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Posts posted by bassaussie

  1. [quote name='grimbeaver' post='362081' date='Dec 23 2008, 03:47 PM']Good as new I only used it on 4 gigs and went back to the thunderbird.

    Mint condition

    includes hard case, paperwork and the cleaning cloth etc.

    collection Blackburn.

    e mail me for any details etc [email protected]

    also selling some quality Eden cabs and amps if you look in the other section

    £700.00 I can e mail a load of pictures if required[/quote]

    Don't mean to be critical, but I think you're going to have a hard time being heard with such a small rig! :huh::)

  2. [quote name='BassBod' post='361360' date='Dec 22 2008, 09:19 PM']Second vote for Saitenkatalog - they used to be fair bit cheaper (£17 a set) and I've found their service to be very good. Pickup some Thomastik superalloys while you're at it - my second fav string, like a cross between a DR Sunbeam and a Roto...[/quote]

    That probably comes down to the exchange rate - in Euros, their prices are still pretty much the same as they've been for a couple of years.

  3. [quote name='Hamster' post='361197' date='Dec 22 2008, 06:02 PM']Thanks for that :) I've always fancied having a Trace but don't really know one from the other.[/quote]

    They're very good amps, and the one you've got will provide more than enough power for most gigs. I gigged an AH250 around Sydney for years, and I never encountered a gig where it didn't have enough power. My personal opinion is that the Mark IV and V amps represent Trace at their very best, they were just awesome amps, especially when you consider what the competition had to offer at the time they were available.

  4. [quote name='Hamster' post='361062' date='Dec 22 2008, 04:13 PM']As described, it's well used but in reasonable nick for it's age. I'm struggling to find info / manuals / schematics for it. I think it's a Mark IV and has the Mono Full Range / Mono BiAmp / Stereo Full Range output switch.

    Just got to find a few bits for it and I'll see how it works with my twin BFM cab build (after I've finished putting in the new kitchen!)

    I'm in most of Christmas / New Year if you want to pop around and play through it :)[/quote]

    It's definitely a Mark IV. I had a Mark V AH250, which looks similar, but I recognise the subtle differences. If you can find Mark V details, they'll be the same.

    From memory, you've got two 250 watt amps into 4 ohms. They can be run full range, bi-amp or stereo.

    EDIT: If you got to this page [url="http://www.trace-elliot.co.uk/support_3.php?flag=GB&lan=UK"]http://www.trace-elliot.co.uk/support_3.ph...g=GB&lan=UK[/url] and choose "AH 500X Series 6", that document should give you a fair amount of relevant information.

  5. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='356852' date='Dec 17 2008, 01:24 PM']I didn't mean there's anything wrong with left handed players or left handed instruments. To a right handed player who has a few Fenders it looks so damn odd. It shouts 'ringer' subliminally. Sure I'm not alone there.[/quote]

    No, I realise that - I was just having a laugh!! :)

    I'll be the first to admit that I hate watching left handed players, as it just looks so awkward. Always makes me think back to what it must've been like when Hendrix turned up. All the guitar greats probably heard him on record, and thought "my God, how does he do that", but probably thought they could go to a gig and cop a few licks, only to discover they'd need a full length mirror as well to try and decipher his playing!!!

  6. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='356800' date='Dec 17 2008, 12:35 PM']I think many folk find that a left handed Fender automatically looks 'wrong' to us.[/quote]

    Oh ....... if that's the case, then yes, I totally agree!!!! :huh::)

    [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='356800' date='Dec 17 2008, 12:35 PM']From the pics it's the block markers that concern me - they look plain wrong.[/quote]

    [quote name='budget bassist' post='356808' date='Dec 17 2008, 12:44 PM']looks fake to me, those block inlays look way too wide[/quote]

    I don't know - I've got a '76 Jazz bass sitting right in front of me, and the blocks on it look like the ones in the auction. I've also got a '66 Jazz with blocks, and I can't see a huge amount of variation with it either. I think you need to take into account the awful defretting job that's been done on the neck in the auction, it's really torn the fretboard up. I guess if I did have a question, it would be about the block marker at the 3rd fret, but that may just be the photo which is distorting the view.

