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About frostis

  • Birthday 13/04/1973

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  1. Weight of the bass? Scale? Dings, itchies and scratchies? Many questions for a lovely bass bump.
  2. Just listen to any solo by Alain Caron. That is real poetry in my opinion. Most of us will surely be able to give the name of a bunch of bass players capable of doing most extraordinary solos. I really don't think that the question in this thead should be if bass solos are good-bad-blasphemy... The real question is how to face them if we decide to make them. Of course the solo has to blend in the tune somehow, respecting its general structure and groove. The main idea pointed out by VW is that the best way to keep the attention of the audience is by making their feet move. Just the same way you try to do whenever some other soloist is working. It is of course a very valid point of view. It is clear that many people will not like bass solos. Or guitar, or any other kind of solos. Some others may not like loud music, or vocal music, or whatever at all from the vast range of possibilities that music offers. This is played in the low register. Should we consider it ugly?: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR9lCa23kzo&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gR9lCa23kzo&feature=related[/url]
  3. [sub][quote name='silddx' timestamp='1322228886' post='1448263'] Solo = 'Let me show you what I've been practising this week. I have manage to get VERY fast at it. I bet you wish you could do this too. Please visit nigelclutterbuck.com after the show' [/quote][/sub] [sub]Sorry, silddx, but I can't agree about this statement.[/sub] [sub]I think that a bass solo can contain just as much interest, musicality and sensitiveness as any other instrument's at all. I love a good sax solo, I love a good guitar solo and I [/sub][sub]of course I adore a good bass solo.[/sub] [sub]As for Wooten's words, it is possibly true. But if the audience has got the possibility to see something really amazing (Tom Kennedy's shred, for instance), then they will surely like it. Of course not many bass players have got that capacity, so for the rest of us we will have to keep to the groove, just like VW says.[/sub]
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