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Posts posted by VTypeV4

  1. [quote name='mrtcat' timestamp='1357406094' post='1922250']
    I had a AH400 GP12SMX and sold it. MASSIVE MISTAKE. I would have it back in a heartbeat. Beautiful head and super versatile.

    I love my valve amps and I see it unlikely that I'll be going back any time soon but...

    I also really miss my 400SMX as it was probably the best graphic trace I ever owned or indeed built(?). It had plenty of power and looked the nuts with it's UV lamp. For my uses, it was even better than the 600 I had for many years. I should have kept it but sold it to buy motorbikes..

  2. [quote name='such' timestamp='1357387988' post='1921905']
    I'm pretty sure it was some sort of all-valve Trace in the "Travelling Without Moving" period. Like, [i][b]V8[/b] [b]or something like this[/b][/i]. On the first album the sounds were much more sterile, don't know what it might have been. There's a Hartke combo and cabs in the "Space Cowboy" video, but then that version was recorded later, [b][i]he didn't play on the album version of the song[/i][/b].

    It was more likely a V6 as I have a pic of him in an old Trace Elliot catalogue from about '98. The V8 came out after 2000, I remember it being demo'd at music live through an 8x10 by David Jacob with his green 6-string Status. Stunning!

    Interesting, who did play it then? Neither Nick Fyffe or Rob Turner were in the equation back then..

  3. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1357325417' post='1921176']
    That is what I was always taught, that the onstage level should be dtermined by how loud the drums are

    I agree with everything that you have said apart from your initial (possibly flippant) statement about half stacks! :-)

    The point is that the job of the sound engineer is to help the band sound good so that they can put on a performance for the benefit of the audience. This requires an element of compromise – no one wants to see even the greatest band if there is a terrible FOH sound – but if the band has a good onstage sound that they are happy with, a good sound engineer should be able to use that to get a great sound out front.....

    Glad we're on the same page. :D And yes my comment was rather 'off the cuff' !

  4. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' timestamp='1357266519' post='1920213']
    4x12s tend to be disproportionate. They were supposed to be for bass for starters, and speakers have got louder in the meantime. 4x12 syndrome where the guitarist sits on it and tried to eq the treble they can't hear back in is still far too common. Going to many small metal gigs probably makes it all seem especially bad in my experience.

    Plus one..

  5. Because in a venue the size of the Rigger, they're just too loud if people want to run them flat out. Don't get me wrong on a big stage where there is plenty of space they're great but not in a venue that small. I have a good sound system (not perfect by any means) and I can [i]just[/i] get the voice over the top but it's gotten painfully loud by this point and it's no fun for anyone with the exception of egotist on the other end of the 4x12.

    If you have to turn the drums up just keep up the guitar, it's too loud..

    My problem is that I've dealt with so many muppets with 4x12s and big valve amps. I've also dealt with many people that will give me that couple of dB that makes all the difference which is great but as ever it's the few that spoil it for the majority.

  6. [quote name='peteb' timestamp='1357235323' post='1919579']
    The trouble is that the top guitar players who do the big tours nearly all use all big valve heads and 412s!

    Probably best to learn how to deal with them if you want to do the bigger gigs......

    The top players use the equipment they have proportionally and appropriatly whether it's a beat up Fender Princeton or a Boogie rectifier. 50w and 2x12s are borderline in the Rigger.

    And for the record I've done enough 'big' gigs and tours over the years where 4x12 and 100w are fine..

    Learn to deal with them? Interseting.

  7. [quote name='iconic' timestamp='1357110435' post='1917512']
    Thanks guys, anyone know off their head what 15" would usually compliment my SM300-7210H combo?

    I'm sure I can run an extension off this?

    Cheers again

    Trace 1153 would probably work well..

  8. [quote name='umph' timestamp='1357154822' post='1918351']
    It'll make it sound it to. His hifi stuff is amazing.

    Quite fancy a Croft modded one too but can't justify two ST20s!

    [quote name='thunderider' timestamp='1357171993' post='1918792']
    Thunderider, haven't I mixed your group at the Rigger a while back? That name looks familiar.

    we supported gunslinger dec 11....i was using a 150w laney and an 18 sub!!.....

    I remember, sorry man I've mixed millions since! ;)

  9. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1357138492' post='1917948']
    What was the low frequency cutoff of the Partridge transformers used in the old Hiwatt 200 and 400 models? Was it as low as 30Hz?