  7. Here's some examples of left handed basses from the same era. These are all taken from www.gbase.com , which is a central database of vintage dealers.

    [url="http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=1589898"]1978 Precision - 1[/url]

    [url="http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=1589893"]1977 Precision fretless[/url]

    [url="http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=1589896"]1978 Precision - 2[/url]

    Contrast the logos with some earlier attempts

    [url="http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=1852331"]1971 Precision[/url]

    [url="http://www.gbase.com/Stores/Gear/GearDetails.aspx?Item=1610520"]1968 Telecaster[/url]

  8. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='356742' date='Dec 17 2008, 11:47 AM']Yes.

    FWIW, at a glance, I think it's legit. It seems to have something done to it during the defret which has chipped the rosewood off past the nut, but without seeing it.. who knows?

    Right. If you'll forgive me for a moment:

    [RANT /ON]

    This is where I get a teeny bit riled. A couple of people here have probably contacted the seller to suggest he's a scammer / idiot / both.

    You *must* be sure of the facts before you do something like that.

    [RANT /OFF][/quote]

    I'm with you, I think it's legit.

    It's a classic example of a Jazz neck being paired with a Precision body. There's obviously been a bit of work done on the neck, and maybe a few parts are changed on the body, but the finish itself looks fine, very typical for the period. If the logo is what's causing concern, then you guys need to look into how Fender applied logos to left handed instruments (not you WoT). As for the way the seller has identified the bass, sure, he's got it wrong, but I've seen countless examples of this on Ebay, where a neck gets matched to a different body (usually a Jazz to a Precision, or vice versa) and the seller, who doesn't know a huge amount about Fender instruments, just assumes that he's got a Jazz or a Precision.

    I tend to think what WoT has said here is correct. It's good that people are trying to watch out for scammers, but you need to know your facts before you start going after people. I saw something like this escalate out of control on another forum (a now defunct American one), and I'd hate to see that happen here.

  9. [quote name='Beedster' post='351770' date='Dec 11 2008, 02:59 PM']Welcome to BC Shonks. Good to have another pre-EB Stingray owner here.
    Will you do us all a favour and leave the ebay seller negative feedback. It has been pretty much demonstrated above that he was not a naive guy who perhaps had a crap bass dumped on him without his knowledge, but a cynic who knew exactly what he was doing and that what he was selling was a fake. If buyers do not leave negative feedback, people like him get away with it and do it again and again. He cannot leave you neagtive as new ebay rules prohibit sellers leaving retaliatory negative feedback to buyers.

    Excellent suggestion Chris.

    Why people are under the impression that outright fraud and theft should be forgiven is beyond me.

  10. It's interesting what responses you get from Google searches.

    For example, if I search on maxehooperjrsq , I get 2 pages of hits [url="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=maxehooperjrsq&btnG=Google+Search&aq=f&oq="]Google hits for maxehooperjrsq[/url]

    Interestingly enough, on the 2nd page, there's a reference to a Musicman Style Bass Guitar, auction number #140241787683, bought from allison130265 on 19 July 2008 for £51. And sure enough, that number matches feedback on maxehooperjrsq history, and also on allison130265.

    [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&ftab=AllFeedback&userid=allison130265&iid=-1&de=off&items=25&interval=0&page=2"]Feedback for allison130265[/url]

    [url="http://feedback.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewFeedback2&userid=maxehooperjrsq&ftab=AllFeedback&myworld=true"]Feedback for maxehooperjrsq[/url]

    I'm sure a bit more digging will find a cached version of the auction somewhere.

    Nice guy. :)

  11. [quote name='neepheid' post='345984' date='Dec 5 2008, 12:28 AM']Did you even get Musicmaster basses in 1964? In any case, they would have a different headstock logo and different tuners. Although the finish looks in good nick, it's had a replacement pickup and a thumbrest fitted in a rather unusual place which will have made holes where they can't be covered. Price is maybe a little optimistic.[/quote]

    No, they didn't. This is a common mistake with people selling "60s" Musicmaster basses. The Musicmaster guitars date back to the 50s, so people seem to assume that the basses date back that far as well. In fact, Musicmaster basses were only available from around 1970 (I can't remember the exact year, but it's very close to this).

