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Everything posted by raj_1995

  1. I'm not all that sure on the weight difference between the two bridges, although I've seen it before, that the back block of the Gotoh is actually hollow? If anybody could clear that up for me, it would be much appreciated Thanks again
  2. Thanks for the replies lads (: Been offered a good price for the fitting work anyway, so might as well get it done
  3. Hello all, Just got a question on a bridge upgrade that I may well be doing to my bass soon. I currently have the stock vintage 4-saddle bridge with threaded barrels on my bass, and am considering replacing it with a Gotoh 201 bridge. This is mainly because I have a new Warmoth body on its way from the USA, in black, so at the same time I bought a matching set of Schaller tuners and a black Gotoh 201. I just wondered whether it would be a step up or a step down? On a side note, how is the thicker Warmoth body likely to affect the sound of the bass? The stock Fender body is 1.5" thick but I believe Warmoth's measure 1.75"? Many Thanks
  4. October last year was when I bought my Fender Classic 50's Precision reissue bass, which I am more than happy with. I know that it is MIM, but the price point of the American Standards is what put me off buying one. They could be had for around £900 at that time, prior to the VAT rise from 17.5% to 20%. Now I understand they are around the £1100 mark? Earlier this year I went up to Dawson's in Leeds, mainly just for a look around, but ended up trying out an American Standard Precision and an Aerodyne Jazz, and I have to say, the Am. Stnd. was a pretty big letdown for the price. In fairness I will say, the setup on it wasn't great at all, but it didn't feel as comfortable as my own. The Aerodyne was however, a phenomenal bass and for a while I considered selling my own Fender and buying one of those. I understand there are other MIA alternatives to the Am. Stnd. such as the Highway 1 series and the newer American Specials, and have yet to play either, so I will reserve my full judgement on the prices of the Am. Stnd's until I have played the alternatives, or found a better example to try out. I know there are members on here who are more than happy with their MIA Fenders, so it really is, each to their own! (:
  5. Hello all, first post here (: Recently I have been able to borrow a camera and decided to record/upload some covers to YouTube. I have been using Windows Movie Maker 2.6 to produce the final products, as even though I am running Windows 7, I didn't want to download the latest Movie Maker from Microsoft's website as I don't like the new version of Windows Live Messenger which is automatically updated. My technique to record is play the song through my headphones, whilst recording the video, with the amp turned up loud enough for me to hear with the plugs in. Then in Movie Maker I add the MP3 file of the song. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xtT0t3WRut8"]Velvet Revolver - Set Me Free (cover) [/url] The main issue I have is syncing the video to the audio file, the video posted above is the only one I have recorded that I have been able to sync to a reasonable degree. I did this by pressing the record button on the camera and the play button on Media Player simultaneously. However I have not been able to repeat this since. If anyone has any suggestions on alternative techniques or programs (preferably free) that would make creating decent covers a simpler task, I would be very grateful (: Many Thanks
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