about grounding the frets - there is so much finish on these frets its impossible to ground them. Thats the reason I went to the other luthier, to see if the frets needed grinding to help with the choking
  7. So I guess I am trolling, but at Overwater. My question is - Has anyone else had a problem with laquer being as thick as the frets? It seems so basic to me now its been pointed out I have to wonder if anyone at Overwater played the bass before sending it out
  8. Yeah I called Chris last week and he said he would take it back - he is at a trade show. So I then emailed Laurence to make the arrangements - NO REPLY! The point of the post is to get a response from Overwater. The bass as you can see from my other videos is playable because I can adapt to fretting right on the fret! But whenever I have complained to Overwater they treat me like I am weird for even suggesting something is wrong. I took the bass to a respected Luthier and he burst out laughing at the finish. After he explained it was the finish ruining my party I feel a bit angry. I have said I will remove or replace the video when I get a response!
  9. In fact if you visit the overwater site it's down at the moment 'bandwidth exceeded' so maybe they aren't getting my emails...
  10. Oh yes I have been in touch with Overwater ! I contacted them about the neck as soon as I got the bass... Over a year ago... Then again a few months in... At the start of the video I remind Overwater that I had thought the string tree had something to do with it. I only posted the video because Laurence has not answered to my email last week about this. Plus I spoke on the phone to Chris and they have offered to look at it - But Overwater don't answer my email so up goes the video! I have given them plenty of chances to help me out - the lack of response has lead to this post. I will remove the video or replace it when all is well. But as I see it Overwater have f'ed me in the A so they need to do better or others need to know!
  11. Hi Basschatters! I had overwater build a custom P-bass based on a Jap '57 reissue I loved. They put big modern frets on it and then put heavy melamine finish over the frets. VIDEO REMOVED BY USER I don't have frets, just speedbumps of finish! Is this normal? Anyone else got ANY maple neck bass where the frets are covered in finish? I am pursuing this with overwater and will report on how they deal with it.... However the website is down today (23rd March) - maybe they are in trouble?
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