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Posts posted by BambusBoy

  1. Hello all!

    Just joined this forum. My name is Sujay, been playing for 23 years (and still am no good!).

    I currently play for a jazz/funk/soul group in London called "Bambus City Strut". We've been going for 3 years and our next gig is a fortnight tomorrow at the Jazz Cafe in Camden supporting the Cuban Brothers.

    My main bass is a Lakland Skyline Daryl Jones and its played through a TC Electronics (Stacatto 51 plus 2x RS112) rig.

    Really looking forward to learning stuff from you all :)


  2. Hello,

    Funnily enough I bought one of these about 4 weeks ago - I bought it (on impulse) as I was actually looking at a Sadowsky, Lakland (I currently have a Korean Skyline) or Musicman. I am not sure what made me pick the Schecter up but there was no going back.

    My first bass (which I gigged with for 15 years or so) was a 1980's Bass Collection and the Schecter reminded me a LOT of that bass.

    I am a jazz-funk-soul type player and this bass lets me get a very modern sound - kinda Stuart Zender-ish. I play it through a TC Staccatto 51 Head and two TC RS112 cabs. Its has a very low action (which I haven't adjusted) and is a dream for slap work.

    I'm not sure what the natural style for Schecters is (rock/hm - would love to know?) but I love the sounds I get from this baby. I must admit I'm not 100% keen on the looks - its a transparent black "quilted" with a natural wood through neck.

    I am based in London so sorry that I can't help with a meetup!


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