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Posts posted by jwbassman

  1. Hi Mike

    Indeed a small world... and fully agree Falmouth is a very beautiful part of it. I spent 3 good years down there and I guess it's got to me to where I am today :)

    A jazzer I guess but also play some blues rock, even done a bit of soul and classical in my time ( I also play bass trombone) and have a very wide spectrum of music tastes (?) and influences...

    My approach to bass playing is most certainly one of fundamentals - I fully agree with our mutual friend Victor that the groove is where it's at, I'm not much of a soloist and couldn't get anywhere near the stuff you put down, so much respect. There are a couple of mp3 clips of me playing with the big band on the website, if I get round to it I'll pick a track and upload a full one here.

    Thanks for the welcome - I'm new to all this but so far so good



  2. Other - Overwater Progress III Fretless 5 - guess this could also be considered custom as I selected the woods and hardware etc, with a bit of guidance :)

    Have any you guys heard of Overwater?

  3. I've been looking into mics for use with the big band - ended up with a set of sm57s for the horns and an sm58 for the vocal mic, but seriously considering getting a Audix OM6 - been reading a lot of good things about these recently, a bit more than your shure's but worth it by all accounts check this link - [url="http://www.westernliveaudio.co.uk/sales/browse_manufacturers.php?mid=1&manufacturer=Audix&s=24&np=3"]audix mics at a decent price[/url] - and then the Audix website for more, also some reviews on Harmony Central...

  4. Felt I should take a minute to introduce oneself... I'm a complete newbie so be nice :)

    John aka jwbassman

    My main bass is an Overwater Progress Fretless 5 - an absolute beauty, was lucky enough to get it just before getting married and buying our house!

    Paired with an EA iAmp 200 also from Chris and the guys up in Carlisle.

    Regular gig is with the Swingshift Big Band, who I've been with for 5 or so years now, I also do the live sound for the band - not quite sure how I got involved with that, but still... checkout the website [url="http://www.swingshiftbigband.co.uk"]www.swingshiftbigband.co.uk[/url] (I'm responsible for that too!) for a bit more about band and me...

    Also play with a number of other local big bands as and when required, as well as for the local shows and the odd small band jazz and function gig.

    Currently selling my backup Squire Fretless 4 on ebay complete with Ritter gig bag (I'm planning on replacing it with a fretted 5 as some of the more modern big band arrangements need a bit more edge than I get with the fretless), and thinking about changing my amp - dangerous thoughts, I know :huh: Was considering going for the valve preamp option but not sure... your thoughts very welcome...

    Well guys, that's me - great forum, mental note to self - must make an effort to keep visiting this one...


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