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Posts posted by akabane

  1. Benvenuto Francesco! :)

    @Leen2112: Smileys are there because (I guess) we as Italians need to make sure what we try to convoy gets interpreted with the most correct mood possible (like we do when we speak Italian). Being a forum a written medium it's much more difficult to achieve that without the use of smileys. Just consider them as our online gesticulation :P

  2. Since I got the TRB JP 2 (bought second hand for ~1200£, retail price £2700 according to Bass Gallery even if I think that should be dollars and not pounds :P ) I take it with me whenever I have to play anything, anywhere.
    No point IMO in not taking your best gear with you :D

    ...even when they're playing something where that monster would look out of place XD

  3. I'm truly sorry for your loss - I know the feeling.
    As others have said I'm in for the whip-round as well, would be great to have something organized.

    Oh and never, never justify the owning of a nice instrument with the fact that 'you don't need it'.
    As humans we LOVE nice things, and musicians do create a bond with their instruments, which makes it harder to shift gear around especially when it's for a forced reason.
    I mean, if I were to apply the same reasoning to me, I wouldn't be worth even a single string on my 6er, could do with a 3 strings bass until I learn some proper stuff. BUT, those are things we gift to ourselves, we're happy about them and proud to own them and play them.

    That being said, I'm pretty sure you have already made up your mind about this trade (you wouldn't be posting it here if that wasn't the case) and I understand you wouldn't want a chip in, but just imagine, after everything's gone, you could sit down and play some great stuff on that MIA Pbass, relieving your feelings at least a little bit...and that wouldn't be ONLY because you're playing bass. It would also be because you're playing THAT bass. :)

    [b]tl;dr: [/b]take this as a free bump AND offer for the whip-round :)

  4. He's a really great bass player - I do like almost all of his fingerstyle grooves and *some* of the slapped ones (a very few though) - even if I don't dig a lot of RHCP's stuff.
    The thing I guess is that people see Flea doing his slap fast thingy on youtube or bass lessons and compare him to good 'solo' players like Wooten and company, and Flea in that department (playing ALONE showing off) sucks big time. (and that's allright!)
    But that's just because he is NOT a solo bass player. He is a band member and his best stuff come from the songs with RHCP and you can hear that, wheter people like that kind of music or not.

    @BigRedX: [i]"Also I'm a great believer in the importance of the song and the arrangement over the instrumental prowess of the individual musicians. To me if as a musician you are more noticed that the songs you are playing that means either the songs themselves are weak, or you are over-playing. Either way IMO you've failed as a musician."[/i]

    I guess the 'oh wait, that's bs' line on this statement is really really thin - fact being that if you are in one of the most known bands in the globe you ARE going to be noticed (especially if you're in a 2 or 3 piece band). The fact that he shows off a lot as well does not help here.

    Your statement could be as well something like "IMO if you play notes higher than the 5th fret (possibly 4strings) you're not a bass player" and could be right AND so wrong at the same time, is a personal opinion but this way you have the risk of encapsulating some good players into stereotypes - which is always wrong I think.

    '...either way you've failed as a musician' is a pretty strong sentence :)

    (If I misunderstood what you wanted to say here I'm sorry - I'm sleeeeeeeeepy today XD)

  5. Very very nice 51m0n, both to read and to listen to! :D
    Btw Is that the Roscoe V you sporting at the recording? Sounds lovely :D

    (grammar question incoming: "and to listen to" sounds correct to me but is it correct? looks rendundant now that I type it - sorry, English is not my first language so always improving :P )

  6. [quote name='MozzaRellum' timestamp='1341783098' post='1724190']

    As LOVELY as this looks, I'm afraid is still a 5er :)
    (and fretted frets on top which I'm not accustomed and don't particularly dig aestethically, to but those are easily fixed :P )

  7. Update: I'm in the middle of a possible trade.
    For now the bass is ON HOLD!

    Still not sure whether it's going through but it's the closest for now! Still propose something if you feel like, minds can be changed ;)


    Hello there!

