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Everything posted by GStar

  1. Cheers, i think that's what i'll go do... new E string. Thanks for your help!
  2. Hi Kev, I recently ordered a set of new, not sure the correct term, "nut/screw" that little things you manupulate with an allen key to rasie and lower the action, they seem slighty loose (the E string action tends to go lower slighty over time), but i only needed them for the outside holding of the very bottom and top string, so i would have thought if it was this it would affect the top string too. (plus when i rasie the action slightly to my prefered level the distortion through the amp and the extra buzz when you paly the string is wtill there. The string does seem to be held ok at the bridge and at the neck; it sounds like it isn't though, which i guess is whats confusing me. Perhaps another set of strings is in order? Or going back and seeing if i bought the wrong "nut/screws"?... Are there instances where thicker gauge strings don't work well in certain basses?
  3. This may indeed be nominated for an award along the lines of "Darwin for Bassists" But i've bought some new strings, Ernie Ball's i think, i've been using them for 6 weeks or so and i've noticed my E-String is giving out a distored tone. The rest of the strings are crisp and clear but the E is not. I unplugged and you can hear the extra vibration from the string when you play it; so i'm wondering if i've bought strings with too thick gauge to be held securely on the bass. (I play a Fender Jazz) Has anyone else come across this problem, should i have known not to go go above a certain thickness, could it be something else casuing this? Any help appreciated. Thanks in Advance!
  4. Thanks WoT! Guess i better go and think about what i'm going to say, how i'm going to sell my current rig and then go and stare at my bank account and cry!
  5. Very Nice! The grille does make it stand out too, liking the fretless aswell... very nice setup, not envious at all Just wondered if you'd share what you explained to Jorg in your email to him? I heard a few people have done this and he's helped them find the right cab for thier needs... Did you basically tell him what kind of stuff you played in your band/style/what you like to play on your own/your gear etc Anything more, just i'm thinking of emailing him myself but he's no doubt a busy guy so i'd like to make his role as easy as possible!
  6. GStar

