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Everything posted by CrucifyCowards

  1. [sub]Hey dude, could you please get back to me if your still selling the Orange Terror head?? Im in desperate need of one, and you have a good price... £350 is the most i wanna spend on a head Please get back to me dude Cheers.[/sub]
  2. Ive just found what i needed cheers for letting me no there was a wanted section \m/-_-\m/
  3. hey dude, im looking for an Orange terror bass head for £350 and im in desperate need of one because my band are currently gigging and we need heads as soon as possible... were abouts are you based mate?? i live in coventry, so hopefully your close :)
  4. ohh oka.. and nope i havnt yet, i heard about this page by a mate and he told me to just post seeing if anyone was selling one. and will have a look now thankyou
  5. Hey people!.. im currently on the search for a second hand Orange BT500H Terror bass head, because my band have a few shows booked "Crucify Cowards" and im in desperate need of one... Can any body please lead me in the right direction to were i can get a good priced second hand one for sale??... My maximum spending money is about £350! Cheers everyone, \m/-_-\m/
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