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Posts posted by intime-nick

  1. Bit of a re-jig of the board. After some sterling advice from Tom @ COG it's now set up with 2x parallel processing loops. Added a Carl Martin PSU too - seems very quiet and has isolated 9&12V outputs.

    Chain is :

    Bass-thumpinator-LS2-tuner-sansamp PBDDI

    First loop has the M87 compressor in it
    Second loop has the COG Knightfall-Corona-EQ. corona soon to be replaced with custom COG pedal (not chorus) .... ;-)

    Working pretty well so far - lots of control over the clean vs. effected loops and goes straight into a Crown XLS1500 power amp / Berg AE212 setup.

  2. I'm looking to free up some pedalboard real estate and would like to trade my full size Polytune (MK1) for the mini version.

    Bought new a couple of years ago, boxed and in excellent condition (still has the screen protector on it). No knocks or chipped paint & works 100%. Has velcro fitted to the underside

    Looking for a Polytune Mini in similar condition

  3. [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]1. Si600 - No gear, I expect to be too busy and I've nothing exotic or interesting![/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]2. Roland Rock - [/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]3. 4-string-thing - [/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]4. Pantherairsoft - [/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]5. KevB - Tea and biscuits[/font][/color]
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]6. Doyle - V940, ME-20B, Random self build[/font][/color]
    7. intime-nick - maybe my Shuker, Sandberg, rack & pedalboard etc

  4. Finished my latest board having just received my new COG Knightfall & pedal interface from Tom.

    The board is a modified SwanFlight case - extra under-board bracing and the standard naff carpet covering replaced with proper velcro (basically, how they should be supplied in my opinion)

    The interface cleans up the board quite a bit and also has a DI feed from the Sansamp if needed.

    Not got round to setting up the Knighfall at gig volume yet but will have a better idea after the next rehearsal later this week.

  5. Just swapped a Baer cab for a Berg with Ian and am very happy with the result. The cab was exactly as described, in good condition and he brought it over to my house. Good and easy communications and a top bloke to boot !

  6. I had a G30 before moving to an Line 6 XD-V75 with the metal transmitter from the G50/90. I found the simplest and best way to hold the battery door shut and secure was to wrap a velcro cable tie around the transmitter body (under the strap clip) and tightening it to just put enough pressure on the catch to stop it moving. I never had a failure and I was using Sanyo Eneloop 2000mAh rechargeable batteries (which are slightly bigger than the standard AA's).

    It's worth trying even if your G30 battery door is OK and you've never had an issue.

  7. I had a G30 system and sold it only because I wanted a rackmount version. Ended up with a Line 6 XD-V75 (see pic) - very nice bit of kit, no issues with interference, sound, quality etc whatsoever at gigs and rehearsals. it has the same transmitter as the G50/G90 i.e. all metal - as has been heavily documented, the battery door on the G30 transmitter is a little flimsy in comparison to the all metal version - i solved any [i]potential[/i] issues by wrapping a velcro cable tidy around the body underneath the strap clip which held it all together nicely and gave easy access for battery changes.

    one of the main reasons i went with the XD-V75 over the G90 is that it has a USB port on it for software upgrades (it comes with the V2.0 software on it)

    i haven't tried any of the others mentioned but if I were to go back to a pedalboard mounted wireless then i would consider the Sony or another G30

  8. My setup from rehearsal last night at Quad in Leicester - the rack is mine, the cab is owned by Quad (controversially, I'm not a fan of Ampeg 8x10's - my old double barefaced compact rig and current EA cabs rather outshine it in my most humble opinion but it's good that they have this level of gear available so I don't have to lug a car full of gear)

    Tried my new Eden Navigator with a Crown XLS 1500 for the first time - I like it. I thought I'd better play some Eden gear given my job....

  9. my newly assembled EA based rig. i consolidated all my IEM gear into the same rack to save lugging two cases around. i'll probably just use the 2x10 cab for most gigs but it's nice to have more speaker area when / if you need it.

  10. Bought an EA iAmp800 and EA cab from Andy - they were well packaged, as described and I'm very happy with them. Couldn't ask for more. Very helpful chap and organised the courier for a very reasonable cost considering the weight.

    He even threw in a speakon cable which was very generous.

    Thanks Andy

  11. Bit of a feeler to gauge interest at the moment....

    I have had my two Barefaced Compacts for about 15 months and am looking to move to a BF Big Twin-T or similar (mainly due to a GAS attack !!) so the Compacts would have to go

    They each have a Roqsolid cover (fitted from new) and are in top quality condition - no chips, knocks etc etc. Twin Speakon sockets and metal corners (i.e. newer version)

    I aways look after my gear and never abuse it during gigs - we use PA support all the time so they have never been pushed that hard.

    I would like to sell them as a pair and it would be pickup only I'm afraid (Leicester area although I can deliver within a reasonable distance for petrol money)

    pics attached of two setups that i use for gigs (the rack & bass are not included !!!)

  12. [quote name='WinterMute' timestamp='1371472006' post='2114187']
    You've gone the same way I did, Pod XT Pro, XLS1500 and BF cabs, I have the Big Twin T though....

    Great combination for changing tones and basses on the fly, very versatile and very powerful, it's the BF cabs that really make the Pod work as a live pre-amp I think.

    it does work very well but i'm currently experimenting with this setup - a Sansamp RBI / RPM setup with the Compacts - i still need time to understand how the two preamps interact but it sounded pretty good at last weekends gig

  13. Little practice rig from band rehearsal last night. The rack is mine but the Ampeg isn't - still prefer my two Barefaced Compacts though (as does my back !)

  14. No complaints about their customer service both in the UK and USA - they sent a replacement set out very quickly (which was faulty ahem...)

    It's just a shame that this product seems to be so inconsistent (in my experience)

    They do seem overpriced for what you (don't) get. Even if they were under £20 / pack it would be unacceptable to have such a perceived high failure rate.

    As I said - i won't be using them again and will stick to a more reliable and consistent manufacturer.

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