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Posts posted by LowdownRumble

  1. Couple of years ago i played a single song in a christmas concert. All i had to do was walk on stage plug in and play. As soon as i plugged in I noticed there was no sound coming from the amp. This had happened before at a practice with the same amp, and it had been repaired. Luckily there was a double bass player on stage as well, so the lack of me playing went unnoticed. after the song i walked off quite pissed off and gave the techie a good bollocking. After the gig i went to check the amp and realised there were two leads next to the amp. One plugged into the amp and one not connected to anything. :) Guess which one I plugged in to my bass?

  2. You are correct, sir. :) Dunno why I said treble clef.
    Its 'brother' warrior 2 seems to be sold for ridiculously low prices like £80, but i cant find the warrior 3 anywhere. Probably due to it being discontinued more than a decade ago :)

    The guy on the left is obviously a bassist who just wants to get on with the song. Guy on the left is the self-centred guitard who goes on his 5 minute long solo and gets taught a lesson.

  3. I'm hoping someone would know this. Few years ago I saw a black, hollow body electric 4 stringer with gold hardware and quite a wide neck. If it helps it had two treble clef sound holes and think the company or model name was warrior. I quite liked the look of it but have had no luck on google. It was used and up for sale for roughly £350, so it wasnt a top end bass.

  4. [quote]
    I think you might have missed my point on this one. As I said before, given that the people on this forum are musicians, they're bound to take more of an interest in music than the average joe down ' pub. May point is that will joe public in poland have heard of this music? As you pointed out, you won't hear it on the radio. That's what I meant. Of course you won't hear it on the radio, because it's not something that's familiar to the general public.

    Coming from Latvia myself, I can honestly say that most people don't find good music on the radio any more. Most is found through recommendations or on sites such as lastfm. We get lots of music from abroad especially UK and USA, mainly cus home artists just arent that musically gifted. There are a few good ones though:

    same one in english for those that care about lyrics


  5. bit of a high jack, but couple of years ago i saw a black hollow body bass in a shop and cant for the life of me remember what it was. As i said it was black hollow body, four string, quite a wide neck, small body and im not sure but i think it had warrior in its name. Dont know if that was the company or the model. Also it had gold hardware.

    Anyone, please?

  6. I was wondering, instead of me lugging around a cab, what if i just bring my amp and connect it to a combo where i play. Could i drive the speaker in the combo from my amp, or could i just send a signal from my amp to the combo and use its head as the power amp?

    Any of these scenarios possible? Oh, the amp is an eden wtx500, and the combo is a peavey tnt-115. Not looking for massive volume, just dont really like playing through the peavey.

  7. Sorry to high jack this thread a bit, but im having a similar dilemma. Got a Hartke VX215 cab, but no head to run through it. Ive checked out a few heads and narrowed it down to these:
    -GK MB500
    -Hartke LH500
    -Peavey Tour 450
    -Ashdown MiBass
    -Markbass F1 at a push
    ...and obviously any used head thats under £450.
    I play metal music in a band, but most other genres outside that so am looking for a pretty versatile head. Unfortunately, im not in a position to go and try out different heads as i live in the back corner of norfolk a.k.a miles from anything remotely related to bass. I love a bit of grit when needed, but mostly look for a warm, punchy tone with plenty of lows. Any other suggestions apart from those would be welcome. Max I'd pay is £500

    PS Dont really care about the weight or size

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