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D.I. Joe

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Posts posted by D.I. Joe

  1. I know Steve! I rehearsed with him a few times for that Rush tribute that he's doing B)

    Our gig list on the [url="http://www.fragilesanity.co.uk/?page_id=21"]website[/url] is usually up to date. When we remember we make Facebook event pages etc too.

    Funny you should mention wakes and Bar Mitzvahs, we are available but the bookings haven't come in yet! :P

  2. At the moment always run it off of my laptop via USB at home. Live I just use my Powerplant on the board. Though I have noticed a bit of hiss so perhaps I'll get one of these isolating doodads...

  3. [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1368811031' post='2081900']

    [font=Calibri][size=3]Well thankyou, my good fellow. Unfortunately I'm already busy. What is the name of this good band, pray? I may have to check them out another time. [/size][/font]

    A bunch of guys in silly shirts by the name of Fragile Sanity. We also do weddings! :D

  4. [quote name='odysseus' timestamp='1368735007' post='2080973']
    [font=Calibri][size=3]I'm in Tuckingmill, just outside Camborne. Not quite the asshole of the universe, but sort of on the ringpiece![/size][/font]


    God bless you sir :hi:

    Say, if you fancy a trip to Penzance tonight, I hear there's a good band at the Zero Lounge :D

  5. [quote name='the boy' timestamp='1368310892' post='2075665']
    Try putting your fretting hand on the headstock when playing open notes and press in the same way you would whilst fretting. This really helps.

    I'll admit that I'm a "shape" player and this has helped me get to grips with using open strings for more than pedal notes. I put my index finger on or behind the nut to create a zero position and then my scale patterns are preserved!

  6. My aim for this year is to begin my assault on jazz, at least to a point where I can make a passable attempt at a II V I and maybe a few standards. First I need to learn and re-learn my chord structures, scales and modes and then feel out how to apply them. I've been using Scott's Bass Lessons, are there any other resources that someone could recommend that would complement that?

  7. I'm the same. I do use distortion, but not from the B3. I'm more interested in using it for cool/funky synth effects! B)

  8. I've found it very handy for creating and editing patches but, like you say, 'Sharing' seems to be a bit sparse! I'll see if I can find a way to upload patches and maybe we can start a little Basschat B3 patch-sharing community :drinks:

  9. Another one that's been disappointed by Rickenbackers. One of my college tutors had a 4003 which was a beautiful bass to play, but a friend of mine has one which is a bit of a dog. I guess like any bass, it depends how its set up really. I also used to own a Rick copy made by Shine which played like treacle.

  10. [quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1367569621' post='2066927']
    Mine just turned up. A day late so that leaves me just 24 hours to sort it out before the next gig. Im working all day but ive just hooked it up to my PC and im very impressed with how easy it is to use.
    Ive already set a generic gigging patch up with the effects i plan on using, although ive yet to actually play through it lol. Luckily tomorrows gig will have a sound check so ill get to tweak it with my rig.

    I've had mine for about a year and I'm only gigging it for the first time tomorrow as well. I'll be using it mostly for synth, chorus and filters but I have a couple of song-specific patches too. Good luck! :)

    Does anybody here use Edit & Share?

  11. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1367422300' post='2065460']
    Can I just chip in as well and ask if it will go wob-wob-wob-wob-wob to the same slightly crappy level as my behringer synth pedal?


    I've got an expression pedal on the way so I'll let you know!

  12. [quote name='drTStingray' timestamp='1367350602' post='2064610']
    The point here is that some instruments are better suited to players striving to play more complex music which demands a more technical approach, and thus demand more response/playability from their instruments. People may scoff and say that's not proper music and the bass player's job is to sit in the background and perform a specific function - that view is rather narrow minded - could be described as PJ (pre Jaco!!).

    Some people are not looking for a vintage 60s sound (whatever that may be), and some people are not content to thump away at root and fifth country and western.

    [b]I'm afraid that threads like this do display a narrow minded approach to music[/b] - there are quite a lot of areas where a P bass would not give the best result - there are some where it will.

    Like those people that think a Precision is only good for vintage 60s sounds and root-and-fifth-thumping Country and Western for example? :yarr:

  13. [quote name='xgsjx' timestamp='1367241899' post='2063002']
    Or there's Daft Punk's latest offering - Get Lucky...


    I had actually suggested this but the band decided maybe it's a little "too new" and that we could do it later in the year if it remains popular. I think it could be a good chance wasted though - imagine if Hendrix never played Sgt Pepper's because he thought it was "too new"... :P

  14. Thanks for all the suggestions so far guys, I'll check them out! I'm all for a good bassline, but unfortunately we've got to think more about the popularity of the song than anything. Something that's as instantly recognisable as Insomnia (if there is another one out there!). Keep 'en coming! :)

  15. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1367223627' post='2062628']
    You could say that you can make a precision bass do the job in most music that has the need for a bass guitar,[b] but there is at least as much music around that has no place for the electric bass guitar and that excludes the P-bass as much as any other.[/b]

    That's what I meant to say :)

  16. [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1367182126' post='2062372']
    In the end it's all subjective.

    The track I posted has plenty of nice electronic generated bottom end if you are listening to the CD on your hifi rather than the YouTube compressed audio on a computer. I can't imagine what any kind of bass guitar would add in a positive way to it.

    And there I think lies the crux of the matter. A large proportion of the music I listen to is mostly electronic. The idea of using something as imprecise (pun intended) as a stringed instrument to provide the bottom end is simply (to me) unthinkable as it just wouldn't have sufficient power or tonal control to sound correct in the overall context of the track. And while you could probably do something with effects, I'm a great believer in using the right tools to do the job in the most efficient manner, and a keyboard or computer driven synth will win every time in cases like this.

    As for the idea that someone like Pino could add a worthwhile bass part to this track - just don't know. I've never heard him play any music I actually like, so while it appears that he has the technical ability to produce the notes, I don't know if he has the right musical taste to play something appropriate. This is something that has been very much re-enforced recently while auditioning replacement musicians for my band. We've had to turn down several hopefuls who had all the musical "chops" to play the parts that had been written by their predecessors, but when asked to come up with their own ideas for new songs we were working on, seemingly had neither the taste or the musical knowledge to play anything even remotely appropriate.

    And the track you posted, I'm sorry but I found everything about that to be depressingly bland - especially musically and tonally. I suppose it would be fine if you just need something to add a bit of weight behind the guitar(s), but for me each instrument should make a more significant tonal contribution than that. Again this may come from the years I spent programming and playing synths, where every sound on every song was individually fashioned and tweaked to fit together as a whole.

    There is a place for the P-bass in music (although not really in anything I play) but to say that it fits with any music is naive to say the least.

    But in this example, don't you think it would be fairer to conclude that there is a place for the bass guitar, rather than single out the Precision?

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