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D.I. Joe

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Posts posted by D.I. Joe

  1. I find that the best drummers that I have played with have good dynamic feel and can hit as heavy or soft as need be. I don't know for sure, but hitting softer would probably encourage better technique rather than compromising it, or vice versa.

    My covers band's old drummer once rehearsed with a magazine on his snare - did the trick!

  2. [quote name='Dread Bass' timestamp='1339093448' post='1683602']
    i would love to here from 9 string players about techniques, possible songs and see more examples rather than "thats not a bass" "yes it is" I mean who cares what it is classified as.

    Tbh, you're probably more likely to get that response in the performance/technique forum. As this was in General Discussion, I assumed it was a general discussion.

  3. You're right. Those classifications are more relevant to brass and wind instruments anyway I think. Though it does work in a string context with more traditional instruments like violins where the range is relatively limited. Though actually, perhaps guitars could adopt a similar system - we have bass and baritone guitars, guitars could be known as alto or whatever is appropriate, and these full range instruments simply known as guitars. Controversial?

  4. [quote name='waynepunkdude' timestamp='1338889952' post='1680473']
    I think anything over 6 becomes a different instrument

    An instrument of masturbation if you ask me!

    But I think you're right. A piano isn't a bass piano just because it has notes in that range, so IMHO these instruments shouldn't really be called "basses". But then again, what do they look like?

    Anyway, not for me.

  5. Surely a 9 string bass isn't actually a bass is it? There's that guy on YouTube playing Mario Brothers on an "11 string bass" but it states in the description that it is actually a tapping instrument like the Stick. Wouldn't a 9 string bass effectively be the same thing?

  6. Mine was last night. To set the scene...

    My gear - Bass -> pedals -> DHA VT-1 Bass-EQ-Drive -> [DI to FOH] -> amp

    During set up there were a few squeals and pops coming through my amp which seemed to be cured by switching on the VT-1. Weird?

    Anyway - midway through the first set my amp dies. No biggy you may think - the DI is from the preamp, just get some bass back through the monitor. Simples! Only... there is no signal to the desk.

    Cue a hasty switch to a passive DI and some swearing.

    Got the DI situation sorted in the interval, then half way through the second set my Power Plant gives up!

    Back into the DI - after a bout of very loud, very pissed off swearing :(

    Sound guy did a sterling job, but all that gear packing up in one sitting? REALLY?!! Best get out the ol' multimeter...

    Anyone with a similar nightmare?

  7. Played a wedding at this place in Place Barton last night. Wedding ran 90 minutes late, our 2 hour set ended up being slashed to 45 minutes - we spent twice as long getting set up and packing down!

    Never known a venue so precious about the floor and walls! We couldn't prop anything up, and they brought down loads of mats to line the route to the stage so that the wheels on our gear wouldn't scratch the floor! And to top it there was this interfering Nazi of a manager that wouldn't leave us alone! AAAGGGGHHHH!!!!!

    DJ was a nice bloke though, and he had a hot daughter... :)

  8. I always have at least one. Forgetting lyrics mainly... though last week I missed a G in the Sweet Child of Mine intro. Luckily only my Mrs noticed! The weird thing though, that night I had this vivid dream that I did the same thing in rehearsal and got so pissed off I smashed my bass against the wall. Had to check it was in one piece in the morning!!

    Anyone else had that kind of dream?

  9. Just from my own experience - I am 20 now and have been playing for about 5 years. Jam nights really helped me along with my playing, there was this one particular guitarist who used to play at jams regularly (though unfortunately doesn't much now due to having cancer :() who would always take his folder with chord charts and playing off of these helped me to follow, then hold my own, then hold down and finally nail the songs. If there is someone at your local jam that does something similar then try and get up with them.

    Playing with different people each week has also helped me to develop skills for different genres - I wouldn't be half as good with Reggae and Funk if I didn't mix it up with the old boys at the jam!

    Hope this has helped with ideas, if not then have a hug :friends: ... and some beer :drinks:

  10. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1337543631' post='1661764']
    3mm Big Stubby - mostly play with fingers though.


    Or sometimes if the stubbies have hidden themselves away (as picks often do in my house...) then I still have loads of 2mm Tortex lying around

  11. [quote name='BluRay' timestamp='1336906393' post='1652500']
    My only complaint is the the dual jack/speakon outputs are a bit iffy. When the speakon locks into place, it has to be jiggled to get it to connect.

    My Marshall MB450H does exactly the same thing. Perhaps it's a universal fault with speakon connections?

  12. I think so, I'm pretty sure the III is not made in the UK. I thought I read it was made in India though? The only front panel difference seems to be the compressor, and if the jury is out on that then I think I'd rather get a II and a decent external compressor.

  13. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1336499910' post='1646532']

    If I was you I'd email him direct - he did give his address - and he may not be looking at this.


    Geraint is a top bloke, he sent me a new set no questions asked. I haven't actually used the replacements yet though as he also sent me some fancy new Helix SS strings which are now on my Precision. I'll get round to a review soon!!

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