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Posts posted by neptunehealer

  1. [quote name='P-T-P' post='151862' date='Mar 5 2008, 05:06 PM']That's a US JO4, colour is Teal Green.

    Bass Central have a US DJ4 in that finish here [url="http://www.basscentral.com/lakeland_usa/skyline_daryl_jones.shtml"]http://www.basscentral.com/lakeland_usa/sk...ryl_jones.shtml[/url][/quote]

    Cheers, so its a Daryl Jones then, the price of it was a reality check for me, why is that bass £1000 more than on GAK.co.uk.
    Surely the teal green colour doesn't warrant that extra cost.

  2. Just would like to know if this is a daryl jones, or a jon osbourne. Really like the shape and colour of this bass.


  3. [quote name='bass_ferret' post='146909' date='Feb 25 2008, 08:56 PM']its not £550 that is what has been bid and is below reserve. There is a Diesel cab for sale on here.[/quote]

    How do you know what the reserve is, or do the sellers keep that a secret?

  4. there is one available for £550 on ebay, i am very tempted to get my dream tone, but it will be a bitch to store and take to gigs. But you only live once right. What does everyone think?


  5. The legendary Mike Dirnt from Green Day back in the times when they were the greatest. But i have always wondered what this bass he used back then is, i guess a stingray of some kind but i may be wrong.
    Also he got a gr8 tone around this time.


  6. gas for me to, it won't be long before i am off to birmingham and getting myself a fender jazz everyone needs at least one in their life.
    I am also hoping it will make my peavey/laney rig sound nice aswell.
    Only thing i wish i could order one from the states but QC is unpredictable so i will have to get one from the shops that plays nice.

    Also will shops throw in a hard case if you buy a fender jazz.

  7. [quote name='crez5150' post='142839' date='Feb 18 2008, 11:45 PM']Do I not get anything then.... seeing as I got it correct!!!!

    Had one of these many moons ago...... bloody horrible thing it was.[/quote]

    You get nothing more than a firm handshake (thought i better say that to toughen up this thread)
    So why did you not get on with this bass then? was it lightweight?

    Also how do you make a link to a website with just one word describing the link if that makes sense, instead of copying and pasting the entire link?

  8. Can anyone identify the bass that Alex James is playing in this video?
    Just i think it looks pretty cool.


  9. [quote name='bigjohn' post='139690' date='Feb 13 2008, 05:07 PM']Every bass and guitar I've ever owned has been black. I agree they're very versatile as they come in a variety of shapes, sizes and configurations.

    You deffo should play a fender (unless you just take a punt!). I went down Denmark Street all day and played every fender I could find when I was in the market for a Jazz bass. To be honest, if they'd all had the "made in" decal taped over I would have got most of them wrong. I also found myself preferring some Precisions.

    Some MIAs, MIJs & MIMs played like dogs, some were lovely. I left feeling confused. A lot of how a bass plays is how it's set up.

    I then bought a MIM Precision Bass Special from ebay. I couldn't resist. It's an FSR in matt black :) and a jazz neck - I love it. Although it was dirt cheap for what it is and almost brand new - and I was willing so replace bits on it didn't like (I never did). It was a lucky punt. It might have been a dog.

    Modern MIAs and MIMs are made from the same wood, although you get more variety of woods used for bodies in the MIAs - and the MIAs are sometimes made from less pieces. Talking of sunbursts - they're often made of less pieces for aesthetic reasons. Both MIA and MIM now use the same necks made in the same factory. MIMs rarely come with maple fretboards. MIJs are made from entirely different trees stocks on another continent (though maybe the same type of wood) in different factories.

    MIAs have much better pickups, electronics and hardware. MIJs are somewhere in the middle. Although some of the Deluxe Series MIMs (like mine) also have US pickups.

    Some people rate the MIJs as having better build quality than the MIAs or MIMs. I'm not so sure. There are good and bad examples of each.[/quote]

    Why not look at the CIJ jazz basses on guitaremporium cij is crafter in japan and from what i know are better than mij.
    Plus the jazz basses on there have us pups and badass II bridge, but will fetch you back a cool £700. Happy days.