    I could be interested in trading my Yamaha TRB 6 JP II for another sixer if the offer is tempting enough!

    The bass is in really nice conditions and sounds as good as it looks!

    [u]I'm only looking for other 6 stringers[/u], so jump here and tempt me! :D

    It's a [b]feeler[/b], so I reserve the right to withdraw this at any time as I'm still not sure about trading it, but you all know how this works :P

    Some pics:

    Get on with the offers! :D
    (And have a nice Friday ;) )

    EDIT: I would value this at around 1300 £ if that sounds reasonable to you? :)

  8. [quote name='Len_derby' timestamp='1327141626' post='1506830']
    I think there'll always be a place for personal one-on-one teaching and learning. Even for the very basic stuff.

    I'd say, especially for the very basic stuff.
    In fact, if you manage to get someone live to teach you proper basic technique (l/r hand, muting, alternating fingers etc..) then it's a lot easier to look at a youtube 'advanced' video and gather info from it. And with some study you'll be able to replicate that because you had a good basic technique laid down in the first place :)

  9. Hi guys, I'm looking for a local (London) guitar tech/luthier to do a good set-up, some fretwork and maybe installing a ramp. Everything to be done on my TRB JPII.
    I have contacted Martin at the Gallery and he came up with a really reasonable quote - which would be probably my choice in the end.
    On the other end, I also mailed Dave Wild from wildguitars since he should be REALLY local to me, I picked him up from this thread.
    Unless I missed it, I failed to find feedback about this guy in the thread...where this recommendation came from?
    His reply was, to say the least, ugly-put, with typos one after the other, mentioning a price for a 'set-up and localized fretwork', and then another for a 'FULL set-up and complete fretwork'. I'm not mentioning what the prices were (but what I can say is that for the same asking price of the 'full setup and complete fretwork', martin does setup, fretwork and wooden ramp) but I was puzzled at the lack of attention put in the answer. He didn't even know what a ramp between pickups was. Which can be fair enough (well, at least heard about...) if you never done one, but at least look on google. I wouldn't like someone to say "I don't know what you're asking me for, what is it? But hey here's the money you should give me anyway".
    I sent a mail back trying to shed some light on the differences between 'set-up' and 'FULL set-up' (???). Will let you know.
    Not impressed at all for now anyway.
    Just thought I'd share my 2p with him for now.

  10. To me, playing someone else's music is interpretation.
    That meaning, first of all, that if the original piece is successful is because the original band played it their own way, and people enjoyed that.
    If I'm playing a cover, I'd MUCH MUCH rather play it in my own view of the piece, more or less faithful to the original.
    I play what that piece 'tells me' to play, if you want.
    That said, there are songs that I keep playing the exact same as they were originally intended, for that same reason.


  11. Yeah, inlay work is really amazing.
    For the pearl tuners, I'm fearful about them too for what dings and knocks are concerned, but they put a smile on my face every time I take the bass off its (haaaard) case :D
    I guess my GAS has been toned down by about 200% since I own the thing! :)

  12. And here it is, my Xmas present from myself! :D

    This bass is beautiful!
    Photos don't do it justice, it must be seen live to appreciate the colours.

    Tone wise it has plenty of growl and piano-like highs, with a bit of knob twisting it can access a good range of sounds, even if the mids knob is really really sensitive. Chording is a pleasure!
    I don't slap much, but for the little I tried I'm really comfortable with the string spacing, and for the fingerstyle now I'm just a couple days into it but I'm already getting comfortable with that (coming from a 6stringer with narrower spacing). The neck is fast.

    I LOVE the impressive width of the fingerboard...aircraft landing size! :D

    Construction quality is really top notch, the top has a nice contrast, and I LOVE the pearl tuners...Inlay work is beautiful too!!

    I'll bring it to do some setup (the action can be set lower and I'd like that :D ) and it needs small sanding on the 21th fret, G string height (there is a small bump in the fret). Probably will get a removable ebony ramp as well :P

    All in all, I'm still in the process of 'feeling at home' with the instrument, but I'm already loving it!

    Happy holidays everyone!! :D

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