    I had a dealer in Lisbon try to flog me a "1962" Musicmaster bass!! When I told him that that was impossible, he then told me it was a prototype. I then pointed out that I'd actually owned the bass in question previously, and that when I'd owned it, it had a different neckplate on it! He was not a happy bunny! :)

    EDIT: Looks like 2x18 beat me to it with some more accurate info.

  12. [quote name='Prosebass' post='338204' date='Nov 27 2008, 11:58 AM']I did get that "oh my god what have I stumbled across" feeling when I opened the case, but a quick look at tuners, pups and scratch-plate certainly made me think that it was a replica but I was not sure if the neck may have started as a Fender item.
    I am sure it is not an SX as the quality is better and the headstock shape is different (SX is pointy on the right side and not rounded) but thanks for the suggestion.

    I will probably improve the bass a little (wiring, shielding and maybe the bridge) then it will be up for sale.[/quote]

    Fair enough. It's difficult to judge from internet photos, and as I said, I was mainly basing my though on the colour, which is probably distorted anyway.

    Regardless, if it's a nice bass and the cost was low, sounds like you scored well!

    [quote name='Prosebass' post='338204' date='Nov 27 2008, 11:58 AM']And don't worry about "offending" tell it as it is, the truth will always out, as the saying goes..... :)[/quote]

    I just hate to be the guy that kills the dream!!! :huh: You see stuff like this over and over on these bass forums, some kid comes on thinking he's got the deal of the century, only to have his bubble burst when he finds out that Fender never made a Stratocaster bass in 1962, or that James Jamerson's bass said "Funk Brothers", not "You Funked Me Over", or that the 1945 Jazz Bass prototype he just bought might possibly be a fraud!!! :huh: I like to help guys out with my knowledge (limited as it is), but I hate killing someone's excitement about an instrument.

  13. [quote name='Prosebass' post='337692' date='Nov 26 2008, 09:47 PM']I would love to know the makers of the neck as they can make necks for me if this is typical of their handy work. It is without doubt a stunning neck and lovely to play. The action at the 12th is around 2mm now I have given it a bit of a fettle and is perfectly straight along its length.[/quote]

    I don't know if this will help, and I didn't want to say it above for fear of offending (I got the idea you thought this may've actually been a Fender), but my initial impression of the neck was that it might be an SX neck. Something about the headstock shape and the colouration reminds me of their goods.

  14. I'm sure others will chime in, but at the very minimum the tuners and string guide on that bass are not Fender. They're Korean, and fairly recent. I'm also not sure about the neck itself, the headstock looks the wrong shape. I'm not that well versed about 80's Fenders, so maybe other more experienced people could add something.

  15. [quote name='Josh' post='334470' date='Nov 22 2008, 03:52 PM']And whats worse is that I want another one already.[/quote]

    I've got two, and that's exactly what happened to me. I bought my second within 12 months of buying my first.

  16. FWIW, there are other examples of instruments that have become collectible for similar reasons.

    In bass terms, the most obvious would be Carl Thompson basses. The main difference being that he's still producing. Mention Carl Thompson to most younger bass players, and Les Claypool's basses will nearly certainly be the first thing mentioned, followed quickly by how much the player would like to sound like Les.

    For me, though, the brand that really epitomises collectable-through-association is Zemaitis. Take the price you might expect to see a Wal go for, then add a zero at the end. Then multiply that by 2 .... or 3!! :) All because Ronny Wood used one in that damned "Start Me Up" video! :huh:

  17. [quote name='vlad335' post='334892' date='Nov 23 2008, 02:04 PM']THanks for the informative reply. What you guess the years of manufacture for these cabs?[/quote]

    I'd say early to mid 90s. Does it say what series they are on the back?

  18. [quote name='vlad335' post='334751' date='Nov 23 2008, 10:32 AM']Thanks for the replies!

    I don't think I am going to buy the GP11 preamp but I was scouring the local Guitar Center and found these.

