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Posts posted by Immo

  1. Well, I think not everyone has to be RHCP's Flea to dominate a song with his slap'n'funky playing.

    I guess many bass players in the former days just knew what they were for in the band - to complete the groove, to fill the low end and to add the warmth and rhythm to the songs. And those who became virtuosos (or "monster players", as you named it), still held the rhythm part, not the so-called "shred onanism".
    After 90's many bass players seem to play overly sophisticated stuff to stand out, catch the attention and prove that bass is something more than a rhythm, groove-making instrument. Well... in most cases, it isn't and there's nothing to be proven there! But also many became the exact opposite of those "mental slappers" - they though, they're just meant to fill the low end, ignoring the groove.

  2. [quote name='gelfin' timestamp='1385249501' post='2286196']
    Just love pedantry.

    I get accused of it quite often.
    You should show your Basschat.co.uk Moderator Licence at those times, then. "You have a right to remain orthographically and grammatically correct. Every error you'd make..." or something like that. ;)

  3. Not too bass related, but gotta mention it: iIn Poland the biggest language pet peeve of all is "bynajmniej" vs. "przynajmniej".
    "Bynajmniej" (spelled bee-nay-mney) means "not at all" or "anything, but" or "it's the last thing I meant".
    "Przynajmniej" (spelled pshee-nay-mney) means "at least".
    People who confuse this word are silly. They say something like "Bynajmniej jestem inteligentny, nie tak jak ty!" which means "I'm not inteligent at all, unlike you!" when they want to say "I'm at least intelligent, unlike you!"

    Dunno if it makes me angry or laugh more :D

  4. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1385236290' post='2286031']Why people think that things on eBay should be cheaper than anywhere else, or why eBay traders should have to deliver items much, much quicker than anyone else is beyond me.[/quote]
    People got used to thinking that way - it's a modern day swap meet/pawn shop/garage sale version after all ;)

  5. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1385231937' post='2285944']
    I still don't understand why that would bother anyone. Who cares what other people buy? Do these 'advisors' stand in shops all day (when they not trawling auction sites that is) and give advice to prospective customers there?
    Sometimes they're ar**eholes or "chancers", but some have good intentions I believe. And some maybe just want to make a good use of their otherwise irrelevant knowledge about early 80's Japanese lawsuit basses made of ash in FujiGen? ;)

    Edit: Well, look at you. We were both thinking 'bout FujiGen.
    [u]Buy FujiGen basses, people. [/u]:D

  6. [quote name='BetaFunk' timestamp='1385228365' post='2285872']
    I'm sure that the salesman in my local Ferrari dealership can see my frustration when i look at those gleaming cars in the showroom at what i see as unrealistic prices but guess what? He won't reduce those prices.
    Yeah, but a guy who sells second hand bass with wear and dings at a new one's price may become worried that he won't sell his merchandise and maybe he'll do some research.

  7. [quote name='Beer of the Bass' timestamp='1385219366' post='2285728']
    Hypothetically, if I borrowed the steel mesh from the front of my speaker cabinet and used it to support food on top of my barbecue, would it be both a grille and a grill?
    One moment you discuss peacefully about a amplifier grating and barbecue, and suddenly the philosophers come, parachuting out of a clean sky... ;)

  8. I hate the opposite situation I usually get on basoofka.net (polish bass forum) - there are no rules that force the seller to state the price he wants.

    Usually sellers just post: "PM about details" or, at best, "PM me for a price". And, when asked about the price, they most often say "Offer something!" or "How much can you give?".
    You're selling the stuff, for God's sake, you know how much you value it! If you want to sell it to the highest bidder, use eBay or Allegro*, dammit! <_<
    All comes to finding [s]a sucker[/s] an unreasonable and unaware person: "Maybe he's dumb and he'll offer an above par price?"...
    No, siree! It is mine, as a buyer, privilege to hunt an offer that will turn into profit, now isn't it?! :D

    [size=2]* sort of Polish eBay[/size]

  9. Try using a small dose of putty applied on the dings. Then paint the body thoroughly. I know some Star Wars cosplayers making sets of dented battle armours used that method. After painting in colour, they simple removed the putty, revealing the metallic painted underlayer.

  10. Sorry for digging up the fossil, but I have a question for someone who might know a bit more 'bout Encores.
    I found this baby:

    up on an Internet auction, fairly cheap and in good condition, minus some rust and minor dings it's really nice. Is it made in India (as it has the Fender-style headstock and square string tree)? I know those MiI were the best ones.

    I have an identical (Encore made as well) PU in my drawer and I wonder about buying this baby and fitting it with this second PU in the bridge position (Fender Precision Elite II / Blacktop J-Bass style) and changing the pickguard to something more lively and less boring. ;)

  11. At first I disliked used and vintage gear, thinking it's used and bruised. Now I value it the most, as it's well seasoned plus has survived world's hostilities and is still kickin'.
    Another thing must be the whole idea of a bass with one passive pickup. When I was a newbie, I thought it's limiting. Now I know that more PU's, knobs and switches limit my creativity and the will to try some other fingering/muting/etc. techniques.
    Third thing will be midrange. In Polish slang, we call the Eq set on lows and highs boost as "Roman's Smile" and Eq set on mid boost as "Sad Roman" (Roman's a common man name in Poland, I don't know the genesis of this term) and as a newbie I used Roman's Smile all the time, thinking it'll be cool. Now I boost only lower mids (~200Hz) and use "brite" switch.

    As for the non-bass stuff, well... red beans, brie & camembert, spinach of any kind and many other things.

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