    zoot cabs

    Can't wait to hear how the Zoot cabs sound... I noticed the 112's we're only around £280 from bassmerchant; very tempting!
  7. I don't want to get more Off Topic in this post, so consider this a bump! I started exactly such a thread Minty, in December when i joined... If you look at what im asking for, i was asking why he felt the 2 112's weren't powerful enough in his band. Not any technical info, i gave a background situation i am in and some info as to why the loudness was a key to me. So everything you've immediately presumed i didn't do, i have. I apologised for going off thread, and i will again for this, but when i started that thread and looked at others, i got personal opinion and "i wont tell anyone what cabs they should buy" - ultimately, most threads end up in debates over personal preference over science, which is still great. All i was after hear was perhaps; "I cant cut throguh the mix or, the 12's don't give a good bass/mid/treble" etc etc If its such an annoyance for you, then why not just open the next thread and carry on? If you havent got time then why waste it belittling others. I was and am genuinely interested, another point you presumed i wasn't. Think you completely misread my intentions and jumped in arse over head.
  8. You'll see that i did apologise for the ramble, its hardly a "clutterd brainfart" whatever one of those happens to be. I included it here because i believed it to be relevant to the item on sale and thought the OPer might shed some light on why he chooses the 410 over the 212 i wasnt after anything in depth-just his opinion/experience And if you don't mean to be rude, restructure what you're saying, or don't say anything: Your reply is just as much clutter in my eyes as my post is in yours... Don't state it and hit post anyway.
  9. I was just wondering about the 212 setup... If i'm thinking right, the two together do 600w at 4ohm? Is it the that 12" speakers don't cut the mix too well or was the drummer last seen scaling a building in the USA about 50 years ago? In all seriousness, i've currently got a Peavey rig i bought off here (My first rig) from Hit&Run... its been fantastic for me so far, but as the band starts to expand, theres more traveling involved and portability becomes more of an issue. I've a 2x10 1x15 setup, Mark VI head i think... 500w at the four ohms. Reading round i thought two 112 cabs would be great: Portability, great sound (so ive read) i was thinking if i could get hold of two 112's and a lightweight head, a LMII or a Shuttle 6.0 i'd have the perfect lightweight rig. Sorry to go off topic, i guess i was trying to ask if a 212 can cut a mix in loud rehersals and small to medium gigs... i have noticed a lot of places put the bass through the PA and use your rig as monitoring, but when they don't i'd still need to something that can be heard...
  10. I gotta say im surprised and very grateful at the amount of advice everyone has given so quickly! I'm based in Manchester City Centre, occasionaly go back home (Barrow-in-Furness; Cumbria) wont be doing many, if any covers and our first gig is in a few weeks at The Roadhouse (purely a music venue; people pay to come watch live bands, not a pub - our drummer got a bit carried away in booking it but im looking forward to it) holds arounds 250 people i think so not too large but not a small pub gig either. For the short term i can hire a head for the evening; but i want something thats mine which will cut down rehersal costs and allow me to play around and find my own sound. Thanks again Clauster; ive seen a lot of Ashdown on t.v but the bands always seem to be miming; that and some people's opinions have stopped by buying a rig currently on eBay but i'll see if i can find find somewhere to check some different setups out. Hi Funk, i'm not too sure at what prices i should be expecting; stuff like Mark Bass, Ampeg etc seem a little out of my price range unless something comes up on here of eBay. I'd love to get a fantastic Ampeg stack eventually as a lot of bassists i like seem to use them but right now i can't justify spending that amount Thanks also Stringray, i'll take you up on that offer and PM you soon; ive got to catch a train to get back to Manchester for the Liverpool game tomorrow so time is tight, i'll keep checking back here though and ill have some free time over the New Year to get in touch. Any more advice and opinions from anyone? I'm like a sponge at the moment!
  11. Thanks bass_ferret - does a 115 add anything to a 210 or a 410? There seems to be conflicting views on here to the use one brings to a bass stack? I'll be back in manchester after Christmas clauster, i'll go have a search; there's bound to be some decent music shops about! Again a really dumb question, but what kind of different sounds will i get from different brands... Surely if i wanted a deeper/warmer tone i'd boost the low end of the EQ, and conversely id i wanted a more slap/pop sound i'd excentuate the mid/high frequencies? As i've said i've never really had to 'do' anything when playing live or in rehersals ive normally had someone with a lot more experience than me set me up, or ive just fiddled around until i find something that sounds half decent; i'm starting to realise what the right equipment can do for your overall sound and performance though.
  12. [quote name='Chopthebass' post='110462' date='Dec 29 2007, 09:33 AM']Hi, I would suggest giving Hartke a look. My very very first bass amp was a Peavey combo, but at only 100w I soon grew out of it. I moved up to Trace Elliot, but soon changed after hearing Hartke. Their 3500 head is extremely potent and will keep up with a gigging rock band. I would recommend their 4.5xl (4 x 10) and 115xl (1 x 15) cabs. Check thomann website as their prices for Hartke are pretty keen. Good luck! Ian[/quote] Hey thanks man, ive seem some good things said about the 4.5 and the 3500 on here... The advice was so good it was posted twice!
  13. [quote name='clauster' post='110451' date='Dec 29 2007, 08:47 AM']+1 to Machines' advice. Gstar, are you sure that 611 is 8ohm? According to the Warwick site the 611 is 4ohm. It will work better with the profet5.1, but really wants one of the big xtreme or tubepath heads. If you like the Warwick tone I'd recommend the profet 5.1 with the 411pro 8ohm - you'll get the same sort of power as you would with 3.2 into a 4ohm cab and you've got the facility to add another 8ohm cab later to release the full 500 watts (if you really need to).[/quote] Hi clauster, yes, looking again you are right about the 611 being 4Ohm; i'm not really sure what i should be looking at; i'm wanting something thats gives me enough power to be used on stage but i also realise that this is my first rig so i'm not going to be spending the cash to get an Ampeg 8x10 with a head alone costing over £1,000 Do you have any opinions on what i should be looking at; Brand, setup, wattage etc. I've been looking at: Peavey, Warwick, Ashdown, Hartke but i'm not sure what will best suit my needs. Thanks for taking your time to help me out here
  14. Hi, I use a Fender Jazz and mainly play rock, pop punk, funk and blues occasionally but i do like a bit of a slap, and as our drummer always says; "I do have a tendency to 'Funk things up'! Thanks for the information on Ohms - that really helps. I was under the impression that if the head was of a lower wattage than the cab then it would be ok? Obviously not! Does a 4x10 and a 1X15 work well? Ive read quite a few posts on here who seem to believe that a group of 10" speakers seem to be more punchy and even give better lows than single, larger cabs? Is that just something down to personel preference or can a 1x15 give you extra dimension/depth/presence on stage? Sorry again for the inquesition!
  15. Hi, I'm new to the forum, been looking round and it seems a lot of people really know they're stuff on here! I'm after some help with buying a my first bass rig. I've been recommended to take a look at Peavey and that seems to have been reaffirmed on a few threads on here, i'm struggling though with Ohm's, impendance etc Ive been looking at: 1. Peavey 210TVX - 175 Watts RMS continuous @ 4 Ohms - with Peavey 410 TVX EX either: 4Ohm 350 Watts continuous, 700 Watts program 8Ohm 350 Watts continuous, 700 Watts program With a Peavey Tour 450 Bass Head 450 watts into 4 ohms (4 ohm minimum load) Total: £630-ish 2. Warwick WCA 611 Pro 900 watts RMS Impedance: 8 ohms with a Warwick ProFet 3.2 300W 4Ohms Total: £520 I'll be using it for rehersals and gigs in pubs and music venues or various sizes, what i need to know is: Am i looking at the right kind of cabs? (Wattage etc - Too powerful, not powerful enough) When looking at the Ohm rating of a head do i want to match that to the Ohm rating on the Cab? What if i want to stack two, does that change the Ohm rating of the bass head i require? Lastly are there any suggestions anyone has for possible rigs/stacks/cabs; whatever name you want to use that i should be looking at? I apologise if this seems like a really stupid, ignorant post but i really don't know where to start on this topic, hopefully i've given enough information to be of use. Thanks in advance for any help! -Chris
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