  10. [quote name='rayfw' post='139215' date='Feb 13 2008, 12:53 AM']They are an absolute bargain. Out of the box I only needed to tweak the intonation a tad to make it a very playable and fine sounding instrument. Both pickups on full with full tone gives a great slap sound. Bridge pickup only with tone rolled off gives a lovely Jaco like tone. It also looks absolutely mint.
    Add new pickups (Wizards are highly recommended) and a Badass II bridge at a later date like I have and you'll have an absolute monster for not a lot of money.
    Highly recommended.[/quote]

    Well if this truly is the case then why should i get a Fender. This seems to be an amazing buy if you can get them kind of tones from it. Is this bass lightweight also can you get a distinctive tone regardless of what rig your using.
    Also do you fit the wizard pickups and badass yourself or do you get a guitar shop to do it?
    Also what wizards did you get?

    I am eyeing the natural colour one.

  11. [quote name='neptunehealer' post='135875' date='Feb 7 2008, 04:36 PM']Hi Jase, well even tho i have been playing bass for 9 years i have tried any out apart from crappy old one. So my views may change as i try them out, but through searching endless reviews i am veering towards a Fender Jazz Bass, or even the squire now.[/quote]

    Sorry that was full of misleading typo errors, as i am at work and trying to avoid detection, i meant to say i havent tried any other basses out apart from my crappy old one.

  12. [quote name='Jase' post='135860' date='Feb 7 2008, 04:28 PM']If your going to spend £600 you won't go far wrong without trying it out first, there would be plenty of guys here to give approx weights on different basses too....on the other hand stick around in the for sale section lots of trusted people selling here :) and always honest about the goods too.

    Any particular brand you really fancy?[/quote]

    Hi Jase, well even tho i have been playing bass for 9 years i have tried any out apart from crappy old one. So my views may change as i try them out, but through searching endless reviews i am veering towards a Fender Jazz Bass, or even the squire now.

  13. [quote name='Bassmurf' post='135476' date='Feb 7 2008, 08:28 AM']I'm upgrading to a slightly better bass, have got £500-600 to spend, need one that has two pickups (passive or active - haven't decided) and a fairly slim neck (as I haven't got the biggest hands in the world!), I have been looking at the Geddy Lee bass, possibly a Spector Legend or even the Peavey DE Zodiac - anybody tried/owned one of these or have another sugeestion?

    Cheers. :)[/quote]

    Hi Bassmurf, i am in exactly the same position as you i have about that amount to spend and am looking to upgrade and to top it all off i have small hands too.
    I have just started to draw my attention to a Pete Wentz Squire as it has good reviews and is only £160.
    I hear the geddy lee is heavy on the shoulders though.

  14. [quote name='s_u_y_*' post='135805' date='Feb 7 2008, 03:14 PM']"Vintage-Modified" series... Here's a link. :)


    Thanks buddy, and good day to you.

  15. [quote name='nash' post='135756' date='Feb 7 2008, 02:12 PM']could get a VM P-bass if you hate the bat logo[/quote]

    I admit without that bat logo i would have already made the decision to buy it as you could get away with no one knowing it's his sig bass.
    What6s the VM-pbass soory for my ignorance?

  16. I can't stand this guy or his shoddy technique but i have to say i am veering closer to maybe purchasing his bass. It's very cheap, lightweight and holds a good tone (according to reviews i have read).
    I am a finger style bassist who is after an upgrade on my ten year old Vintage for my cover band. Why shall i spend £700 when i can get this for £170.
    Only thing i am worried about is will the pickups be good enough at the top end to cut through the mix.

  17. [quote name='fifeq' post='121246' date='Jan 16 2008, 12:42 AM']maybe easy option- put in this place other sticker?[/quote]

    I am getting a bit of GAS about this bass as it's very cheap and seems like it's lightweight and got a good tone.
    This seems to be getting the nod over an expensive fender jazz.

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