    Two old Trace Elliot cabs that I got for a steal. they were sitting there for months and were not selling due to the ohms being mismatched. The bottom cab is a 8ohm 18" that I don't know the model of.( The info is worn off on the back plate) and the top is a 1044H. These go quite nicely with my early 90's SWR Big Ben and the Alembic F1-X.

    Very nice! Biamping with the crossover at 70hz and I can drive the daylights out of them and they will not break up. Beautiful sound in the low mids that I never quite heard before and the highs are clear and effortless. Not harsh like a lot of horns. Of course, two 18's move some serious air and I got lowend to spare. Can't wait to get this to rehearsal![/quote]

    I think TE used to call the 18" boxes the 1818. The naming convention (roughly) was 18 (18") 1 (1 speaker) 8 (8 ohms). The other speaker box you picked up is 10 (10") 4 (4 speakers) 4 (4 ohms) H (horn). This doesn't work with all their cabinets, but it's a good place to start.

    As the other guys said, the GP11 was solid state. Awesome preamp, very highly regard when it first came out.

  19. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='334316' date='Nov 22 2008, 11:41 AM']Actually, I did the first session with "Blondie UK" the other evening & they absolutely loved the tone & sound of my Status SII...

    Do I need another bass? LOL!


    Slightly off topic, but are you playing "Atomic" with that band? I always loved the little solo the bassist did in the centre of the song, with the OTT compression.

    As for Sadowsky basses, I have two, and love them. That's about all I can add.

  20. My impression of the Wal market is this. Wal's are very good basses, and have a wonderful electronics package in them that can achieve a wide varieties of tones. However, the prices they are currently fetching has very little to do with their ability as an instrument, and more to do with American interest in them since Flea used one on BSSM and Justin Chancellor's use of them. On so many occasions I've seen people talk about the "Wal" tone, and reference Chancellor, and yet for me, I don't think his tone is particularly indicative of what a Wal can do, and further, I think you can achieve a very similar tone to his with other, far more readily available instruments. As for the Flea/BSSM connection, although I know it's a Wal that he used (yep! I've seen the video :) ), every time I listen to that album, it just sounds like a Stingray to me. Add to this the fact that there's constant doubt over whether Wal will ever produce any more basses, and this adds to the desperation of people who simply have to sound like their idols.

    I'd love to own a Wal, but not while there's this fanboy culture around them that has pushed their prices up to ridiculous levels.

    Just as a matter of interest, when I first came over to Europe in 1997, I can remember seeing 2 or 3 Wal basses in the Bass Gallery/Bass Centre for just under £1000, and I'd also see the occasional one come up in classifieds for far less - maybe around the £600-800 mark. The point I'm making here is that those prices were prior to the huge interest that started in them, and I think they reflected what the English market thought of them - good quality basses that were still in a price range that gigging bassist's might be able to afford.

  21. Absolutely giggable!! As long as the neck is in good nick (reasonably straight, has movement left on the truss rod for adjustments), there's nothing else you couldn't fix with a small investment. The worst thing you might find is that the pickups/electronics might be noisy, so you could easily replace pots, wiring and even pickups with something quite decent, and still have a backup for well under £100.

    Looks like a good buy to me.

  22. [quote name='wateroftyne' post='333662' date='Nov 21 2008, 11:06 AM']Hi all!

    Quick string ID question...

    DR Sunbeams / HiBeams... do they have silk winding? If so, what colour? Also.. what colour are the ball ends?


    I've got Hi-Beams on a few of my basses. No silk, and the ball ends are a gold/brass colour.

    Absolutely amazing strings. I've used Sunbeams as well, and they're great too. I think I just prefer the extra snap of the Hi-Beams, but I'd happily use Sunbeams as well.

  23. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' post='333366' date='Nov 20 2008, 07:52 PM']I'm hoping that one day I'll stumble across a Trans trem model[/quote]

    Ha ..... join the queue!!! :)

    I actually tried one at the Bass Gallery 4 or 5 years back. It was pretty cool, with a price tag to match. I think they were asking close to £2000. I probably should've bought it, as they're as rare as hen's teeth, but the price put me off.

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