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Posts posted by BigBeatNut

  1. I'm very interested in this.

    My travel requirements come from two directions. (1) I regularly (twice a year, sometimes for 2 weeks) find myself abroad in the same place without a bass. Not good. (2) About every a couple of years a friend organises a small festival abroad. Since I'm not always in a formal band, just jamming, I have to weigh up a whole bunch of stuff (like how much use I will get from it / value of the bass / risk of damage in transit / travel by rail or by air) to decide which bass to take. I've also done the odd gig abroad with my current band.

    So far I've come up with a solution to (2) (cheap squier 5 string / SKB bass safe / total investment 125 quid) but not (1). The solution to (1) at the moment seems to be purchase of a very cheap fender (4-string) clone to permanently leave abroad as a practice (not gigging) bass.

    So if you want to entrust a bass to me for a couple of weeks, I can promise to tell you how well it 'flies' :) . Have you considered a hard case for flying in your plans ? (One of the reasons I've gone for fenderish basses is the ready availability of 'lite-flite' cases and the like). If you're producing a short scale bass presumably you'll need a custom case ?

    Noticed an earlier discussion on strings, and you said you'd be using standard strings I think. Does that mean you're going for a standard short-scale bass speaking length of 30 inches ? I ask because I have experienced string breakage from winding 34 inch scale strings onto the tuners of a 30.5 scale bass. The fat bit does not like going round the tuner, certainly on flatwounds. One solution to this of course, if you're going shorter than 30 inches, is to accommodate the extra string length somehow at the other end, e.g. through-body stringing.

    Very interested to see what you come up with.


  2. Hi,

    I´m researching prices for a yamaha bb400s. I don´t suppose anyone can give me an idea of a current price ? I´ve been offered one that´s in good condition for the neck anyway. body has some wear and tear and metal parts show some corrosion. It´s black, fretless. But don´t know If I´m getting a good price or not.

    Thanks, Andy

  3. I just do not get this ...


    I mean it might work for some people, but I don't buy it. Why take a perfectly reasonable concept (34 inch scale electric bass guitar) then make it less transportable by sticking an extra load of wood on the end, and turn it vertical ?

    If you've never seen me post here, note that I HAVE bought into the EUB and Double Bass concept ... it's just this particular weirdo I don't get. Seems to add nothing to bass guitar (only takes away that transportability) and makes no headway whatsoever in moving towards an upright / EUB.

    Rant over.

    It has to be said that there are claims that the chambered body contributes to the sound, but then, you can get chambered bass guitars.


  4. [quote name='slobluesine' post='354710' date='Dec 15 2008, 12:02 AM']thx rev, just ordered a set, £92 :) ouch![/quote]
    Thank your lucky stars you're not trying to emulate your hero bassist and looking to purchase a set of Olivs ... they'll be pretty much the same price as your stagg :huh:

  5. [quote name='steve' post='353283' date='Dec 13 2008, 12:16 AM']I'd be inclined to guess that the has circuits are just switched resisitor/capacitor pairs.[/quote]
    It might be worth exploring the website (inc sound samples) and review a bit ... I don't think it's quite as simple as that. The HAS website talks about 'notch filters' in the varitone description and the review talks about 'quality capacitors and chokes'. You don't find chokes in the average bass tone circuitry.


  6. [quote name='ardi100' post='351855' date='Dec 11 2008, 03:28 PM']Is great!! Played at a full reheasal and it sounded great, played great and left me with a big stupid grin!![/quote]

    Have I got this right ... you've only just been introduced to the world of DB and it's been to a rehearsal already ?

  7. [quote name='BigBeatNut' post='325051' date='Nov 8 2008, 11:01 PM']Already played it, that's exactly why I'm gassing for one. Don't think I can stretch to that kind of cash though. Almost EXACTLY the fretless 5 I want (including the lack of fretlines) ... it's a few millionths of a point below 10 out 10 because its vol+vol (versus vol+blend) and it's a rather loud shade of blue.[/quote]

    If I couldn't afford it before, I definitely can't now. Unless I'm very much mistaken, it's just gone up by about 400.

  8. Bob Gollihur to the rescue. [url="http://www.gollihurmusic.com/faq/2-SIZES_DOUBLE_BASS_SIZING_FAQ.html"]DB SIZE FAQ[/url]

    FWIW it's possible to place the bridge incorrectly on any upright and finish up with a string length that doesn't reflect the size of the bass. So body dimensions are a better guide.


  9. [quote name='MB1' post='323456' date='Nov 6 2008, 02:27 PM']The only thing i cant understand is the jaunty angle of the pickups![/quote]
    I think the whole look, including pickups, becomes more understandable after you've seen this

  10. [quote name='Prosebass' post='324996' date='Nov 8 2008, 09:13 PM']{...} I start in a new direction with my own designs in the New Year.[/quote]
    Hmm ... keep us posted. You've got some very nice stuff happening already. Particularly like the fretless Jazz with the ebony fingerboard and the transparent pickup cover.


  11. [quote name='Gwilym' post='325027' date='Nov 8 2008, 10:21 PM']There's a F fretless at the Gallery - can't find it on the Gallery site though - you should get out there are check it out, it was *really* nice (but no fret lines).[/quote]
    Already played it, that's exactly why I'm gassing for one. Don't think I can stretch to that kind of cash though. Almost EXACTLY the fretless 5 I want (including the lack of fretlines) ... it's a few millionths of a point below 10 out 10 because its vol+vol (versus vol+blend) and it's a rather loud shade of blue.

  12. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='324559' date='Nov 7 2008, 10:34 PM']I've got the most stunning S2 5-string bolt-on, but no, I don't want to offload it at all... My preccciousss, all miiiine... *Cackles*!

    Seriously, they are a bargain. I always thought the bolt-ons would be low rent compared to the glossed neck-thru models I'd always had, but I love my 5-stringer.[/quote]
    You beat me to it. I'll endorse the [s]S2[/s] S1 bolt-ons too. Does Rob still make them ? The [s]S2[/s] S1 option disappeared from the status site maybe a year ago.


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