    Knowing Hiwatt, quite possibly! :D

    Thunderider, haven't I mixed your group at the Rigger a while back? That name looks familiar.

    With regards to low frequency roll off, have you considered how low you really need to go? Do you really need 30-40 hz in your program as most of us think we 'need' an octave lower than we really do Even some PA grade subwoofers begin to struggle at less than 45hz so even if the amp could do it, you need to consider could the speakers you're using.. :ph34r:

  10. [quote name='Delberthot' timestamp='1357085329' post='1917435']
    Most are straight forward like the 1524, 1248, 1528, 1048H, 1084 etc. Its generally the compact ones that have slightly different and bewildering codes.

    2102, 2103H, 2104 (rarer 4ohm cab), 1153 (maybe to match the 2103 cab code?)

    The most obvious one [i][b]is the BFC [/b][/i]- make your own mind up what that really stands for going by the size and weight

    Combos can be even more be wildering: 1110 (Mk V 4x10" combo), 7210 (GP7 2x10" combo), 1215 (GP12 1x15"combo)

    Trace Elliot claim it stands for bass frequency cabinet.. I, like most others on here rather have our own ideas.. :gas:

  11. I've found it doesn't always add up as I understand it at least..

    For example;

    1048H (4x10 plus HF) 10 inch driver, 4 of them, 8 ohm and HF unit
    1084 (8x10) 10 inch driver, 8 of them, 4 ohm
    1818 (1x18) 18 inch driver, 1 of them, 8 ohm

    Which is fine until,,

    2103H (2x10 plus HF) using the above doesn't add up: 21 inch driver, 0 of them, 3 ohm and HF..

    Which I really think means: 2 speakers, 10 inch size w/3 drive units in total..
    2102 (2x10) 2 drivers, 10 inch size w/2 drive units total..

    But then 1153 (1x15) and 1153H (1x15 & HF) don't quite add up.

    1 drive unit, 15 inches size but where's the 3 come from.

    Long live Trace Elliot

  12. Oooh, can o' worms! :D

    My old Trace 8 x 10" was one of the best cabs I ever played through but I would disregard any cab purely because of it's config. I like an HF component in my cabs altho i can live without. I think it's often a case of suck it and see as you may be surprised..

    To the OP, why not see if you can borrow some alternative cabs? Or if you wanted more 'weight' to your existing sound consider a dedicated low frequency enclosure with an x-over and separate power amplifier to drive it?

  13. [quote name='Mikey R' timestamp='1356657355' post='1912222']
    Cheers dude, I would guess its kinda similar to a Marshall with master volume? Dont worry just yet, Ive got some experimenting to do before I get anywhere near that stage.

    Yeah man, pretty much although the master volume was a later modification. The prescence control was omitted so its 'wide open'..

  14. Mikey, i still have the original circuit design for Beavis somewhere altho he has been heavily modded since it was drawn. Let me know if you want it? I [i]think [/i]I know where it is at least..!

    I haven't seen an L50 on ebay for a while tho.. :ph34r:

  15. To the OP.. Have you considered an all valve head with less bells and whistles?

    With regards to the ashdown comments, I'm afraid I have no love for them either. I don't mind the cabinets, I had a MAG 210 that was great but I simply cannot get along with their amps, MAG, ABM or even the Mark King ones..

  16. I have come into a substantial collection of old valves from a radio enthusiast..

    I have for sale / trade:

    [b]Mazda ECC83[/b]: Blue writing with short-plate architecture. £20

    [b]Mullard ECC83[/b]: Most of the writing has rubbed off but I can just make out the Mullard 'Shield' in white writing. Tall plates and currently working well in my Leak ST20. Sensitivity in this application makes me believe its an '83 as opposed to '82 or '81. Sounds great! £30

    [b]Mullard ECC82[/b]: White writing, tall plates, British made. £25

    [b]Mullard ECC82[/b]: White writing, tall plates, Made in Great Britain. £25

    [b]Mullard ECC82[/b]: White writing, tall plates, Made in Great Britain. £25

    [b]Pinnacle ECC82[/b]: White writing, shorter plates than Mullard, Foreign. £20

    I also have another Mullard '83 but thats staying with me unless anyone wants to offer £45?

    I will test all the valves in an amplifier to ensure they're serviceable before dispatch. I don't have a valve tester for specific figures on emissions etc so a listening test will have to suffice.

    Any postage will be £4 per valve unless you're having more than one then I can do a bundle.

    Pictures on request.

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